California State University, Long Beach
Health Care Administration Program
HCA 312 – Health Personnel Management
Fall 2015 Syllabus
Draft 8.11.15
(Subject to Change)
Instructor: Brenda Freshman, PhDCampus Phone: 562/985-1962
Office Hours: Mon. & Tue. 2:00 – 3:30pm, Wed. 2:30-3:30pm & by appt.
Office Location: HHS2-Bungalow #08
Office Phone: 562-985-1962
Best Method of Contact: Email
/ Class Number: 6716
Section #: 3
Class Meets: Monday, 4-6:45pm
Room: HHS1-201
Additional Contact Information:
HCA Program Administrative Coordinator: Deby McGill,
Tel. 562/985-5694; fax 562/985-5886
A. Catalog Description
The management of human resources in health care setting. Principles and methods of personnel work such as employee, recruitment, selection, retention, training, evaluation, and wage and salary administration, and labor management relations.
Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture)
B. Teaching/Learning Objectives
Students who have completed the course should be able to gain a grasp of Human Resources Management functions, become familiar with techniques and tools, and be aware of recent 7developments that impact the workforce in a healthcare setting.
Learning Objective / Domain / Competency / Activity (A1), Assignment (A2) or Assessment (A3)Describe basic HR management functions of employee recruitment, selection, retention, training, evaluation, and wage and salary administration and labor management relations. / 5 / C. Human Resource Management / On-line and in-class assignments and exams (A2,A3)
Apply tools, techniques and resources available to assist HR personnel in their roles. / 5 / C. Human Resource Management / In Class Exercises "ICEs" (A1, A2, A3),
Describe recent developments that impact the workforce in a healthcare setting. Define solutions to challenges. / 4 / B. Healthcare Personnel / Individual Case Presentation and write up (A1,A2,A3)
C. Required Text:
Fundamentals Of Human Resources In Healthcare (C)
Author: Fried
ISBN: 9781567933635
Status: Required
D. Other Requirements: E-mail address and Internet access to use the online BeachBoard course software system. If you have trouble with registration, contact the CSULB Technology Help Desk by phone at 562-985-4959 via e-mail at or in-person at the North Campus Center. NOTE: Use Internet Explorer as your browser for BeachBoard
Session # - Date / Topic / Reading, Activities & Deliverables*1) 8/24 / Introduction, course overview: organization, goals, expectations and assignments / Introduction to Course, Review syllabus, Ask questions.
In Class Exercise (ICE)
2) 8/31 / Strategic Human Resource Management
In Class Exercise (ICE) / Read: Chpt. 1
Submit On-line:
Chpt. 1 Quiz due 8/30
Due: Short presentation outline
3) 9/7 / The Healthcare Professional
Short Presentation Taping
ICE / Read: Chpt. 2
Submit On-line: Chpt. 2 Quiz due 9/6
4) 9/14 / The Legal and Ethical Environment
Short presentation Taping
Guest Speaker: Robert Siemer, ESQ.
ICE / Read: Chpt. 3
Submit: Chpt. 3 Quiz due 9/13
5) 9/21 / Job analysis and Job Design
ICE / Read: Chpt 4
Submit: Chpt. 4 Quiz due 9/20
Due: Short presentation video & feedback forms
6) 9/28 / Recruitment, Selection, Retention
Guest Speaker: Cynthia Vuguin??
ICE / Read: Chpt. 5
Submit: Chpt. 5 Quiz due 9/27
7 ) 10/5 / Organization Development and Training
Training Plan
Introduce Training Partner Assignment
Discuss Final Presentation assignment / Read: Chpt. 6
Submit: Chpt. 6 Quiz due 10/4
8) 10/12 / ON-LINE MIDTERM / Study for Mid Term
Due: Training Plan (in drop box) Due: Due: Presentation topic posted to discussion board
9) 10/19 / Performance Management
ICE / Read: Chpt. 7
Submit: Chpt. 7 Quiz due 10/18
10 ) 10/26 / Compensation Practices, Planning and Challenges
Employee Benefits
ICE / Chpt. 8 and 9
Submit: Chpt. 8 & 9 Quizzes due 10/25
12 ) 11/9 / Health, Safety and Preparedness
ICE / Read: Chpt. 10
Submit On-liine: Chpt. 10 Quiz due 11/08
13 ) 11/16 / Organized Labor
Trends Affecting the Healthcare Workforce
ICE / Read: Chpts. 11 & 12
Submit: Chpt. 11 & 12 Quizzes due 11/15
Due: Presentation Case Write Up
14) 11/23 / Work on Presentations
(Campus Closed)
15) 11/30 / Presentations / Peer Feedback
16) 12/7 / Presentations / Peer Feedback
17) 12/14 / FINAL
Training Plan Summary Due in Drop Box and Hard copy in class on Final Day. No late papers accepted for this assignment
*Instructor reserves the right to alter or change assignments. Changes in the syllabus will be announced via email and reflected in an updated syllabus and/or note posted on the beachboard. It is a student’s responsibility to remain updated on course changes.
