Accounting Databases


Instructions for Downloading and

Submitting Files

Print these instructions and refer to them when completing each Lab. The work for eachchapter in this course is divided into two sections--one for the lab tutorial and one for theend-of-chapter exercises. Follow the steps in each chapter to complete the lab work. Aninstruction sheet for completing exercises is provided with the exercise files for eachchapter.

Downloading Files

Files for tutorials and exercises can be downloaded from each unit’s Lesson page.

  • Click the file link
  • Follow your browser’s instructions to save the file
  • I recommend creating a separate folder in which to save your Access files
  • Open the file and follow the exercise instructions linked to the Lesson page

Submitting Your Files

Once you have created or modified your tutorial and exercise files, you will need to submit them. All homework will be submitted using the Assignment Dropbox in NS Online. Follow the instructions below to submit files:

  • Click the drop-down arrow for the Evaluation option in the NS Online top menu
  • Click the link for Assignment Dropbox
  • Click the link for the Lesson work you are submitting
  • Click the Add a File button.
  • Click the Upload button to browse for your file or drag-and-drop your files
  • If you have another file to upload, you can click the Upload to browse again. Continue to browse for your files or drag-and-drop until you have loaded all the files for the exercise.
  • Once you have uploaded all the required files for the lesson, click the Add button at the bottom left of the screen.
  • Enter any comments for your instructor in the Comments box (optional) and click the Submit button.Your work will be graded within 72 hours of the assignment deadline.

NOTE: Please wait until all work is completed before submitting work to an assignment folder. Make sure the work you submit is your best effort. Once your lesson has been submitted, the files you have submitted will be graded and the grades received on those files will be the final grades for that lesson.

Fall 2017