Outline for Microsoft Word Level 1
Chapter 1 (pages 1-31)
This chapter reviews the new Microsoft Word 2007 environment. We will go through the Ribbons, the organization structure using groups and finding dialogue boxes. In addition this chapter goes through some file basics including different ways to view a document in Word, saving and printing. We will also go through Open, Close, working with multiple file Windows and switching from one to another.
Microsoft Word Creating Text Practice
Here we will take some time to create the attached document. After creating and working with the text we will practice moving around and selecting text.
Chapter 2 (pages 33-63)
Editing text is changing the text that you have created. There are a variety of editing tools in Word including deleting, replacing, moving and copying text. We will utilize our practice above selecting text to manipulate these editing techniques.
Microsoft Word Edit Practice (p. 37)
Open the Practice File Changes in the Editing Folder. We will do a Save As and name the file Edit Practice. We will then step through the practice exercise together on pages 37-39.
In addition to these editing techniques there are also useful tools that can help you when you work in Microsoft Word. We will look at these tools in the following exercises, including Quick Parts, Thesaurus, Research, Find & Replace, AutoCorrect, Spelling and Grammar Check.
Microsoft Word Quick Parts, Research and Thesaurus Practice (p. 41)
Open the Practice File SavedText in the Editing Folder. We will not do a Save As with this file, simply run through the steps on pages 41-42 and close the file without saving. Before closing we will briefly look at the Research Task Pane.
Microsoft Word Find and Replace Practice (p. 51)
Open the Practice File FindingText in the Editing Folder. We will not do a Save As with this file, simply run through the steps on pages 51-53 and close the file without saving.
Microsoft Word Spelling and Grammar Practice (p. 55)
Open the Practice File Spelling in the Editing Folder. We will not do a Save As with this file, simply run through the steps on pages 55-59 and close the file without saving. Here we will also discuss the concepts of document properties, inspecting your document and digital signatures.
Chapter 3 (pages 65-93)
In this section we will look at Formatting Text, which is to change the LOOK of the text rather than changing the text itself as we did in editing text. Here in Chapter 3 we will practice the many concepts reviewed in the book including but not limited to using Quick Styles and applying Font and Paragraph formatting. In this section we will play more and though we will use the Practice Files and some of the practice steps we will not step through them as we did in the previous section.
We will use the practice files, QuickFormatting, Characters, Paragraphs and Lists from the FormattingText Folder. We will step through theis Chapter together, review the concepts and apply them utilizing these practice files.
Chapter 12 (pages 329-347)
This chapter allows us to look at the many ways we can customize Word for our own purposes. Everyone works differently and utilizes different tools. This chapter looks at the Microsoft Word Options Dialogue Box. We will look at these options and cover the concepts in this chapter and perhaps more.
Note: by the end of the first class I will have a clear idea of how quickly the class is moving. If it appears the class is moving at t swifter pace then we may begin looking at concepts in Chapter 4.
Microsoft Word Level 2
In the level 2 class we will be looking at Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 9. If there is time in this class we will look at concepts in Chapter 8.
Page 1 Microsoft Word at North Seattle Community College