JANUARY 8, 2008

A regular meeting of the Enfield Board of Education was held at Enfield Town Hall in Council Chambers located at 820 Enfield Street, Enfield, CT on January 8, 2008. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Greco at 7:31PM.

1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:31 PM by Chairman Greco.



4. FIRE EVACUATION ANNOUNCEMENT Chairman Greco announced the fire evacuation announcement.


MEMBERS PRESENT Joyce Hall, Vincent Grady, Judy Apruzzese-Desroches, Tom Arnone, Patrick Droney, Greg Stokes, Susan Lavelli-Hozempa, Charles Johnson III, and Andre Greco


ALSO PRESENT Dr. John Gallacher, Superintendent of Schools; Tony Torre, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Chris Drezek, Business Manage; EHS Student Representative Arianne Dilzer; and FHS Student Representative Brittany Dyer


Ms. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Stokes that the regular meeting minutes of December 11, 2007 be approved. There were no changes, additions or corrections. Motion passed by a show of hands 9-0-0.

Ms. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Stokes that the special meeting minutes of December 18, 2007 be delayed for approval until the Board has a chance to discuss the Board Objectives. Ms. Hall stated there is a difference in what Board members recall from the December 18, 2007 meeting that are reflected in the minutes.

Motion to Table

Mr. Stokes moved, seconded by Mr. Grady to table approval of the special meeting minutes of December 18, 2007. Motion passed by a show of hands 9-0-0.

Mr. Stokes moved, seconded by Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches that the special meeting minutes of December 20, 2007 be approved. There were no changes, additions or corrections. Motion passed by a show of hands 8-0-1 with Ms. Hall abstaining.


a. Fermi High Teen Leadership Representatives

Chairman Greco introduced Enrico Fermi High School teachers, Mark Dube and Cindy Piela to the Board. They are here tonight with students from Fermi’s Teen Leadership program who attended a special program at Asnuntuck Community College. Mr. Dube reported that nine of the Fermi Teen Leadership students were honored to present to elementary students from all over the State regarding what they have learned in the teen leadership class. Mr. Dube stated this is exactly what the Teen Leadership class is meant to accomplish, students teaching other students.

Teen Leadership Student Matt Violette taught 25 elementary students in each class about first impressions and how to write a speech and how to deliver it. It put us in the seat of a teacher. When we left the class the students looked us in the eye and shook our hands. It was a great experience.

Mr. Greco asked if the elementary students were from Enfield or all over. Matt Violette stated the students were from all over the state. The students were from grades 4, 5 and 6.

Mr. Dube introduced Travis Lombardi, grade 11; Rachael O’Connell, grade 9; Matt Violette, grade 12; Brianna Sampson, grade 12; Kalyn Johnson, grade 12 to members of the Board. Some of the other Teen Leadership students were unable to attend tonight’ Board meeting due to commitments. Mr. Dube also wanted to thank Mr. Newton for this opportunity.

Ms. Hall asked if the program at Asnuntuck was offered to students at both high schools. Mr. Dube stated that only students from Enrico Fermi attended the program.

Brianna Sampson stated that she has been able to take the class three times. Each time she has taken the class, she has learned so much. Ms. Sampson was also in the communications group. The elementary students were nominated to attend the program. It was nice to see them grow by the end of the day. It was an amazing experience.

Travis Lombardi thought that this was a great experience. We were able to make a difference in their lives and show them how to make a difference in someone’s life. We taught the students how to tie a tie, eye contact and important things like respect. We had a great time.

Kalyn Johnson stated that she would like to be a teacher and it was a great experience to teach the students. It was a great honor.

Rachael O’Connell stated she had a great time but she was a bit intimidated in the beginning. She taught group decision making. We taught the students about peer pressure. One of the girls from our second class asked us about advice concerning a situation. It was great to have this experience.

Chairman Greco thanked the students and stated it was a win-win. You were able to teach students what you have learned in a real life situation.


a. Budget Review Committee Power Point Presentation;

b. Two Parent Letters re: Magnet School Participation for 2008-09;

c.  News Release from the Connecticut Suns Basketball re: The Enrico Fermi Girl’s Basketball Team as a team of the week;

Chairman Greco asked Principal Newton to relay the Board’s congratulations to the Fermi Girl’s Baseball team.


Linda Cavanaugh, Woodgate Circle – Mrs. Cavanaugh read a prepared statement to the Board. As president of the ESAA she is here to address the direction of the budget process. Mrs. Cavanaugh thanked the Board for allowing the administration to help the Board to develop their objectives. The ESAA agrees with the Board to create a consistent and systematic budget identifying all possible efficiencies. Making a decision to cut $2.5 million from our current budget will ultimately hurt the educational needs of our students. The ESAA is asking the Board to work collaboratively with the administration to develop a needs based budget. Mrs. Cavanaugh thanked the Board for allowing her to share the ESAA’s thoughts on the budget process. Mrs. Cavanaugh distributed copies of her prepared speech to Board members.

Sharon Racine, Copper Drive – Mrs. Racine commented that she was here tonight to address Dr. Fusco’s presentation to the Board on January 3, 2008. Mrs. Racine agrees with Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches comment that Dr. Fusco had nothing new to say and many of his ideas the Board has already done. His ideas were meant to incite the audience and sensationalize this issue and Mrs. Racine did not see any value in his presentation. Dr. Fusco did not do his homework on Enfield. Board members have been engaging the community for several years. The partnership and education program led by Amy Witbro continues to be successful by involving community members. Many subcommittees have been formed and led by members of our community, like the Budget Advisory Committee and the Demographic Committee. Our Finance Committee checks our budget monthly. As a former Board member and Board Chair, Mrs. Racine stated that we have always been given the facts and the information. Board members received matrices and when they could not understand them, the secondary principals redid them so Board members could understand them. Enfield students have been taking online courses for several years. Enfield does not have any credit cards. The Audit Committee’s function is to analyze and report back to the Board. Isn’t that the same thing the Budget Review Committee set out to do? An audit or review committee must be led by an objective eye. Over the past few years, Mrs. Racine stated that she has seen many certified public accountants that would be more the willing to work with the Board - all you have to do is ask.

