Outstanding Achievement for All
- To propose the Admissions Policy for adoption by each Academy
- To provide the AAC with direction andrequirements under the School Admissions & Appeals Codes and Funding Agreement
- To undertake consultation, publish admissions and determine arrangements as required in accordance with the School Admissions & Appeals Code and Funding Agreement
- To provide oversight and support for the implementation of the admissions arrangements in each Academy
- To ensure compliance with the Academy Admissions Policy
- To make arrangements for determining admissions and holding admissions appeals
- To participate in local admissions forums
- To ensure participation in the Fair Access Protocol
MEMBERS / TRUSTEES / AAC / CEO/EXECUTIVE TEAM / ASSOCIATE PRINCIPALS & PRINCIPALS- To review, as part of the Dashboard analysis, exclusions across the Trust
- To adopt and ensure the implementation of theBehaviour Policy for the Academy
- To review, as part of the Dashboard analysis,the overall pattern of exclusions
- To prepare theBehaviour Policy for the Academy for adoption by the AAC
- To convene a committee to review any exclusion of a pupil
- Exclusion of pupils for fixed terms or Permanently
MEMBERS / TRUSTEES / AAC / CEO/EXECUTIVE TEAM / ASSOCIATE PRINCIPALS & PRINCIPALS- To appoint an Education Strategy & Standards Committee
- To discuss and approve the curriculum proposed by the Principal/AP (to the extent that it is consistent with the sector wide policy)
- To be accountable for the educational standards and outcomes as per the ATAR/ STAR/ Directors’ RAP and Dashboard
- To ensure the curriculum is delivered at the Academy.
- To ensurecompliance with any funding agreement requirements
- To determine, as part of the ATAR/STAR accountability, that there is a sector wide Curriculum Policy to ensure provision of a balanced and broad curriculum and to include:
- a prohibition on political indoctrination
- balanced treatment of political issues
- a written policy on sex & relationship education
- To ensure effective processes are in place for monitoring the quality assurance of teaching and learning, curriculum, inclusion and outcomes by year and by vulnerable group
- To provide oversight of the implementation of the Trust-wide Curriculum Policy
- To set targets for pupil outcomes and monitor and analyse (ATAR accountability)
- Key tools for accountability and challenge will be the Dashboard and Director’s RAPs
- To monitor and review the Academy RAP
- To provide oversight of the implementation of the Trust-wide Special Educational Needsand Disability Policy
- To report termly to the AAC the outcomes (ATAR and support & challenge visits|)
- To ensure compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act requirements within the Academies
- To prepare the RAP for approval by the AAC
- To maintain an AAC register of business interests
- To prepare the annual budget for the Academy Trust
- To ensure the preparation of the annual budget for the Academy with the assistance of relevant staff
- To appoint a Finance & Resources Committee
- To ensure provision of free school meals to those pupils meeting the criteria
- To monitor the income, expenditure, cash flow and balance sheet of the Academy Trust
- To monitor the income, expenditure and cash flow of the Academy
- To appoint an Audit & Risk Management Committee
- To prepare monitoring reports for the Trustees (presented at Committees and Full Board meetings)
- To ensure proper financial controls are in place at the Academy
- To approve the Financial Scheme of Delegation
- CEO to act as the Accounting Officer
- To ensure provision of Free School Meals (FSM) to those pupils meeting criteria
- To appoint internal auditors (Audit & Risk Management Committee)
- To ensure proper financial controls are in place
- To make payments within agreed financial limit
- To sign off annual accounts and report
- To open bank accountsand make payments within agreed financial limits.
- To enter into contracts up to the limits of delegation and within an agreed budget
- As part of the Finance & Resources Committee and Trust Board monitor income, expenditure, cash flow and balances sheets of the Academy Trust
- To enter into contracts up to the limits of delegation and within an agreed budget.
- To set up and approve staff expenses at the Academy
- To approve any significant changes to the forecast budget
- To make payments within agreed financial limits.
- To ensure proper financial controls are in place
- To set up and approve expenses of the Executive team
- Audit & Risk Committee to receive the auditor’s letter and to respond by letter to Auditors.
- Audit & Risk Committee to ensure all points on audit letter are addressed so that the points do not appear again on the audit letter
- To maintain an Executive Team register of business interests
- To approve and recommend to the Full Trust Board the annual budget as agreed at the Finance Committee for each academy and the Trust
- To ensure compliance with the agreed Table of Procurement
- To establish the Charging and Remissions Policy and to keep this under review
- CEO/FD/HR Director to agree points for audit letter with the Auditors
- To approve and recommend to the Full Trust Board the Annual Audit letter and accounts as agreed at the Audit and RiskCommittee.
