Main Library – 6th Floor Bienes Conference Room

Chair Anthony Abbate called the meeting to order at 10:40 am and welcomed new PAD Committee member Howard Katz.

PAD MEMBERS PRESENT: Anthony Abbate, Chair (9a1); Michael Mattox (p10a0); Kona Gray (p7a0); Kasama Polakit (p7a3); Anthony Lauro (p7a1, excused a1); Howard Katz (p1)

PAD MEMBERS ABSENT: John Sandell (p1a1)

STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Becht, Director; Leslie Fordham, PAD Administrator; Kathie Margoles, Project Manager; Claire Garrett, Project Manager; Tin Ly, Conservation Project Manager, Lisa Lopez, Arts Assistant; Mary Ann Caldron, Recording Secretary

OTHERS: Janet Gold; Edith Gooden-Thompson, BCC member; Peg Buchan, Assistant to Director, Port Everglades

A motion was made by Michael Mattox, seconded by Kona Gray, to approve the minutes of the

September 8, 2010 meeting. The motion was unanimously approved.

A motion was made by Kona Gray, seconded by Michael Mattox, to discuss Action Item #1.

Leslie Fordham stated that, rather than use the Café system, we would use our resources to advertise a Call to Florida Artists. Kona Gray questioned if this proposal would interfere with any future proposal for a canopy. Kathie Margoles stated that any canopy would be in the open area where the plaza is, whereas the Call to Artists for this design is confined to the portico area and possibly the sidewalks. Mary Becht stated that we own the canopy design and that will be available to Pembroke Pines should they decide to pursue it at a later date. However, they would have to resolve the technical issues in order to build it. Leslie Fordham mentioned that the County Public Works Department has offered the use of their construction division whenever we wish, should technical issues need to be resolved with our reviews. Mr. Abbate noted that the Committee has suggested that architects and design professionals be involved in the selection panels so their expertise is also available.

A motion was made by Kasama Polakit, seconded by Michael Mattox, to recommend approval of a Call to Florida Artists for the Pembroke Pines ArtsPark Project for a mosaic tile artwork in the portico area at the Susan B. Katz Center, which may or may not include the walls and columns and concrete sidewalks east of the portico, in an amount not to exceed $90,000 and up to $10,000 for contingency. Three selected finalists will be paid $1,500 each for their design proposal and presentation to the Artist Selection Panel. The motion was approved 4/2. Kona Gray and Anthony Lauro voted against the motion.

A motion was made by Michael Mattox, seconded by Kasama Polakit, to discuss Action Item #2. Michael Mattox questioned whether it is intended that up to three artists would work as a team, or that three individual artists will be working on their own unique projects. The response was, “not as a team.” The Call is worded so as to allow for flexibility. It does not preclude one artist being selected to do all three projects or preclude a team of artists applying together. Claire Garrett stated that the projects will probably all have different timelines. She stated that there are four terminals. She noted that Ralph Helmick’s major work, located in Terminal 21, will remain in one of the four terminals. Because this is a major work of art, it is unlikely that an additional artwork would be commissioned for the same terminal. Peg Buchan noted that the four terminals being renovated are for a single cruise ship operator. For that reason, she felt that there might be some benefit in collaboration between the artist(s) selected.

Kona Gray questioned whether the artist(s) would be part of the architectural team. Peg Buchan stated that the artist will have access to the architectural team and the team will respond to the needs of the artist(s) but the architect will not consider the artist part of the design team. She stated that presently the architect is looking at the functionalities required of a cruise terminal, assessing the


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needs of customs border protection, Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the cruise lines. Once the information has been gathered, the architectural firm will look at the way the current terminals are configured and make recommendations that will result in passengers being processed through the terminals more efficiently, safely and within all rules. Ms. Buchan felt that the architect’s scope of work does will not affect the artist. The design budget is $20 million which is not a large budget to renovate four terminals. Mr. Lauro felt that there is not enough information for this Call. Peg Buchan stated that this Call keeps the art opportunities open for the Port. She stated that the timetable agreed upon by all parties will dovetail with the artist. Claire Garrett stated that staff will not issue guidelines to the finalists to design conceptual design proposals until the facts are known and they will compete with each other based on their design proposals that will be tailor made to one or more very specific sites and specific sets of criteria. Mr. Gray felt that we should be looking for artists who are familiar working with terminals and perhaps that specific language should be in the Call to Artists.

Mr. Lauro felt that perhaps there should be two components, one being invitational. Mary Becht stated that in crafting the Call, we should maintain maximum flexibility - interior art, exterior art, multiple artists. Mr. Abbate stated that the Artist Selection Panel is charged with vetting the pool of applicants and all submittals the members feel are unqualified should be removed from consideration. If the Panel feels all are unqualified, they should all be removed. Mr. Abbate feels that the Selection Panels should fearlessly and aggressively promote our objectives. Public dollars are spent on public facilities to enhance the public space and experience for residents and visitors, regardless of where it is. Those customers need to understand that our priority, not withstanding their business goals, is to enhance the experience for the public. Perhaps in the Call we should mention that the scope of this overall project is to improve the functionality and enhance the experience of the existing terminals. Under the heading Application Process, Mr. Abbate suggested “shall select a shortlist of finalists on the basis of the excellence of their past work of similar scope as demonstrated by visuals and other submissions.” He encouraged the Port to speak to its design consultants about collaborating with the artist early on because if the Selection Panel is thoughtful about getting the right artists and hopefully the design team can attend the Selection Panel meetings, they can select an artist that can help them think through the problems and come up with a creative way to solve the functionality that is part of the artistic contribution. Claire Garrett stated that at the finalist interviews the Artist Selection Panel will see what they are getting and what their choices are with the conceptual design proposals, the design boards and in some cases maquettes. The artists will have developed these proposals based on the very specific criteria and site locations we provide to them. Ms. Garrett stated that we make reference to the Port Everglades Public Art Master Plan in the Artwork Scope and we are encouraging artists who are applying in the first round to familiarize themselves with the facility and will select the artworks that will represent them best for this project. Mary Becht stated the artists could explain their reference to the Master Plan in their letter of interest. Mr. Abbate stated that the Chair of the Selection Panel should highlight these items and work closely with staff to guide the meeting. Mr. Abbate suggested adding language such as “to improve the functionality and enhance the experience of existing terminals” and “to select a shortlist of finalists on the basis of the excellence of their past work of similar scope as demonstrated by visuals and other submissions.” Mr. Mattox felt that interactive artwork will probably not work for these projects.

