P.O. Box 68 • Cannon Falls, MN 55009

Cell: (612) 756-1346 • Fax: (507) 263-4019 •

2014 - Producer Affidavit

I, ______, certify that the beef cattle I am selling toThousandHills Cattle Company have been raised according to

the following criteria:

  1. These cattle have never been given any antibiotics, whether sub-therapeutic (mixed with feed), or therapeutic (intramuscular or IV shots).
  2. These cattle have never been given any sort of artificial hormone, steroid, or growth enhancers, or fed any animal by-products (bone meal, hog fat, etc).
  3. These cattle have not been deliberately fed grain products, or mature corn silage, at any point in their lives.
  4. These cattle have been raised on synthetic pesticide/herbicide free pasture during the growing season, and fed only approved forages during the dormant season.
  5. These cattle were born and raised in the USA.
  6. I have read and signed the Thousand Hills protocol.

Signed and sworn on this ______day of ______2014 by:______


Ear Tag # / Sex / Age / Ear Tag # / Sex / Age / Seller Information: Please Print
Number / (S/H) / (months) / Breed / Color / Number / (S/H) / (months) / Breed / Color / Name
State Zip
Price quoted for HCW:
Please give one copy to the hauler for
Lorentz Meats, and email, fax or mail the
original to Thousand Hills Cattle Co.
(info at top)

P.O. Box 68 • Cannon Falls, MN 55009

Cell: (612) 756-1346 • Fax: (507) 263-4019 •

2014 - Producer Affidavit

I, ______, certify that the beef cattle I am selling to Thousand Hills Cattle Company have been raised according to

the following criteria:

  1. These cattle have never been given any antibiotics, whether sub-therapeutic (mixed with feed), or therapeutic (intramuscular or IV shots).
  2. These cattle have never been given any sort of artificial hormone, steroid, or growth enhancers, or fed any animal by-products (bone meal, hog fat, etc).
  3. These cattle have not been deliberately fed grain products, or mature corn silage, at any point in their lives.
  4. These cattle have been raised on synthetic pesticide/herbicide free pasture during the growing season, and fed only approved forages during the dormant season.
  5. These cattle were born and raised in the USA.
  6. I have read and signed the Thousand Hills protocol.

Signed and sworn on this ______day of ______2014 by:______


Ear Tag # / Sex / Age / Ear Tag # / Sex / Age / Seller Information: Please Print
Number / (S/H) / (months) / Breed / Color / Number / (S/H) / (months) / Breed / Color / Name
State Zip
Price quoted for HCW:
Please give one copy to the hauler for
Lorentz Meats, and email, fax or mail the
original to Thousand Hills Cattle Co.
(info at top)