- Finance Committee to agree the Table of Procurement on an annual basis
- To maintain a Trust Register of Business Interests
- To review and amendthe roles and functions matrix
- To ensure the Trust Vision is key to all decisions
- To attend meetings of the Trustees and to provide a CEO’s report
- To implement the Trust Vision
- To review and amend the Scheme of Delegation
- To determine the Trust Board’s reserved matters
- To ensure the educational outcomes are achieved in line with targets
- To support the appointment process for the Company Secretary and the Clerk
- To attend meetings of the AAC and to provide a termly report
- To set the Constitution and Terms of Reference for AACs.
- To receive and agree the recommended nomination for the Chair of the AAC.
- To ensure the Academy has a clear RAP in place which lays out how the Academy will achieve its goals
- To secure professional advice on behalf of the Trustees as may be requested
- To support the appointment process of the AAC Clerk
- To appoint new Trustees
- To remove AAC members
- To appoint from its number:
- Vice-chair
- AAC members with specific responsibilities for SEN, Safeguarding, Health & Safety, Pupil Premium
- To support the Trustees and the Academies in the preparation of Trust-wide and Academy specific policy requirements
- To ensure policies are reviewed and implemented in line with the Trust policy schedule
- To remove Trustees
- To appoint Clerk to the Trustees
- To appoint a clerk to the AAC (currently Admin Lead in most Academies)
- To ensure recruitment procedures are in place and implemented in line with Trust policy
- To set the Terms of Reference for the Trust Board
- To review and amend the Trust’s policies
- To review and amend the policies of the Academy (in line with any Academy Trust prescribed policy)
- Maintain and keep up to date register of interest (annual)
- To change the name of the Academy Trust
- To appoint a Company Secretary
- To ensure systems are in place in line with the Trust’s strategy at the Academy for effective communication with pupils, parents/carers, staff and the wider community
- To maintain accurate and secure staff records
- To ensure compliance with all Data Protection legislation and good practice in the Academy
- To adopt Data Protection policies and procedures which cover
- how information is to be used and
- how information is stored safely and securely
- To ensure the effective implementation of the Data Protection policies in the Academy
- To ensure compliance with all Data Protection legislation and good practice across the Academies
- To ensure the publication of Academy information, ensuring that all electronic communication, including web pages,isup to date
- To ensure the effective implementation of the e-Safety Policy in the Academy
- To supportindividual Academies on the effective safe storage of data
- To maintain accurate and secure staff records for the Academy
- To ensure registration with the Information Commissioner’s Office is up to date
- To notify the Business Director of the Trust of all Freedom of Information Requests
- To support Academies with Freedom of Information Requests
- To ensure the CCTV Policy is adhered to
MEMBERS / TRUSTEES / AAC / CEO/EXECUTIVE TEAM / ASSOCIATE PRINCIPALS & PRINCIPALS- Termly through the ATAR, STAR and Dashboard receive reports regardingeducational outcomes
- To review attendance and pupil absence
- To monitor the levels of attendance in all Academies
- To maintain a register of pupil attendance
- To adopt a Trust-wide Complaints Policy and monitor this through the Dashboard
- To appoint an AAC member responsible for ensuring any grant money is spent showing direct impact on pupil standards and outcomes
- To monitor the impact of the Pupil Premium across the Academy Trust
- To ensure effective deployment of the Pupil Premium and monitor its impact
- To receive termly reports regarding the level of complaints across the Academy Trust
- To ensure implementation of the Trust-wide Complaints Policy
- To review the level of complaints across the Trust using the Dashboard
- To ensure implementation of the Complaints Policy
- To hear complaints at the relevant stage
- To hear complaints at the relevant stage
- To hear complaints at the relevant stage
- To set the times of Academy sessions
- To set the Academy terms, holidays and inset daysacross the Trust
MEMBERS / TRUSTEES / AAC / CEO/EXECUTIVE TEAM / ASSOCIATE PRINCIPALS & PRINCIPALS- To adopt,review and maintain a Trust-wide Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- To review and maintain (in conjunction with the Trustees) the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- To ensure there is a robust framework for all aspects of safeguarding. The audit process is key.
