Our ref:SVQ Mngt update 2015/MS

3 September 2015

SQA Co-ordinators, SVQ Management Approved Centres

(cc SVQ Management EVs)

Contact Name:Elaine Snell/Margo Sykes

Direct Line: 0345 213 5440/5438


Dear SQA Co-ordinator

SVQs in Team Leading and Management – Update letter

This letter includesrecentkey developments and updates regarding theSVQs in Management.

SVQs in Management and National Occupational Standards (NOS)

The current SVQs in Team Leading and Management are due to lapse on 31 May 2016. Skills CFA, the standards setting body for management, is hoping to review the NOS and SVQ structures next year. However, this will depend on Skills CFA being able to access funding for the review; it is therefore looking very likely that the current SVQs in Team Leading and Management will be extended.

We will be in touch as soon as we have more information.

Internal Assessment Report

The Internal Assessment Report for Management SVQs has been produced and should be published shortly on the SVQ Management page. This report providesinformation for centres on visiting verification activity in relation to the SVQs in Management. This includes information on the overall standard of assessment, areas of good practice and recommendations for areas that could be improved.

SVQ Management Annual Network Event 2016

As the standards haven’t changed and centres are very experienced in delivering the current SVQs in Management, it was decided not to hold a network event this year. We are however, planning to hold a network event in 2016.

An invitation will be sent to SQA coordinators in centres in due course with the date, location and outline programme.

3 September 2015

SVQ Management Update letter

Ushare Resources

Ushare is an online community and resource that allows users to share links to open learning and teaching materials. SQA launched Ushare in June this year and management is one of the subject areas being piloted.

SQA staff and EVs have uploaded links to articles, videos, presentations etc that we think might be useful in the delivery of the SVQs in Management. However, we know there is a wealth of content online that assessors, candidates, managers have found or created that supports them in their work and learning. We hope that through time, providers and candidates will add to this resource and comment and rate the resources that have been uploaded. So, it is over to the sector to make use of this resource. If you scroll to the bottom of the SVQ Management page - - you will find the Ushare resources.

SVQ Management candidate support packs

Centres are reminded that there are support packs available on the SQA secure website to assist candidates with the knowledge requirements of mandatory Units in SVQ 3 and SVQ 4 in Management and some optional Units. SQA encourages centres to make these packs available to candidates and would welcome any feedback on the content of the packs. Please contact your SQA coordinator for access to SQA secure website.

Career skills for Technical and Professional Apprenticeships

Career skillswere introduced for Technical (SCQF level 8/9) and Professional Apprenticeships (SCQF level 10 or above) as the core skills Units only go up to SCQF Level 6 and consultation with employers identified that 'core skills' at a higher level must reflect the work-based requirements at a higher level. Therefore, 'career skills'were introduced by SDS for Technical and Professional Apprenticeships

The Career Skills Units are existing SVQ Units at SCQF 7 and above, and SDS has produced a list consisting of Management, Business Administration, Customer Service and Enterprise NOS.

For the new technical apprenticeships, the career skills must be at SCQF Level 7 or above with a minimum of 15 SCQF credits

For the professional apprenticeships, career skills must be at SCQF Level 8 and above with a minimum of 20 credits for Professional Apprenticeships.

This may provide an opportunity for management centres.For more information on the technical and professional apprenticeships, please click on the following SDS link:

3 September 2015

SVQ Management Update letter

PDAs in Management and Leadership

Centres are reminded that SQA offer a suite of short Professional Development Awards in Management and Leadership consisting of two SVQ Units and range from SCQF level 7 (ie HNC level) to SCQF level 11 (ie Masters).The awards have been designed as short stand-alone awards which enable candidates to enhance their managerial skills and achieve certification in a relatively short period of time. These PDAs consist of two mandatory Units which also form part of an SVQ Management at Levels 3, 4 or 5.

These awards are workplace awards so for candidates not currently in a management position but aspiring to a managerial post, there is another suite of

PDAs in Management and Leadership made up of Higher National (HN) Units which can be delivered through colleges or training providers.

Further details of the PDAs can be found on the following webpage:

Joint Certification with CMI

Just a reminder that all our generic management qualifications are jointly certificated by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) and candidates registered on the SVQs or PDAs are eligible for 12 months free student membership of CMI. This allows them access to a wide range of management information, tools and the latest research.

SVQ Management webpage

Much of the information in this update letter can also be found on our SVQ Management webpage. As we are increasingly using this to provide updated information and developments, please save the SVQ Management webpage as one of your favouritesusing the following link:

If you would like any further information on the points included in this update letter, please contact me or Margo.

Yours faithfully,

Elaine Snell

Qualifications Manager