Safeguarding Adults
OutcomesMeeting Minutes /
Adult At Risk:
Name: / ESCR/CIS ref:
Date of Birth: / Date of Death (if applicable)
Meeting Details
Date of Meeting: / Meeting Held At:
Scheduled Start Time: / Actual Start Time:
Time Finished: / Meeting Duration:
Details of Participants
Person Invited: / Job Title, Organisation, Relationship / Attended / Apology / No Response
Independent Case Conference Chair
Meeting Administrator
Safeguarding Coordinator
Safeguarding Enquiry Officer
Adult At Risk
Comments on invitations/attendance:
1. Information about the adult at risk
Include information about their decision-making capacity and representation
< Guidance Note:
< Provide a summary pen picture of the adult at risk, their current circumstances, relevant information about support needs, services received, support networks, family relationships.
< Provide relevant information about the person’s need for support and representation by friends, family members or advocates, including any assessments undertaken about the person’s mental capacity to make decisions relevant to this meeting.
2. Summary of concerns
< Guidance Note:
< Please outline the nature of the concerns that were explored during the formal enquiry.
< Please summarise each concernsof abuse or neglect, and the incidents that have led to these concerns:
E.g. There is a concern of possible neglect:
- A family remember reported that they witnessed….
3. What are the desired outcomes of the adult at risk
Guidance note: Desired outcomes are those changes that the adult at risk wants to achieve from the support they receive, such as feeling safe at home, access to community facilities, restricted or no contact with certain individuals or pursing the matter through the criminal justice system.
4. Summary of findings from the enquiry
< Guidance Note:
What do we know about what happened. Summarise key issues / learning points from the enquiry as discussed in the meeting.
5. Contributions from relevant parties (present or not)
< Guidance Notes:
Record key discussion points raised by attendees or those forwarded in someone’s absence.
6. Whatrisks were identified? What is or was the source of risk?
Nature of concern and risk / Source of risk?
< Guidance Note example:
Neglect: Tissue viability care plan not followed / < Guidance Note example:
Member of staff not following procedures
7. Safeguarding Plan: How arethe risks to be managed?
What actions are required to safeguard the person or others? / Person Responsible / Date
< Guidance Note: Ensure that each of the identified risks are addressed through this safeguarding plan.
< Consider if a contingency plan is required. That is, if, despite the risk management plan being in place, an incident occurs – record here how people should respond.
< Remember, that mental capacity is time and decision specific
What learning has been identified and how will this be put into practice?
< What is the organisations learning from the incident and how is this being taken forward. e.g. Staff training on pressure ulcer care >
What additional actions are required (if any)?
< If not present, ensure arrangements to inform the adult at risk and person alleged to have caused harm of relevant decisions are recorded here. Other parties may also require notification >
Since the concern was raised,
Has the risk been reduced? / Has the risk been removed? / Does the risk remain?
8. Have the desired outcomes of the person been met?
Guidance Note: Please complete this for each of the person’s desired outcomes. The view recorded should be that of the adult at risk or their representative. / Fully / Partly / Not at all
Fully / Partly / Not at all
Fully / Partly / Not at all
9. Review Arrangements
Safeguarding Review Meeting Required? / Yes No / Date To Be Held:
If no, detail other review arrangements required / Person Responsible / Date
Name of
Outcome Meeting Chair:
Date of Signature
All information shared at this meeting is strictly confidential. It should not be used for any purpose other than the safeguarding or care of the adult(s) concerned. If any individual or organisation wishes to use information given at this meeting for any other purposes they must seek the explicit consent of the organisation or person that shared it.
Version: 16th October 2017 Page 1 of 4