A motion was made by Michael Mattox, seconded by Kona Gray, to recommend approval of a National Call to Artists for the Port Everglades Cruise Ship Terminal Renovation Projects in an amount not to exceed $462,000 ($420,000 art; $42,000 contingency) with the addition of language as follows: to improve the functionality and enhance the experience of existing terminals, and as part of the Application Requirements, the applicants should outline prior public art projects at ports or any other experience of similar scope that is relevant to this project. The motion was unanimously approved as amended.

Note: Up to three artists may be commissioned to design, fabricate and install artworks for several existing terminals being renovated for Carnival Cruise Lines.


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Peg Buchan thanked the Committee and stated that she would report back to the Port senior team how extensively the Committee cares about this project.

Leslie Fordham gave a presentation as a follow-up to discussion at the PAD Committee meeting that took place on August 11, 2010 regarding the possible need for an artist registry. She stated that Broward County had an artist registry in 2001. Committee members were provided with a list of artists in that registry. Anthony Abbate questioned whether the purpose of the presentation is to take the registry we have and turn it into a website or something more active. Ms. Fordham stated that this presentation is provided in response to a PAD Committee inquiry. Mr. Abbate stated that it emanated from the topic of improving the overall quality of selections. Mary Becht stated that a registry could provide preselected artists who could quickly be matched with projects. Mr. Abbate questioned whether this could be an opportunity to work with ArtServe’s website – they may handle the site but it would be a link to the public art component and that would be a juried component. Mr. Lauro suggested that it should be a “Professional” Artists Registry. Mr. Abbate felt that it is a good concept to have a juried pool of artists, a professional public art and design registry. There was discussion about how to list the artists in the registry. Mr. Abbate felt that someone could be a national artist, residing in Broward. He felt that categorization should be about the artists’ scope of work, where the work is placed, and how it is recognized – residency is a separate thing. An asterisk could indicate Broward-based artists in any of the categories. Michael Mattox felt that if we had such a registry in place today, it may provide some artists who could be invited to submit for the Port Call. Mr. Lauro stated that he is a proponent of inviting artists. Mr. Abbate stated that perhaps it could be an ongoing agenda item to review artists for the registry. He stated that the consensus appears to be that we should pursue this. He felt that we could have a conversation with ArtServe about this, to see if they may help with web posting.

Mary Becht stated that the County approved the budget. The Division lost 10%; from 08-11 that brings

us to a 36% reduction. Our ordinance was unanimously approved by the County Commission. The Creative Broward 2020 workshop has been postponed until the new Commissioners are on board. Committee members were provided with a copy of the report. There will be a voting form on the Cultural Division website on the 49 recommendations to help select which the Council should move forward with.

Mary Becht thanked Anthony Abbate and Janet Gold for their service on the PAD Committee. Janet Gold has been with the Committee for two years and has Chaired various Artist Selection Panels. Anthony Abbate has been with the Cultural Council for nine years and served on the Executive Committee for eight years. He was the chair in 06-07, originally appointed by Jim Scott and then Diana Wasserman-Rubin. He has been involved in public art for sixteen years. Mr. Abbate stated that he has faith and optimism for the future and he is very happy to see the energy level on the PAD Committee and the drive for quality and access. He stated that we want to make sure that our community grows in terms of its own capability to develop a high level local culture, and he will continue on with this mission. Mary Becht stated that we should be the ambassadors of not only function, but beauty and function.

Leslie Fordham reported on the following:

·  Dania Beach Paul DeMaio Branch Library: relocate Smoot-Cain five mosaic tile

Artworks (service provided by Nelson Tile, $3,000) from old Library to the new Library. Estimated to be complete first week of December, 2010.

·  Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport: relocate two Clyde Butcher photo-murals (service provided by Correlation Design and International Art Services, $3,200) to T2 and T4 while work takes place at T3. Estimated to be done November, 2010

·  Conservation–Accordant Zones at Judicial Complex–completed 9/28/2010


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·  Lee Wagener Art Gallery – Rosanna Saccoccio exhibition to open in October

·  Lee Wagener Art Gallery – roster of artists approved 9/8/10 – Ann Storck Center not eligible – does not meet qualifications set out in the original Call to Artists. Mr. Abbate stated that the Cultural Council suggested there may be a way to have an independent exhibit of their work at the Airport, however we cannot pay them. We can perhaps produce a brochure. That is for future discussion. Mary Becht stated there was a recent exhibition of their work at ArtServe. Mr. Mattox questioned if there might also be a place for a similar exhibit at the Port.