
Youth Football & Cheer!

P. O. Box 91, North Branford, CT 06471 / Phone (203) 676-0807 /

On behalf of the North Branford Youth Football & Cheer Board of Directors and our coaches, we would like to welcome all new and returning football players and their families to the North Branford Youth Football & Cheer 2018 season. We are looking forward to another fun and successful season.

The purpose of North Branford Youth Football is to provide the local community with a fun, organized, and safe football experience. We pride ourselves on teaching the players discipline, respect and love for the game.

Head Coaches for the 2018 Season:

14u / “A” Team–Mark Stephens

12u / “B” Team -Jim Kwalek

10u / “C” Team -Anthony Salvati

North Branford Youth Football & Cheer is part of the Connecticut Youth Football and Cheerleading League (CTYFL) and has adopted an age based, weightrestricted format.

Age Based / WeightRestricted
Team / Age Max / Older Lighter Age/Max Weight / Protected Age Explanation
14u / 14 / N/A / Players must be 14 years of age, or under, as of Dec. 31st of the playing year.
Players may not be enrolled in High School.
The maximum weight shall be one hundred and eighty (197) pounds at game time. No players shall be allowed to play outside of these weights.
12u / 12 / 13 years old and less than 106 pounds may play on ‘B’ squad. / Players must be 12 years of age, or under, as of Dec. 31st of the playing year.
The maximum weight shall be one hundred and fifty-five (161) pounds at game time
10u / 10 / 11 years old and less than 85 pounds may play on ‘C’ squad. / Players must be 10 years of age, or under, as of Dec. 31st of the playing year.
The maximum weight shall be one hundred and thirty (135) pounds at game time

***Note: All older lighter requests must be submitted via e-mail to the NBYFC board and will be evaluated and decided on by the Executive Board & Head Coaches***

Equipment: Each player will receive a helmet, shoulder pads, rib pads, pants, practice Jersey and game jersey. Players are responsible for buying their own, cleats, socks, mouth guard, and a protective cup.

In order to receive your child's equipment, all player documentation must be handed in and registration must be paid in full. The following is a list of the required documents and can be found under the documents section of our website and/or at where you registered your child.

Code of Conduct

CTYFL Registration
Medical Clearance

Insurance Waiver and Release

Copy of Report Card (if applicable)

Copy of Birth Certificate

Practices: Practice begins on Wednesday; August 1, 2018, with King Devick Concussion Analysis taking place on Monday; July 30, 2018 & Tuesday; July 31, 2018 .

The first week requires minimum of 10 hours of conditioning with no pads.The second week of practice the pads go on and light contact begins. In week three, full contact begins.FULL CONDITIONING OF 10 HOURS MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE 3rd WEEK OF AUGUST.PLEASE SCHEDULE YOUR VACATIONS AROUND THIS SCHEDULE AS BEST AS POSSIBLE TO HELP ACCOMMODATE LEAGUE RULES. If your child misses these early practices, he/she cannot begin contact until conditioning requirements are met. In September, practice is reduced to three times per week.

Once school begins, practice days and times will be at the discretion of the head coach.

Games: Home and away games are played every Sunday. Each team will play 8 regular season games. Playoffs begin the following week which could extend the season 3 weeks. Home games are played at Totoket Park, 224 Foxon Road, North Branford, CT 06471.

If at any time you have a question your team parent is your first contact. If your team parent cannot answer your question they will contact your head coach. If your head coach cannot answer your question they will contact the NBYFC Board of Directors (). Open communications is the key to a successful season and happy safe athletes. Please feel free at any time to express concerns or questions. If we don't know, we can't help. We are looking forward to another successful football season!!


NBYFC Board of Directors