- To make arrangements for Safeguarding audits to be conducted by independent personnel
- To appoint a designated Trustee for Safeguarding
- To appoint a designated AAC member for Safeguarding
- Ensure all training is complete across Trustees and AAC members who are responsible for Safeguarding
- To include the AAC member responsible for Safeguarding in the audit process
- To ensure the completion of the SCR and its regular updating
- To ensure each AAC has a designated teacher to support looked after children
- To appoint a DSL and a designated teacher to support LAC and to ensure the role is compliant with statutory guidance
- To review the Safeguarding audit and action plan
- To report through the Dashboard the procedures in place for Safeguarding and on matters as they arise
- To provide accurate up to date information regarding Safeguarding for the Dashboard
- To attend the Safeguarding forum
- Provide training on Safeguarding for all central Trust staff
- To ensure attendance by the DSL at the Trust forum for Safeguarding
- To adopt an Academy level policy regarding school trips
- To maintain the SCR
- To ensure training on Safeguarding is up to date and relevant across the whole staff team
MEMBERS / TRUSTEES / AAC / CEO/EXECUTIVE TEAM / ASSOCIATE PRINCIPALS & PRINCIPALS- To adopta sector wide SEN and Disability Discrimination Policy.
- To review,maintain and provide oversight of the implementation of the SEN and Disability DiscriminationPolicy within the Academy and compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act
- To provide oversight of the sector wide implementation of the SEN and Disability Discrimination Policy
- To ensure compliance with SEN and Disability Discriminationand the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act within the Academy
- To appoint an AAC member responsible for SEN and Inclusion
- To ensure compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act within the sector
- To designate a teacher to be responsible for co-ordinating SEND provision
Through the ATAR and Dashboard scrutinise the outcomes for pupils with SEN and Disability Discrimination /
- Through the ATAR/ STAR analyse data for SEN and Disability Discrimination students using the RAP and Dashboard to ensure all targets for SEND students are met
- Through the ATAR monitor, review, evaluate and decide on actions for students with SEND to ensure they reach their targets
- To liaise with the LA in respect of students who have (or might have) SEN and Disability Discrimination
- To make appropriate provision for SEND students with or without an EHCP
MEMBERS / TRUSTEES / AAC / CEO/EXECUTIVE TEAM / ASSOCIATE PRINCIPALS & PRINCIPALS- To appoint, suspend or dismiss the Company Secretary and Clerk to the Trustees as appropriate
- To appoint a Remuneration & Nominations Committee
- To attend the performance management review of the Associate Principal/ Principal in conjunction with the Executive Lead
- To determine the senior leadership and staffing structures for each Academy
- To determine staffing requirements within each Academy and budgetto ensure provision needs are met.
- To define the leadership structure and staffing budget across the Trust
- To understand the staffing structure to support the recruitment process. To ensure the Academy is fully staffed in accordance with the staffing structure.
- To advise the Trustees on suitable Trust-wide policies and procedures and to ensure their effective implementation.
- To implement the Trust-wide policies and procedures in each Academy
- To adopt Trust wide policies
- To ensure the Trust-wide policies on all HR matters are implemented in the Academy.
- To ensure there is a clear schedule in place for reviewing and ratifying Trust policies
- To appoint teaching and non-teaching staff
- To appoint, suspend or dismiss the CEO (as appropriate) acting through a Committee
- To monitor and review staffing changes across the Academy Trust.
- To suspend or dismiss teaching and non-teaching staff in conjunction with the executive team
- To conduct the performance management review of the CEO (acting through the CEO Appraisal Committee)
- (CEO) To conduct the performance management review of executive leaders with support from the Remuneration & Nomination Committee
- To conduct the performance management of staff in the Academy
- To appoint, suspend or dismiss the Associate Principal/Principal in conjunction with the CEO or Executive Lead
- The CEO and Trusteesto appoint, suspend or dismiss members of the executive team as appropriate and using the Trust process
- To approve applications for early retirement, secondment and leave of absence in conjunction with the executive team and Trust-wide policies
- To ensure all procedures for dealing with disciplinary matters, grievances, and dismissals are followed correctly and in accordance with the Trust’s policies.
- To monitor and review all areas of the Dashboard in accordance with their accountability.
- To appoint, suspend or dismiss the executive leaders (excluding the CEO) acting through a Committee and in consultation with the CEO
- To prioritise the areas for improvement/development as prescribed in the RAP
- To conduct the performance management review of the Executive Leads in conjunction with the CEO
- To lead on the performance management of Associate Principals/Principals in conjunction with the AAC Chairs
- To monitor and scrutinise the implementation of the Academy for HR matters including performance management of staff
- To appoint, suspend or dismiss the Associate Principals/Principals with support from the Remuneration & Nomination Committee
- To review the Trust Dashboard in conjunction with the Executive Leads’ RAPS
Outstanding Achievement for All
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