ETI Safeguarding Proforma 2016-17 (with prompts)




This questionnaire is intended to establish the extent to which your organisation complies with child protection /safeguarding[1] requirements and how your arrangements reflect best practice in all aspects of safeguarding children and young people. The first column of the questionnaire contains statements about current requirements in respect of child protection/safeguarding arrangements as set out in various Department of Education (DE) Circulars or statements about best practice. The statements take account of the material published by the Child Protection Support Service for Schools (CPSSS) and the Regional Policy and Procedures agreed by the Childcare Partnerships within the Health and Social Care Trusts (HCST).

The completed questionnaire will form the basis of a discussion about pastoral care provision and a copy should be made available to the ETI inspector at the start of the session. The completed questionnaire should be signed and dated by both the principal/manager/leader and the chairperson of the board of governors /management committee and is the official record of your child protection/safeguarding arrangements. When completing the document you must be assured that the statements made are correct and based on accessible evidence.

Please ‘tick’ the ‘Yes’ column if your current arrangement meets the requirement or best practice recommendation. Where appropriate complete the other columns with information about the evidence to support your view or any planned actions. Please return to the RI a completed document responding only to the questions in bold, however, please feel free to use the prompts (in italics) which are provided for your own self-evaluation.

Note: Responses made in this proforma may be subject to further checks through an auditing process completed by DE or another relevant body.

If you have any questions about this questionnaire please contact:

The reporting inspector or Inspection Services Team at 028 91279726 or

ETI Safeguarding Proforma 2016-17 (with prompts)


