Monroe School District
Superintendent Search - 2014
January 6, 2014
On January 6, 2014 the Monroe School District Board of Directors adopted the following criteria and characteristics for the superintendent search.
Who Are We?
Small rural district
Situated between Eugene and Corvallis
Nearby research universities
Family-type atmosphere
Fiscally sound
Strong support from a close-knit community
High quality teachers and staff
Excellent athletic and arts programs
Small class sizes
Committed to serving all kids – we care
US News & World Report Bronze Award - 2013
US News & World Report Silver Award - 2010
What's Next?
Continue upgrades in technology
Update facilities
Become a destination district for students
Increase student opportunities for AP, STEM and CTE classes
Improve communication with all groups
- A current Oregon administrative license with an authorization for all levels, superintendent’s endorsement or a transitional superintendent license
- A master’s or doctorate degree in the field of education, preferably in education administration
- Successful experience as an educational leader and administrator
- Successful teaching experience at the elementary or secondary school level
- In lieu of the experience and training requirements, the Board may consider as a candidate an individual who meets transitional administrator or exceptional administrator license requirements
- Assume other administrative duties in a small district, e.g., current superintendent also serves as Special Education Director.
- Other qualifications as determined by the Board
Leadership Skills
- Builds relationships with staff and community
- Demonstrates strong decision making and problem solving ability
- Holds to difficult decisions in the best interest of students, staff and district
- Provides empowering leadership with fresh ideas for school improvement
- Is highly visible in the schools and community
- Implements effective educational programs and improvement strategies
- Understands school finance and demonstrates sound fiscal management skills
- Knowledgeable about Oregon school law, standards and regulations
- Able to lead the district in visionary planning, identifying innovative solutions
- Understands the challenges of a small rural school district
- Embraces community values and traditions
- Wants to be a part of this community
Desired Candidate Profile
Excellent communicator and listener
High degree of integrity/honesty
Good budgeting skills
Committed to serving all kids
Active in community
Visible in schools
Puts kids first
Sense of humor
Builds community and business partnerships
Creative and innovative
Educational leader for staff
Team player
Likes kids
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