WARHAMMER(7th edition) Reference
Turn Sequence
1 Start of the Turn Phase
2 Movement Phase
3 Magic Phase
4 Shooting Phase
5 Close Combat Phase
Movement Phase
- Declare Charges
Declare which units will charge and nominate an enemy to charge (at least one model must be able to see the opposing unit). Before measuring for range, declare charge responses:
- Stand and shoot (shoot only if chargers are more than half their charge move away)
- Hold (units already in combat may only hold)
- Flee (units already fleeing may only flee, this move is performed during Compulsory Moves)
- Rally Fleeing Troops
If at least 25% of the original unit survives, test to see if the unit rallies. Musicians give a +1 Leadership bonus for the rally attempt. Rallied troops reform in the Remaining Moves phase.
- Compulsory Moves
Move fleeing units and those subject to compulsory moves. Units initially flee away from the cause, and in subsequent turns flee towards the nearest table edge.
- Move Chargers
Resolve any stand and shoot reactions at this stage, before measuring for charge success. Chargers approach the enemy unit’s zone (front, flank or rear) they were located in at the beginning of the charge. Charging takes the usual deductions for crossing terrain and obstacles. A charging unit cannot turn, change formation or reform – it may only wheel once at any point during its move. Once the charging unit is in contact a free alignment move is made in order to bring the most models into contact. A failed charging unit moves only its normal Move rate. Fleeing units flee at 2D6” for Move rate up to 6” and flee at 3D6” for Move rate greater than 6”. If the chargers have sufficient range to catch fleeing enemies the fleeing unit is destroyed. If the chargers run into another unit during the chase they are allowed to declare a new charge or stop 1” away. This second unit makes a normal charge reaction. This additional charge is repeated until the chargers complete their movement.
Failed Charges
The charging unit is moved at its normal rate directly towards the intended target. This unit cannot shoot missile weapons but may cast spells.
- Remaining Moves
Move the remaining troops. A unit returning to the table may move normally (no charges or marching), and count as having moved for shooting. Otherwise it participates as normal. Rallied troops must make a Reform maneuver for their entire movement and may not shoot in this turn (Fast Cavalry may move and shoot).
- Wheel
The unit pivots around one corner. The movement is measured by the outside model.
- Turn
The models in the unit are turned ‘in place’ 90 or 180 degrees. This costs the unit a quarter of its move.
- Change Formation
The unit may add/remove up to 5 models on its front rank for half of its move or up to 10 models for its entire move.
- Reform
The unit can change direction and formation for its entire move.
- March
The unit moves double its Move rate. Troops cannot march if enemy models are within 8” at the start of the turn (fleeing enemy do not count). Units cannot march through difficult terrain or cross obstacles. Marching units cannot shoot missile weapons but may still cast spells.
Except for hatred and frenzy where no test is required, tests are made with 2D6 against Leadership. Units within 12” of the General may use the General’s leadership.
Terror (test taken at start of turn if not in combatand others as per Fear)
This test is only taken once per battle per unit. Units must take a Terror test for the following:
- A Terror causing enemy is within 6” at the start of the turn – if it fails it will flee.
Stupidity (test taken at start of turn if not in combat)
If a unit fails its stupidity test it moves directly forwards at half speed during compulsory move phase. Skirmishing units determine direction of move using scatter dice. Units that fail stupidity test cannot charge, shoot or cast spells for that turn. If the unit blunders into an enemy unit it counts as a charge. If the unit blunders into a friendly unit both units are pinned in place for the remainder of the movement phase. Creatures who fail their Stupidity test are Immune to Psychology.
Units may only take one panic test per phase. Units must take a Panic test for the following:
- It suffers 25% or more casualties in a given phase
- A friendly unit of strength 5 or more within 6” is destroyed
- A friendly unit of strength 5 or more within 6” breaks from combat
- Friendly unit of strength 5 or more flees through the unit
Units must take a fear test for the following:
- If charged by a Fear-causing enemy – if it fails against a larger foe it must flee, if it fails against a smaller foe it will require 6s to hit in first turn of combat.
- If wishing to charge a Fear-causing enemy.
A unit beaten in close combat by a fear or terror causing unit that outnumbers them must pass an Insane Courage test or be forced to flee.
- Must always charge if an enemy is within site and range (measure after other charges are declared).
- Gain +1 attack (including mounts).
- Immune to Psychology.
- Must always pursue and overrun.
- Loose their frenzy if defeated in combat.
- May re-roll any misses in the first turn of combat.
- Must always pursue and overrun hated enemies.
Immune to Psychology
- Automatically pass tests for: Panic, Fear and Terror and are not automatically broken if defeated by Fear or Terror causing enemy.
- May never flee as a charge reaction.
- Take break tests as normal.
- Use unmodified leadership on all Break tests.
- Immune to Psychology.
- Automatically pass all Break tests.
- Can never flee as a charge reaction.
- Unbreakable swarms beaten in combat take wounds equal to the difference they’ve lost by (these cannot be saved or regenerated).
Resolve each unit’s shooting one at a time, starting with units that require the range to be guessed. Only the front rank of a unit may fire unless the unit is on a hill in which case two ranks can fire. At the end of the phase take any required Panic tests.
