P.G. Senior Secondary School
Summer Vacation Assignment
- Learn word meaning and question answer of chapter 1 to 5.
- Write the answer of 10-10 running comprehension question of chapter 1,3 and 4.
- Learn all the definitions of TheSentence, The Noun and The Pronoun and their kinds too.
- Write all exercises of The Sentences, The Nouns and The Pronouns
- Write essays in about 300 words on any two topics
(i) Your first outing without your Parents
(ii) Recess at school
(iii) Your Favourite Fictional Character.
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- Write and learn tables up to 50 by heart. This work must be signed by your parent.
- Write and learn squares up to 20 by heart
- Define the following mathematical terms with their examples. Fraction, Integers. Rational numbers Square and Geometry.
- Solve two SUDOKO’s puzzles and paste it in your assignment copy. This work should be done through news paper only.
- Write and learn cubes up to 15 by heart.
- Draw 20 geometrical shapes with their spellings.
- In which state of matter attractive forces between molecules are negligible?
- Write some examples of physical change.
- Explain the magnetisation of Iron.
- Draw the structure of a flower on chart paper with the help of colour.
- Write about the life history of Hargovind Khorana and BirbalSahani.
- Write the formula of Density.
- A block of copper of mass 200g has a valume of 50 cm3. Find the density of copper.
- A block of wood has dimensions of 10cm 6cm and 8cm and the weight of the block of wood 2 kg. Find its density in SI.
- Project- Make one charger with the use of IC >806Make the model of conservation of energy.
- Why do we need laws? Define the word dissent.
- What is Downy pronibition act 1961
- What is water scarcity? Explain all Factors which one responsible for montage or water.
- Classify to the natural resources on the basis of orgin and ownership?
- Prepare a social Science dictionary in your notebook make a list of all the new words that you have learnd in social science History.
- Draw and colur in the drawing life
- Mahatma Gandhi ( Shed with 4B pencil)
Fruits of Basket
- Expression in Craft – “Photo Frame”
Hand Writing Practice
Dear Children,
Please make sure that the handwriting practice is done everyday not on the last day of your vacation. Write date on the page everyday and do your work. At least 2 pages English and two pages Hindi Hand Writing are Imperative for you. You will be writing the following at the end of the day.
What made you happy today? ( 15/06/2018)
What made you burst out in laughter? (16/06/2018)
What made you amazed? ( 17/06/2018)
Whom were you thankful to and why? (18/06/2018)
Be sure your writing will tell one whether you’ve done it one day or daily.
Class -8
- Create a project on the topic “Database Application for school” on the following guidelines-
i.Create a table with following fields name using datasheet view-
FIELD NAME / Date Type / DiscriptionSTUDENT ID / Auto Number / Serial Number of the sheet
STUDENT NAME / Text / Name of student
DOB / Date /Time / Date of Birth
GENDER / Look up Wizard / Male or Female
CLASS / Look up Wizard / Class
SECTION / Look up Wizard / Section
ROLL NO. / Number / Roll No.
DATE OF ADM / Date/Time / Admission Date
REG NO. / NUMBER. / Reg no
FATHER’S NAME / Text / Name of father
ADDRESS / MEMO / Address
CITY / Text / City Name
PIN / Number / Pin Code
MOBILE NO. / Text / Moblie No.
ii.Set STUDENT ID as the primary key. Enter 25 records and save the table with the name “STUDENTS _DETAILS”.
iii.Create a query with following option in navigation pane.