PACT Meeting – Love Lane, The Barracks & Larks Hill
Minutes – 14thMarch 2012
Completed by – PCSO 581 Jane Mcmillan
In attendance:
PC4981 Deb Ardron
PCSO Paul Guest
PCSO 581 Jane McMillan
Natalie Guy – WDH
Cllr Pat Garbutt
Cllr Tony Dean
31 Members of public
Clive Tennant- Councillor
Introduction from PC Deb Ardron
Apologies and Introductions given
Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting:
- Minden Close - Calls regarding the police attending ASB calls for youths playing football in this area are still ongoing, youths have been identified and further action is being considered. Please continue to ring 101 for any nuisance or Anti Social Behaviour issues.
- Barrack Estate - Discussed previous reports of small off road motor cycle in barracks estate. Local address visited following information from previous meeting, and occupants advised. Source of this motorcycle, occupants have now been evicted and this particular problem appears to be resolved.
- PC Ardron reported the seizing of an off road motorbike and is following up further information from this meeting.
Issues of relevance discussed:
- Barracks Field – Bottles and containers are being left on the field after games have been played – PCSO Mcmillan is to contact the organisers to arrange for pick ups to be done at the end of each match.
Councillor Tony Deanrecommended contacting the fixtures organiser at the council, and to see if any particular team or group can be identified as posing problems regarding litter and parking.
- Recycle bins Barracks field -Street scene manager to be chased up regarding this. Also waiting budgets for new financial year. (April 2012)
- Barracks Community Centre - Pavement slabs outside are an issue. Members report that some have been replaced but there are still problem slabs in the area of 137 Queens Avenue on the
- Barracks Estate –
Double yellow lines reported to be broken and fading on the entrance to the Barracks estate with some vehicles now parking and causing obstruction. Location to be examined by officer’s highways to be contacted and offending vehicles to be dealt with accordingly by PCSO Mcmillan.
- Resident mentioned problems with a sunken drain. Pat Garbutt aware and dealing.
- Councillors advised the group regarding new legislation for benefits and housing and Wakefield area is to be one of the pilot areas for the country to assess issues arising from this new legislation.
- Bins outside the area of 137 Queens Avenue, Barracks being filled up
by the occupants of 153 Queens Avenue. Andrew Siddons WDH
9. Due to increase in bogus type offences – currently looking at setting up
a cold calling control zone current scheme from West Yorkshire
Trading Standards – PC4981 Deb Ardron investigating
Pact Priorities
The local priorities are as follows:
- Love Lane, Halfpenny Lane – Burglary dwelling and vehicle crime at all times of the day and night.
- The Barracks field off Wakefield Road – Anti social behaviour between 6pm and 10pm.
- Minden Close – Anti social behaviour between 5pm and midnight.
Next Meetings are at 6pm
Wednesday 25th April 2012
Wednesday 6th June 2012
The Barracks Community Centre