Overdose Prevention and Education Network (OPEN)Activities Summary
Reporting Period: / Grant received to September/2017Name of Organization:
Prepared by (name & title): / Date (mm/dd/yy):
Overviewof coalition building and activation activities
Please describe what activities related to your community activation strategytook place during this reporting period, includingany successes or challenges that you had. Please use dates when possible, and limit your response to 300 words.Coalitions
Please provide meeting details about one or more coalitions established or involved in your activation activitiesas a result of this grant. This helps us to keep track of your efforts, and evaluate the effectiveness of OPEN. Please do not use this summary for large, one-time community activation events. (Refer to separate Event Summary guidelines).
Coalition #1:Goal of coalition:
Brief description of achievements in reporting period:
Approximate frequency of meetings:
_____ times per ______☐ as needed / How many times has this coalition met during this reporting period?
Stakeholders represented in coalition:
Name of stakeholder ------Type (e.g. Aboriginal Peoples, youth, medical)
Were persons with lived experience (PWLE) represented?
☐Yes ☐No / If yes, what was their role in the coalition? If no, why not?
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Coalition #2:Goal of coalition:
Brief description of achievements in reporting period:
Approximate frequency of meetings:
_____ times per ______☐ as needed / How many times has this coalition met during this reporting period?
Stakeholders represented in coalition:
Name of stakeholder ------Type (e.g. Aboriginal Peoples, youth, medical)
Were persons with lived experience (PWLE) represented?
☐Yes ☐No / If yes, what was their role in the coalition? If no, why not?
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Coalition #3:Goal of coalition:
Brief description of achievements in reporting period:
Approximate frequency of meetings:
_____ times per ______☐ as needed / How many times has this coalition met during this reporting period?
Stakeholders represented in coalition:
Name of stakeholder ------Type (e.g. Aboriginal Peoples, youth, medical)
Were persons with lived experience (PWLE) represented?
☐Yes ☐No / If yes, what was their role in the coalition? If no, why not?
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1a / Has this grant allowed your organization to do something new or different? If so, please describe:b / How would you like to expand on this new or different aspect going forward?
2a / Of all your ideas generated and efforts made thus far, which do you think could potentially have the most impact?
b / What need in your community would this idea address?
c / What barriers prevent this idea from being implemented successfully?
3 / What new partnerships or collaborations have you made as a result of this grant?
4 / What new opportunities have arisen as a result of your new collaborations or convening activities?
5 / What does your organization or coalition do really well?
What next steps does your coalition plan to take in the next reporting period (October-December 2017)?
Please describe any in-kind resources, financial or otherwise, that you have secured to sustain your work.
Stories and Resource Materials
We greatly welcome any stories that you would like to share about your successes, challenges, and experience participating in OPEN thus far. As well, we would like to see any resources or materials that you have created as a part of your activities and efforts. This may include photos, videos, posters, brochures, articles, toolkits, or resource manuals.
Attach additional pages as necessary. Please email to
Publication Consent
I consent to the use of select content from this summary in Community Action Initiative (CAI)communications and promotional materials, including the CAI website and social media platforms. I understand that portions of this summary may be cited for the purposes of training, research and/or advocacy. ☐YES ☐ NOSigned (Authorized Representative) / Name and title:
Name of organization:
Thank you for taking the time to complete this summary.
Prairie Chiu, Project Coordinator, is available for support at:
604-638-1172 Ext. 121
Feedback for CAI
Your feedback is important to us, and will inform our support to grantees in future CAI projects
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