shandersonPage 110/26/2018
7thMarch 2011
Dear Stakeholder
Invitation to Stakeholder Workshop – Discussion of NewcastleGateshead Strategic Sites Surface Water Management Plan: The Options Stage
As you may be aware, we recently commissioned Aecom to prepare a Surface Water Management Plan. The plan will provide a strategic approach through which key local partners (such as Northumbrian Water Limited, Environment Agency, developers/landowners and the Council) with responsibility for surface water and drainage can work together and manage surface water flooding. The SWMP has been divided into a series of stages:
1. Scoping Study (completed);
2. Strategic Sites- risk assessment, mitigation options and action plan (ongoing);
3. City/Borough wide- risk assessment, mitigation options and action plan (commencing in March 2011).
We would like to invite you to a workshop on 17th March at 2pm in the Lamesley Room, Gateshead Civic Centre toinform stage 2 of the SWMP. Different viable methods to manage surface water for 13 strategic siteswithin Gateshead and Newcastle will be considered. In line with DEFRA guidance a workshop is being arranged to consult stakeholders with an interest in the Strategic Sites concerning the potential measures.
The workshop will provide an overview of the work achieved to date by the SWMP. In particular, the principles for choosing the preferred mitigation measureswill be explained, further to which an overview of the solutions for each site will be presented. The workshop will provide an opportunity for you to provide feedback concerning the measures to the Steering Group.
The workshop will allow you to gain an improved awareness concerning the surface water flood risk issues in Newcastle and Gateshead, and more specifically regarding the strategic sites. They will also be encouraged to provide any comments on the preferred solutions. These will be recorded and fed back in the SWMP.
The thirteen strategic sites outlined within the stage 2 report are as follows:
- S1 – Fit for a City (Gateshead Town Centre) and Gateshead Quays Masterplan
- S2 – Freight Depot and Baltic Business Quarter
- S3 – BlaydonTown Centre
- S4 – Scotswood
- S5 – Newburn Riverside
- S6 – Ouseburn
- S7 – Stephenson Quarter/Forth Yards
- S8 – Science Central
- S9 – Metro Green 1, 2 & 3
- S10 – East Pilgrim Street
- M1 – Mixed Use Site 5- Askew Road
- M2 – Mixed Use Site 6 & 19 – Askew Road and Pipewellgate
- M3 – Mixed Use Site 12 & 13 – Go-Gateshead Bus Depot and Tynegate Precinct
For more information regarding the 13 identifiedstrategic sites and for a copy of the draft mitigation optionsreport please visit:
To confirm your attendance please email d where possible, please indicate which of the 13 strategic sites you have a specific interest in.
In the meantime if you have any queries, please contact Gayle Wilson at Gateshead Council on 0191 433 3414 or Rachael Ashworth at Newcastle City Council on 0191 211 6010 or .
We hope you will be able to join us for this important event and we look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Gayle Wilson
Planning Policy Officer
Rachael Ashworth
Planning Policy Officer
Gateshead Council Newcastle City Council
Civic Centre, Regent StreetGateshead, NE8 1HH, Civic Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8PD,
Phone: 0191 433 3414 Phone: 0191 211 6010