Plans December 2007

PA07/02070/BJeans,The Old Nursery, The Garey.Extension to dwelling to form garage with upstairs storage, alterations to provide canopy and roof verandah, conversion of existing garage to living accommodation and construction of new entrance gates and walls,

PA07/02115/BMr & Mrs A Cawte,6 Kella Close Sulby, Lezayre. Alterations and creation of a window.

PA07/02129/BMr & Mrs D Holt, Thie Drommey, Cronk Ruagh, Lezayre.Installation of six roof lights.

PA07/02136/REMMr Nigel Quirk,Plot Of Land Adjacent To The Vicarage Churchtown, Ramsey.Reserved matters application for the erection of a dwelling.

PA07/02155/GB The Milntown Trust, Milntown, Glen Auldyn. Alterations and extensions to existing house to create a restaurant, shop, public access and parking areas including the demolition of existing lean to conservatory (In association with 07/02156CON).

PA07/02156/CONMilntown Glen Auldyn. Registered Building Consent for alterations and extensions to existing house to create a restaurant, shop, public access and parking areas, including the demolition of existing lean to conservatory and internal alterations (RegisteredBuilding no 168, in association with 07/02155GB).

PA07/02158/B Mr D Popelier, Old Chapel, Glen Auldyn. Construction of a sun room extension with roof terrace over.

PA07/02163/BMrs Pamela Comish,Irish Cottage, Sulby Glen, Sulby.Installation of replacement windows and door to front elevation.

PA07/02181/AR.W.B. Farms Ltd, Field 130136, Balladoole,Bride Road. Approval in principle for the erection of an agricultural workers dwelling.

Notifications from DoLGE

PA07/01652/B Comish, Irish Cottage, Sulby Glen, Sulby. Installation of replacement windows and door. REFUSED


PA07/00375/A Bibby. On Appeal - Approval in principle for the demolition of existing metal outbuildings and erection of a disabled person’s dwelling on Land Adjacent to Allandale Farm, Ballamanagh Road, Sulby. Appeal allowed and the Committee’s decision to refuse permission should be reversed and the application approved subject to conditions to control the first occupation of the dwelling.

PA07/00216/B Mr G A & Mrs E Moore, Tramman, Ballamanagh Road, Sulby. Removal of agricultural workers condition on dwelling. Appeal Dismissed and the Planning Committee’s decision to refuse should be confirmed.


DoLGE Mr S Olsen Re: New BlockBuilding, plot of land South of field 131818 and adjacent to track, Narradale, Sulby, Lezayre. No enforcement action to be taken as building was completed more than four years ago. However the building must only be used as a store and any residential use will require planning and building regulations approval.