Mini-proyecto: Mi árbol genealógico
Family Tree:· Must have at least 3 generations.
· Each family member must have a picture and be labeled with how they are related to you including “mi”. (EX: mi abuelo)
· You may use your real family or make one up.
· A title must be included.
· Pictures may be drawn, printed, clip art, from a magazine, etc. / Presentation
· Present your family tree to some or all of the members of the class.
· Be sure to include the names, ages & descriptions of all the people on it. Also include their relationship to you.
Conversion Chart
16=100 / 8=72
15=96 / 7=70
14=92 / 6=67
13=88 / 5=63
12=84 / 4=60
11=82 / 3=50
10=78 / 2=40
9=75 / 1=30
Scoring Rubric
Criteria / 4 points / 3 points / 2 points / 1 point / 0 points
Task completion / Superior completion of task. Response is appropriate and with elaboration. / Completion of the task. Response is appropriate and adequately developed. / Partial completion of task. Response is mostly appropriate but under developed. / Minimal completion of the task, and/or frequently inappropriate. / Does not attempt to complete or gives irrelevant sample.
Comprehensibility / Responses are readily comprehensible, requiring no interpretation on the part of the listener. Pronunciation / fluency does not interfere with communication. / Responses comprehensible but requiring some interpretation on the part of the listener. Pronunciation / fluency does not interfere with communication. / Responses mostly comprehensible, requiring interpretation on the part of the listener. Pronunciation / fluency occasionally interferes with communication. / Responses barely comprehensible. Pronunciation / fluency frequently interferes with communication / Does not attempt to complete or gives irrelevant sample.
Vocabulary / Rich use of vocabulary. / Adequate use of vocabulary. / Somewhat inadequate use of vocabulary. / Inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary. / Does not attempt to complete or gives irrelevant sample.
Accuracy / Superior control of language structures needed to complete task. / Adequate control of language structures needed to complete task. / Emerging control of language structures needed to complete. / Inadequate control and/or inaccurate use of language structures needed to complete task. / Does not attempt to complete or gives irrelevant sample.