HCA 312
F. Methods of Evaluation
Assignment Description / Pts. / %Short Presentation Outline (DB & HC) / 6 / 1.4
Short Presentation Delivery (IC)……………. / 10 / 2.4
In Class Exercises (14 x 6)……………………… / 84 / 20
Mid Term Exam……………………………………. / 30 / 7.2
Final Exam…………………………………………….. / 30 / 7.2
Training Plan (DB & HC)………………………. / 20 / 4.8
Presentation Case Write Up (DB & HC) / 30 / 7.2
Training Plan Summary (DB & HC)……….. / 30 / 7.2
Final Presentation Topic Post / 5 / 1.2
Final Presentation Outline (DB & HC)…... / 5 / 1.2
Final Presentation (IC) ……..…………………… / 30 / 7.2
Sign in……………………(15 x 1) / 15 / 3.6
Total Points……………………………………… / 415 / 100
Deliverable Method Key: DB = Drop box, HC = Hard Copy, IC = In class presentation
Grade Thresholds in % of available course points**
A = 90% +
B = 80% - 89.99%
C = 70% - 79.99%
D = 60% - 69.99%
F = less than 60% of course points
** due to potential changes in assignments, final course grades will be based on the available course points at the end of the semester.
G1. Chapter Quizzes - For each chapter reading assignment there will be an on-line quiz comprised of 10 multiple choice questions. Quiz submissions are due at 11:59pm the evening before the class session when the reading was assigned. No Late Quiz assignments will be accepted.
G2. Short presentation Outline and delivery - Details discussed during first class session. In peer learning teams each student will individually give a presentation to their team members which will be recorded on digital video. This video and the feedback you receive from your team members will be the basis for your training plan.
G3. In Class Exercises
For the majority of class sessions there will be an exercise and a written deliverable associated with it. Sometimes these will be team activities, in those cases everyone on the team will receive the same score. On other occasions the deliverable will be an individual assignment.
G4. Exams
There will be a mid-term and a final exam (multiple choice/T-F format). The exam questions will come from the readings, class lectures. The mid-term will cover the first 7 weeks of instruction; the final will be cumulative, emphasizing material from weeks 8-15. Students absent for either the mid-term or final exam must provide written third party documentation of unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances in order to be eligible to take a make-up exam. Students who qualify for alternative testing arrangements, please advise the instructor at least 2 weeks prior to the exam. Bring a #2 pencil and Parscore Form 1712 for each exam. The instructor might elect to administer these exams in an on-line format through Beachboard. A decision will be made 2 weeks prior to each exam.
G5. Training Plan
A training plan assignment and deliverable will be presented and in class sessions on training and development. The training plan format (for download) and dropbox (for up load) delivery are available on beachboard content.
G6. Final Presentation Case Write up
The case application will look at an HR challenge in a healthcare setting such as, “Staffing, ” “Executive Compensation,” or “Training.” A method for developing the specific topic and title of your Final presentation will be discuss in class. You will turn in an executive summary that will outline the case problem and either real or suggested solution. A format for this summary will be provided in class and further discussion about the assignment will take place at that time. This document will be the summary and content for your in-class presentation.
G6B. Training Plan Summary
You will also complete a training plan summary report. SPECIFIC Formats for you to follow will be posted in "content" under "Assignment Format Files" on the course Beachboard.
Grading is based on clarity of writing, use of proper grammar, organization of the material, your critical insights and interviews and your ability to add additional references to clarify and support your conclusions.
G7. Final Presentation
You will be required to present your application case to the class in a 4-6 minute oral presentation. Your instructor will inform you of the specific time during a class session explaining the presentation assignment. Grading is based on clarity of presentation, comprehensiveness of research, and relevance to Personnel Management in Health Care. A rubric for the presentation grading will be posted in course documents.
G9. Sign in Sheet
You are expected to engage with the material, ask questions, respond with answers and participate fully in the class session. 1 pt will be given for your name on the sign-up sheet. This sheet will only be available before class. It will not be available for sign in after 8:00 am.
