Evaluation of a Work Experience Student*

Student’s Name: Work Term:

Employer: Supervisor’s Name:

Address: Phone: Fax:


I understand that my comments on student performance is the personal information of the student and are subject to access provisions of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Supervisor’s signature: Date:

* This form should be completed by the individual in the best position to assess the student’s work.

For each category below, please select the one phrase that best describes the student’s performance during the last nine months of the internship,

relative to other junior staff.

In addition, beside each of the 10 categories, please either add a few words of your own, or quantify as a percentage mark in the range 40% - 100%.

Overall performance during internship:

1.Below expectations in significant ways

2.Solid, sound performance compared to peer group

3.Above average in several significant ways

4.Exemplary performance in comparison to peer group

Qualify in own terms: ______

Technical expertise at end of internship:

1.Below average relative to others after one year of work experience

2.Good competence and sound skills

3.Above average in many significant ways

4.Outstanding in almost every respect

Qualify in own terms: ______

Team Work:

  1. Below average in working with others
  2. Reliable team member
  3. Above average team member, also showing some initiative and leadership
  4. Outstanding; has organized work for the benefit and support of others

Qualify in own terms: ______

Efficiency and organization:

  1. Below average, e.g. repeats work that is supposedly complete
  2. Has kept on top of projects; is consistently correct
  3. Above average; uses time effectively, has planned and organized work schedule
  4. Outstanding; very efficient and effective, using time wisely

Qualify in own terms: ______


1.Below average, reluctant to accept change

2.Comparable to peer group

3.Above average, makes a good effort to accommodateproposed changes

4.Extremely adaptable; not unduly upset by rapidly changing schedules and deadlines

Qualify in own terms: ______

Communication skills (oral and written):

  1. Has difficulty presenting ideas clearly and succinctly
  2. Able to present ideas and be understood
  3. Above average; communicates effectively in both oral and written form
  4. Outstanding communication skills; smooth and polished work in both areas

Qualify in own terms: ______

Personal interactions with clients and co-workers:

  1. Below average
  2. Interacts comfortably with both clients and co-workers
  3. Above average for peer, group, e.g. in dealing with client requests and queries
  4. Outstanding ability, even in dealing with difficult individuals

Qualify in own terms: ______


  1. Shows initiative only when pressed on the matter
  2. Comparable to peer group in initiating new directions
  3. Above average initiative; good efforts to guide work on a productive path
  4. Outstanding; has taken a major role in initiating new ideas and approaches

Qualify in own terms: ______

Problem solving:

  1. Modest problem-solving ability; needs closesupervision
  2. Average for the peer group; occasionally shows real ability
  3. Above average skill level, can figure most things out
  4. Adept at solving problems without significant input from others

Qualify in own terms: ______

Continuing education:

  1. Has difficulty learning new material or understanding instructions
  2. Comparable to peer group in learning new features or facilities
  3. Well above average in learning latest techniques
  4. Learning appears to be no effort, and happens without explicit request

Qualify in own terms: ______

If you wish, please also attach your personal assessment or a recent “in company” review of the student.

Science Internship Program (SIP) - Department of Computing Science

Faculty of Science

Director: Vadim Bulitko - Telephone: 780.492.3854

Coordinator: Britta Nielsen - Telephone: 780.492.2849 Fax: 780.492.6393

2-21 Athabasca Hall • University of Alberta • Edmonton • Canada • T6G 2E8