Whole Organisation
Current Requirement / Yes / Evidence by / No / Proposed Action
1. There is a written child protection/ safeguarding policy and procedures which are ratified by management.
Does the policy reflect the needs of all of the learners in the organisation?
2. There is a timetabled review of the child protection/safeguarding and other pastoral care policies and procedures by management.
When were they last reviewed?
How frequently are the child protection and pastoral policies reviewed and updated?
Does the review process meet the requirements/guidance issued by DE/other relevant bodies? For example, is there a review of child protection policies and procedures annually and other pastoral policies and procedures every 2/3 years?
How are staff and managers, and young people involved in the review process?
3. Appropriate risk assessment procedures are in place across the organisation including assessment procedures to manage the recruitment and supervision of all volunteers.
[i]Note: Supervision must be regular, day to day, reasonable in all circumstances to protect children, and carried out by an individual who is engaged in regulated activity relating to children and young people and has therefore been vetted.
How does the organisation carry out risk assessments to determine if volunteers or other individuals not on its payroll should or should not be vetted?
How does the organisation carry out risk assessments? Examples may include: trips and outings; visitors to the organisation; challenging behaviours; children who may pose a risk to others.
4. All staff, paid and unpaid, are aware of and follow the agreed child protection/safeguarding policy and procedures.
How is this monitored?
5. There is an agreed code of conduct (behaviour) for staff which has been ratified by management.
Who monitors the implementation and how?
Does it include the appropriate use of social media by staff?
6. The youth organisation has a behaviour management policy which is age appropriate, includes an anti-bullying statement, and sets out the measures which the organisation takes to promote acceptable behaviour among the children/young people.
When were the policies last reviewed?
How are incidents of bullying recorded and followed up?
When and how are parents/carers/young people consulted?
Were any changes made in the light of the consultation?
7. There is a Designated worker/officer and Deputy Designated worker/officer for child protection/ safeguarding.
Who are they and what is their relevant experience?
8. The names of the Designated and Deputy Designated youth worker/officer are known to all staff, children and young people, and parents/carers.
How is this communicated?
9. There is a designated member of the management committee who has responsibility for safeguarding (voluntary Sector).
Who is the designated member of the management committee? Is this committee member best placed to carry out the role?
10. All staff on the payroll of the organisation and unsupervised volunteers are appropriately and suitably vetted in compliance with the relevant Department Circulars[ii].
Are all staff employed prior to 1990 vetted?
Communication and Record Keeping
Current Requirement / Yes / Evidence by / No / Proposed Action
11. All members of the Management Committee have a copy of:
(i)  the child protection / safeguarding policy and procedures;
(ii)  DE Circular 1999/10, Pastoral Care in Schools: Child Protection.
How does the organisation take account of letters of advice and updated information from DE/other relevant bodies?
12.There is a confidential system for recording information about:
·  suspicions of abuse of a child or young person;
·  disclosure of abuse; and
·  complaints of abuse by members of staff.
Is the organisation clear about the guidance provided by DE/other relevant bodies on record keeping and advice received from their EA.
Where are the records kept for suspicions of abuse/complaints against staff?
13.The system for reporting concerns/complaints, is known to all staff (paid and unpaid), parents/ carers and young people.
Are reporting arrangements clearly specified in policies and procedures and are they displayed on notice boards?
How is this monitored?
14. A report on all child protection/ safeguarding activity is presented, at least annually, as an agenda item to the management committee.
When was it last presented?
Note: Best practice recommends that CP is a standing agenda item in the management committee meetings.
Is it recorded in the minutes?
15. The Record of Child Abuse Complaints made against members of staff is considered annually as an agenda item by the management committee; the record confirms that appropriate action has been taken.
Note: The ETI inspector will ask to see the record during inspections.
Where is the record kept?
When was it last presented?
Is it signed and dated annually by the principal/leader and designated governor/member of the management committee?
Does the format meet the requirements as stated in the relevant guidance?
Children/Young People and Parents
Current Requirement / Yes / Evidence by / No / Proposed Action
16. All children and young people have been informed, in a language understandable to them, about the arrangements for child protection/ safeguarding.
How are children and young people informed of the relevant member(s) of staff to whom they should voice their concerns?
For example: displays on notice boards;
Are there any other ways provided by the organisation so that a child or young person can express any concerns or issues they may have?
17. Parents/carers are provided with a copy of the child protection/ safeguarding policy and complaints procedure in a language appropriate to them, when their young person is first enrolled, and every two years thereafter.
Note: The ETI inspector will ask about an example of an incident relating to child protection /safeguarding and how the organisation dealt with it.
When and how was such information last communicated to parents/carers?
Is there a summary document which indicates clearly that the full policy and procedures can be requested or found on the website?
How are new parents/carers informed of the child protection/safeguarding procedures?
Does the organisation maintain a record of parental/carer receipt of information?
18. Information is displayed prominently in the building(s) about how a concern/complaint of child abuse might be raised.
Where is the information displayed?
Is the display format age appropriate, does it meet the needs of, for example, newcomer children or children with special educational needs?
19. There is appropriate support available to children and young people who are on the child protection register, have disclosed abuse, or are considered at particular risk. For example: children with special educational needs.
What form does this support take?
How is this information communicated to relevant staff?
Current Requirement / Yes / Evidence by / No / Proposed Action
20. The Designated Deputy Designated worker(s)/officer(s) have completed the relevant training in safeguarding during their first year in post.
Note: In the case of the voluntary sector the training may have been completed with another recognised training body.
When were the DW and DDW(s) appointed?
When did this training take place?
21. The Designated Teacher and Deputy Designated youth worker (s) have received refresher training after three years in post.
When was the most recent training for the:
a. Designated Worker/Officer?
b. Deputy Designated Worker(s)?
Briefly discuss the nature of the training.
22. All members of the management committee have received child protection/safeguarding awareness training.
When was the most recent training?
Briefly discuss the nature of the training.
Did they receive CP/S Training from the Designated Worker?
23. The designated member of the management committee with responsibility for safeguarding has completed appropriate, recognised and up-to-date training.
When was the most recent training?
Briefly discuss the nature of the training.
Best practice is at least once every term of office which is four years.
24. All members of the management committee sitting on interview/appointment panels have received specific training on recruitment and vetting of staff.
Briefly discuss the nature of the training.
25. All members of staff, paid and unpaid, have attended a child protection /safeguarding awareness raising session organised by the Designated staff. They have also attended any necessary refresher training at least every 2 years.
When was the most recent training for all staff?
Briefly discuss the nature of the training.
26. New staff have received a child protection /safeguarding awareness raising session as part of their induction programme.
Briefly discuss the nature of the training.
27. Safeguarding or “keeping safe” messages are actively promoted with young people and through particular activities (e.g. e-safety, social networking).
For example: safe use of ICT/Mobile phones; personal safety; outdoor play.
Detail the range of initiatives/activities undertaken by the organisation to promote keeping safe messages.
28. The organisation has in place appropriate policies to manage effectively e-Safety, including access to ICT and its appropriate use.
Are the policies comprehensive and implemented fully?
Are staff provided with appropriate guidance and training on their use of ICT?
Has a risk assessment been completed for the use of ICT equipment? For example, second lines for Internet access, smart phones, and other personal electronic devices.
29. There are appropriate policies and procedures, including risk assessment for overnight residential trips and visits.
What policy does the group follow when attending overnight residential?
Is there appropriate guidance in place for staff?

ETI Safeguarding Proforma 2016-17 (with prompts)


Additional Comments/Information on any of the above issues which the worker-in-charge or the chairperson of the management committee wishes to bring to the attention of the inspection team.

Signed: ______Worker-in-charge

Signed: ______Chairperson of the of Management Committee


An inspector will discuss the points on this form with the worker-in-charge or designated Person during the inspection.

Amendments to proforma (if necessary) following inspection:

Signed: ______Worker-in-charge

Signed: ______Chairperson of the Management Committee


[1] ETI report on the provision for the pastoral care and support of all children and young people, and on child protection / safeguarding arrangements. Child protection is a subset of safeguarding and the arrangements an organisation has in place should ensure that the children and young people’s safety is paramount.