H. Class Preparation.
You are expected to have read the assigned readings before the class session, to be
prepared to comment on the material (including the exercises) and to actively participate in
class discussions. Lectures will cover highlights of the reading and include supplementary
information. If you have trouble understanding what you read or hear, please ask for
clarification in class or make an appointment with me to discuss the problem area(s). Disabled students requiring special accommodations, please advise instructor.
On occasion you will be asked to conduct some preparatory activities before a class session. To participate in some in class assignment you will be required to complete a preparatory assignment and bring it to class. Some class sessions will require textbook access.
I. Participation and Class attendance is critical. Unexcused absences will impact a student’s participation grade as follows:
Each unexcused absence will lose 7 points for the session per the grading assignments identified above. 1 point for sign in and 6 pts for the in-class exercise.
Excused absences will have the opportunity for a make-up assignment to regain the7 lost points. Excused absences must conform to University policy. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS. Make-up assignments and documentation for excused absences must be turned into the professor within 2 weeks of the absence date. It is the student’s responsibility to provide documentation and meet with the professor for to obtain the make-up assignment.
Attendance policy conforms to University policy: http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/grad_undergrad/senate/documents/policy/2001/01/. Students to provide documentation for excused absences.
J. Professional Development Extra Credit:
Up to 10 extra credit points maximum
If and when extra credit opportunities arise the professor will announce in class and post details on Beachboard course announcement page
K. Cheating And Plagiarism. Please be aware of and ensure that your behavior conforms to University Policy. See: http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/curriculum_handbook/catalog/05-06/documents/regs.pdf. Although the University catalog does not cover this aspect of plagiarism, please be aware that it is NOT acceptable to submit the same paper for two courses. If you want to write a paper on the same topic area for two different courses, you must submit two different papers. If I discover that you have submitted the same paper for another course, you will receive a failing grade for your paper in this course.
L. Performance Expectations and Deadlines. Assignments are due on the date specified. Late assignments lose 10% of points for each day past the deadline. Unless otherwise specified. Specifically NO LATE turn-in for weekly on-line assignments and Training Plan Summary.
M. Withdrawal policy. Per University policy; see: http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/grad_undergrad/senate/documents/policy/2002/02/. Withdrawal after 2nd week and before final 3 weeks “permissible for serious and compelling reasons;” instructor will evaluate student withdrawal requests on a case by case basis.
N. Bibliography and Additional Readings and On-Line Resources
Leiyu Shi. Managing Human Resources In health Care Organizations. Jones & Bartlett. 2007.
Stephen Shortell, Arnold Kaluzny, Health Care Management, Organization Design and Behavior. (5th Edition) Thomson Delmar, 2006.
Robert L. Mathis and John H. Jackson, Melissa Acuna. Human Resource Management, Eleventh Edition Publisher, South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning Copyright, 2005.
Additional Readings & Resources
Angermeier,I.,Dunford,B.,Boss,A.,Boss,R.,Miller,J..(2009). The Impact of Participative Management Perceptions on Customer Service, Medical Errors, Burnout, and Turnover Intentions/PRACTITIONER APPLICATION.Journal of Healthcare Management,54(2),127-40; discussion 141.
Banja, J. (2014). Preventing sexual attacks in healthcare facilities: Risk management considerations. Journal of Healthcare Risk Management, 33(3), 5-12.
Claire Harris,Penny Cortvriend,Paula Hyde.(2007). Human resource management and performance in healthcare organisations.Journal of Health Organization and Management,21(4/5),448-59.
Hariharan, Selena,M.D., M.H.S.A. (2014). Physician recruitment and retention: A physician's perspective. Physician Executive, 40(2), 44-6, 48.
Henchey, K. R., & Reilly, B. (2010). Physician recruitment planning done right: A community hospital's experience. Physician Executive, 36(1), 50-52,54-55.
Hovmand, P. S., PhD., & Gillespie, D. F., PhD. (2010). Implementation of evidence-based practice and organizational performance. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 37(1), 79-94.
Modern Healthcare, March 12, 2007 v37 p10
Squaring off; Labor, hospitals do battle over union election rules. Melanie Evans
Nursing Administration Quarterly, Wntr 2002 v26 i2 p34(9) Role--job functional mapping: a workforce design tool for 2000.
Nursing Economics, Sept-Oct 2006 v24 i5 p263(3)
Evaluating recruitment process through 'Mystery Shops'. (Column) Karen A. Hart
Staren,E..(2009). Optimizing Staff Motivation.Physician Executive,35(4),74-77. Retrieved January 22, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID:1837861891).
Stretton,D.,Bolon,D..(2009). Recruitment and Retention of Rural Hospital Administrators: A Multifaceted Approach.Hospital Topics,87(1),10-4.