Nursing Education and Life Long Learning Committee

Wednesday16 July 2008

13:00 – 14:00

Demo Room Level 7, SouthEastBuilding


Agenda Items

  1. Working party exploring “Is there such a thing as a mandatory nursing competence at RCH?”
/ Working party
  1. Do we need an education strategic plan for nursing at RCH? – distribute questions and finalise survey
/ Sally
  1. Should facilitation program being core skill expectation for CNE\CNF group?
/ Shirley
  1. Promote process that has been through ELLC approval process eg blood transfusion
/ Selina
  1. Badges with “Ask me about the ELLC to be made
/ Sharon
  1. Informing the NUM’s re ELL committee
/ Jane
  1. Information related to ELLC activities on website
/ Maurice/Tania
  1. Make DVD promoting role and work of ELLC
/ Peter/Maurice
  1. All members touch base with nominated buddies
/ All
  1. ELLC meetings – contact Lisa Colafella and request 13:00 3rd Wednesday of each month -
/ Maurice
  1. PPP awareness campaign strategy add evaluation
/ Peter/Jane
  1. Funding for postgraduate courses - letter to be sent to successful applicants
/ Maurice
  1. IV cannulation course evaluation - Interview DMU staff
/ Maurice

Present- Jan, Peter, Shirley, Pamela, Darren, Beth, Jane, Maurice (Chair), Susan, Sahron, Kristy (Secretary), Sally.

Maurice – Apologies, read out and accepted by group.

Shirley- Facilitation program will now have an October intake which will commence around the last Thursday of the month. Shirley to email all to advise and confirm dates.

Sharon – E & LLC badges made and handed to members present at meeting. The aim of the badge is to promote awareness and raise the profile of the E & LLC group. Members to encourage staff to join.

Peter – ERC in the process of completing the DVD of the profile of E & LLC. It will be put onto the education website. Sharon has suggested that we could approach NUM’s to raise profile of committee’s and to increase numbers.

Maurice – Undergrad guideline @ RCH - A significant incident on ward has led to the investigation of the scope of practice for the undergraduate nursing group. A working party has been introduced in order to formalise a guideline as to how to approach working with students.

- Should we be allocating one student to the same nurse for every shift for the whole placement? Or allocating on a daily basis? Beth has suggested that this has worked well in the past, however, we need to be mindful of outside commitments of the undergrad. It was put to the group if it would be feasible for RCH to give the uni’s rosters, and should it be left to the individual unit, as this can be difficult for some units. It does benefit the student and the preceptor to work the same shifts for the majority of the placement. Darren – Should the students be given a ‘scope of practice guideline’ booklet to have with them whilst on placement?

Jane – What is the criteria for the clinical educator/teacher from the university? Do we require a paed’s trained nurse?

The group believes it is OK to partner a student nurse with a bank nurse, but does not agree with a student working with an agency nurse.

In regards to the allocation of university to specific wards, it was discussed that this may hinder the growth and development of some students as they may not be exposed to the range of areas. It was also discussed that students would then not ‘talk’ about their experiences in different areas of the hospital as they would be limited in the areas they are exposed to.

The group decided that we need to look at what the student/placement was focussed on, ie: medical/surgical.

Please email Maurice with any ideas on how to approach and streamline this.

Maurice – Postgraduate funding has been approved for 12 post grad students who have agreed to stay on for a further 12 months post course completion.

Peter – Developmental program commencing on 01/09 to plan rotations. Looking at 2 x 6 month rotations means this group will rotate at the same time as the CAY’s, GNP’s and paeds course students. It was put to the group for suggestions of rotation length, could this be a 8/4 or 7/5 rotation so the commencement of the 2nd rotation is later in the first half of 2009. A longer rotation at the start may enable a smoother transition. Plan to commence 2009 intake earlier to avoid same in 2010.

FT/PT position of GNP’s. Peter has received several phone calls regarding this. Criteria from DHS and computer match states that GNP must be employed on a FT basis, in order to receive correct funding. It was bought to the groups attention that many other hospitals offer PT positions. Can we offer a certain number of PT positions? Can we offer FT with a view to reducing hours to PT? Jenni Bliss very supportive of taking PT positions. Peter to check the details and government requirements with regards to funding.

Sally – ‘Survey of nurse education and professional development oppertunities @ RCH’ now in final draft STAGE. Will now also include an area for respondants to include their nursing grade as to get an overview of what groups are needing educational requirements. It was put to the group as to how this survey should be circulated, decided that it should be in the same format as the current ‘single checking of medications’-on the homepage of the intranet to be completed on line. Group decided that the survey will be online for 3 weeks.

Next Meeting: Thursday August 20th, 1300-1400


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