Nick Sinsigalli, Dune Road – Mr. Sinsigalli commented that he is here to thank the Board for Dr. Fusco’s presentation. He brought up some interesting comments. The education in Connecticut is the responsibility of the State of Connecticut. Meeting this responsibility, the General Assembly has created State Statutes that the Boards of Education must follow. Mr. Sinsigalli would like to bring your attention to two statutes, 10-157a and 10-222. They cover everything you are allowed to do with your Auditing Committee. Mr. Sinsigalli urges Board members to rescind their decision to establish an Auditing Committee and discuss these Statutes with the Board attorney in detail to find out what latitudes you have. The Auditing Committee is nothing more than a subcommittee and a subcommittee has no authority over the Board. Only the full Board has the authority to pass anything regarding the budget.

Rosanne Desautels, Armstrong Road – Mrs. Desautels commented that she is here tonight to express her concerns regarding the January 3, 2008 special Board meeting. Mrs. Desautels has a BS in accounting and auditing, is a CPA and a former member of the Budget Advisory Committee. Mrs. Desautels was surprised to find out that Dr. Fusco does not have any formal education in financial, accounting or auditing. His extensive training and background can be used as a powerful tool. Dr. Fusco referred to fraud and more responsibilities on auditors. Mrs. Desautels stated that she is sure the Town’s external auditors have applied this practice. Dr. Fusco also referred to Serbians Oxley. That applies to the public sector, not to non profit sectors. Dr. Fusco did make some good points regarding obtaining information. Mrs. Desautels applauds the Board for wanting to be educated and understanding how our money is spent. I do not understand why you would engage Dr. Fusco in this process. The Board would not hire a teacher or a principal without the proper credentials. Dr. Fusco is not trained or educated in the auditing field. He is not bringing any added benefits to this committee. Mrs. Desautels urged the Board to reconsider hiring Dr. Fusco and look into other areas for training.

Bobby Berriault, Prospect Street – Mr. Berriault commented that he is here to voice his opinion regarding the three days Enfield High students must make up. Mr. Berriault stated as a senior, he does not want to be in school any longer than he has to be. He strongly encourages the Board to make up two of the three days, do not extend the school day until 4:00 PM. Mr. Berriault encourages the Board to lengthen the final examine days from half days to full days. This would allow Enfield High students to be out of school on the same day as the other 11 schools. Mr. Berriault strongly encourages the Board to consider his ideas not only for the Enfield High students but for the students of this district.

Bill Thomson, Duff Drive – Mr. Thomson remarked that he attended the special meeting held last week and stated that he has come to the conclusion that there are many discrepancies between the words and the deeds. Our public schools are shown as a pirate ship and our employees are shown as the pirates on a document he downloaded from the Yankee Institute. The picture is juvenile and insulting to our public school employees. Mr. Thomson wonders if this type of philosophy is what the training will reflect. School Boards need to have all the information available to them in order to make informed decisions. Mr. Thomson finds this a bit ironic that the Board voted to form an Audit Committee in December without the information needed. Mr. Thomson asked if this information was made available to all Board members before you voted last month. If it wasn’t, it would appear that a partisan hidden agenda is at work. Your presenter referred to New York several times. Board members should do their homework. In New York, school budgets are fiscally separate from municipal budgets. In Connecticut, school budgets are fiscally dependent; the Town is responsible for finances. In New York, the school Board selects the auditor. In Enfield, the Town selects the auditor for the school budget. In New York, they plan to spend $340,000 to train Board members per year for auditing procedures and an additional 5.4 million to train staff to audit the auditors. Dr. Fusco stated he had no connection to the Yankee Institute. Mr. Thomson stated that when he checked the staff page, Dr. Fusco was listed as a writer and he is listed appearing on 4 different radio shows and 6 different TV shows for the policy institute. Dr. Fusco has also written numerous articles that appear for the Yankee Institute as a consultant. Mr. Thomson asked if our school children were going to be some kind of guinea pig for the Yankee Institute.

Mary Lombardo, Northfield Road - Mrs. Lombardo commented that she is here tonight as an Enfield taxpayer and a teacher. Mrs. Lombardo attended the special meeting last week. Chairman Greco stated at the beginning of the meeting not to take offense with anything that was going to be said. That is exactly what happened. Mrs. Lombardo stated she was extremely offended by almost everything that was said. Dr. Fusco implied that there was corruption in our school system. Mrs. Lombardo stated that she also downloaded the booklet and knew exactly what he was going to say. Dr. Fusco clearly had an axe to grind. His views on CABE, school boards, administration, teachers and education in general sent a message. Mrs. Lombardo stated she was offended every time he mentioned his own 9/11. Many students receive speech and language services for many years not only in our district but many districts. Mrs. Lombardo stated that she expects our elected Board officials to be the staunchest supporters of our school system and stand in the front line and take the hits when we are criticized if needed not to deliver the blows. Mrs. Lombardo hopes to see you visiting our schools and seek input from the citizens who elected you and not just steam roll through with these ideas of an anti education disguised as a consultant. Mrs. Lombardo hopes the Board carries out this charge with due diligence.