Overview of Annual Review of Course reports (Taught provision)

Reflecting on the academic year 2016-17

Level of provision(delete as necessary) / Undergraduate/Postgraduate Taught
Were ARCs for all departments submitted and included in this overview?
(please comment on any reports not received and action taken in response)
Report Author(s)
(name and role)
Action plans (ARC Sections 1 and 4)
  1. Had actions identified in the previous report been progressed?
Please include comment on:
  • Whether actions resulted in the anticipated or desired change
  • Actions taken in response to feedback from the Dean on the report where appropriate

  1. Are there any aspects of good practice in the style or approach to actions plans that could be shared?

  1. What improvements do you think could be made to make actions plans more effective?

Overview of strengths and enhancements (ARC Section 2)
  1. What has been successful this year, including areas of good practice that could be shared?

  1. Issues that have arisen this year, and that will require monitoring in the forthcoming year

External engagement
  1. Please comment on the range of external engagement in the Faculty, and how this has been used to influence course developments

Employability and work-based learning
  1. Reflection on DLHE data and employability initiatives

Response to Periodic Reviews and validation
  1. In considering the outcome and responses to Periodic Review and course approval and validation activity, please comment on the following:
  • Key themes emerging from Periodic Reviews and/or course approvals / validations
  • The response to ongoing themes emerging from validation and Periodic Review commendations, recommendations and conditions.

Quality assurance and enhancement processes (ARC Section 3)
  1. Do the reports confirm that departments’ approaches to quality assurance and enhancement are effective and in line with University requirements?
Please highlight examples of good practice or areas for improvements.
Enhancement and areas for discussion
  1. What key themes have emerged from the ARC reports?

Good practice and innovation
Areas highlighted for improvement
  1. What feedback has been / will be sent to the Faculty/Departments/Schools/Centres?

Recommendations to AQSC / Education Committee
  1. Would you like to make any recommendations to AQSC / Education Committee for action or discussion?
Please include any recommendations or areas raised for discussion by the Faculty Education Committee