Shooting to hit: (rolls of 1 always miss)Firer’s BS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
D6 to hit: 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3
Shooting to hit modifiers:
+1 Shooting at large target
-1 Shooting while moving
-1 Target is behind soft cover (hedges and woods)
-2 Target is behind hard cover (buildings, rocks, trenches, pits)
-1 Shooting at long range
-1 Stand and shoot (shooting at chargers)
-1 Shooting at single model or skirmishers
7+ to hit requires:
7 6 followed by a 4+
8 6 followed by a 5+
9 6 followed by a 6
10 Impossible!
Missile Weapons / Range / Strength / RulesShort Bow / 16” / 3 / None
Bow / 24” / 3 / None
Long Bow / 30” / 3 / None
Crossbow / 30” / 4 / Move or fire
Repeater Crossbow / 24” / 3 / 2 x multiple shots (-1 to hit when multi-shot)
Sling / 18” / 3 / 2 x multiple shots within 9” (-1 to hit when multi-shot)
Javelin / 8” / As user / Thrown weapon
Throwing star/knife / 6” / As user / Thrown weapon
Throwing axe / 6” / As user+1 / Thrown weapon
Handgun / 24” / 4 / Move or fire; armor piercing (Dwarf +1 to hit)
Pistol (shooting) / 8” / 4 / Armor piercing; always stand and shoot; brace of pistols = 2 x multiple shots
Close Combat
The player chooses any one of the combats and resolves it, continuing until all combats are resolved.
Resolving Combats
1. Fight the combat
2.Determine combat result
3.Take break test
4.Flee & pursue
1) Declare pursuit intentions, 2) determine flee distance, 3) determine pursuit distance, 4) remove fleeing units caught or move surviving fleeing troops, 5) move pursuing units
5. Redress ranks
Winning units not engaged on two sides are allowed a free formation or turn maneuver to:
- Increase the number of models in front rank by up to 5 models
- Turn to face enemies in their flank or rear
Combat Result BonusSituation / Bonus
Extra rank / +1 per rank after first (maximum +3) calculated at start of combat
Outnumber enemy / +1
Battle standard / +1
Standard / +1
Higher ground / +1
Flank attack / +1 for unit strength 5 in flank
Rear attack / +2 for unit strength 5 in rear
Overkill / +1 per excess wound (maximum +5)
Overrun:A charging unit with enemies destroyed by the end of the first round of combat may elect to overrun (treat as pursuit).
Standards: Standards are captured from close combat when a unit is destroyed or breaks and is pursued. Standards can be recaptured and are then removed from the battle. Standards are lost if a unit breaks and is not pursued.
Combat (cont’d)
Combat To Hit3 / If attacker’s weapon skill is greater than the defender’s.
4 / If defender’s weapon skill is greater than the attacker’s.
5 / If defender’s weapon skill is more than twice the attacker’s.
Combat To Wound
2 / Attacker’s strength 2 or more than defender
3 / Attacker’s strength 1 more than defender
4 / Attacker’s strength equal to defender
5 / Attacker’s strength 1 less than defender
6 / Attacker’s strength 2 or 3 less than defender
Not possible / Attacker’s strength 4 less than defender
Armor Save
Unarmoredno save
Light armor6+
Heavy armor5+
Armor Save Strength ModifiersStrength of hit / Save Modifier
3 or less / None
4 / -1
5 / -2
6 / -3
7 / -4
8 / -5
9 / -6
10 / -7
Combat Weapons / Rules
Hand Weapon / Infantry with two hand weapons gets +1 attack; infantry with hand weapon and shield gets +1 armor save in close combat against frontal attacks.
Great Weapon / +2 strength bonus; +1 when mounted; requires two hands; strike last.
Flail / +2 strength bonus in first turn of combat; requires two hands.
Morning Star / +1 strength bonus in first turn of combat.
Halberd / +1 strength bonus; requires two hands.
Spear (infantry) / Fight in two ranks.
Spear (mounted) / +1 strength bonus when charging.
Lance (mounted) / +2 strength bonus when charging.
Pistol (close combat) / Count as hand weapon; brace of pistols count as two hand weapons.
Victory points are awarded as follows:
- Each unit destroyed is worth its points value
- Each unit reduced to half of its strength is worth half of its points value, including characters reduced to half of their wounds
- Each table quarter that contains one unit of 5 unit strength or more with no non-fleeing enemy is worth 100 points
- A general slain, fleeing or fled is worth an additional 100 points
- Each captured enemy standard, including the battle standard, is worth an additional 100 points - the capturing unit must be alive and not fleeing
Game Size (per side) / Draw / Marginal / Solid / Massacre
0-999 / 0-74 / 75-149 / 150-299 / 300+
1,000-1,499 / 0-149 / 150-299 / 300-599 / 600+
1,500-1,999 / 0-224 / 225-449 / 450-899 / 900+
2,000-2,999 / 0-299 / 300-599 / 600-1,199 / 1,200+
3,000-3,999 / 0-449 / 450-899 / 900-1,799 / 1,800+
4,000+ / 0-599 / 600-1,199 / 1,200-2,499 / 2,500+