November 20, 2016
Our Lord Jesus Christ
Sunday: Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Monday: The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary;Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time
Tuesday: St. Cecilia Wednesday: St. Clement I; St. Columban; Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro Thursday: St. Andrew Dung-L?c and Companions;
Thanksgiving Day Friday: St. Catherine of Alexandria Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary


OUR SICK & HOMEBOUND: Pat Rogaski, Wally Laskis, Joanne Henry, Kelly Gearren, Mimi Young, Randy Hege, Vickie Hege, Herbert Temple, Jerry Chambers, Frenda Tagliaferri, Jeremy Brown, Paul McLaughlin, Michael Walsh, Karen Chambers, Joanne Henry, Ellie Brown, John Armstrong, Ted Rampp, Arthur Reid, Pam Boyd, Gene Burcham, Peggy Burcham, Jimmy Longo, Clara Jensen, Frannie Whitaker, Gloria Juarez (Delfina Paniagua), Jean Williams, Sonia Bolz (Ray Bolz), Paul Stewart, Rosmary Pratt, Harley Stumbaugh (Lupe Armstrong) Rita Schmeltzer (Pat Snider), Leona Rivenburg, Darin Boyd, Alice Radewicz (Jim & Pam Boyd),Tommy Hall (Karen Chambers),Morris and Georgianna Lunt (Darlene Brown), Nancy Reed, Dan & Kittie Newsom (Kathy Laskis), Mr. & Mrs. Dustin Provost & Family (Gary Provost), Lloyd Stover Sr. (Smokey), Leonel Hernandez (Delfina Paniagua), Gabriel Ward (Linda Conley), Joel Schoeher (MaryBeth Corron), Valentin Aguilar (Oswaldo & Maria Aguilar), Juan Carlos Castellanos, Emiliano Deras Flores, Dick O’Connor (Jim Whitehouse), Carmen Evans, Virginia Dackus (Peggy Whitaker), Virginia Lambeth (Jerry Sturgis), Molly (Karen Chambers), Deacon Ron Steinkamp. To add or remove someone to our prayer lists, email .

FAMILY & FRIENDS SERVING OUR COUNTRY: Amanda Sturgis , David Reid, Sarah Smithling, Ryan Smithling, Angela Monserrath Solis, Michael Harris, Nathaniel Ramsay, Joshua Ramsay, Jason Boyd, Matt Gobble, Rebecca Schweigart, Raul Soto, Mac Figaro, Luigi Soto, Marc Green, Jasmine Leahy, Britt Baxley, Everett Henry, Nelson Ortiz, Felipe D. Rodriguez, Leslie Rodriguez, Alex Paniagua, Christopher Hackney , Josh Ducharme , Richard Archer, Tiffany Jaramillo.



Monday: Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Ps 24:1bc-4ab, 5-6;Lk 21:1-4
Tuesday: Rv 14:14-19; Ps 96:10-13; Lk 21:5-11
Wednesday: Rv 15:1-4; Ps 98:1-3ab, 7-9; Lk 21:12-19
Thursday: Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 21:20-28

Thanksgiving Day (suggested):Sir 50:22-24; Ps 145:2-11;

1 Cor 1:3-9;Lk 17:11-19
Friday: Rv 20:1-4, 11 -- 21:2; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a;Lk 21:29-33
Saturday: Rv 22:1-7; Ps 95:1-7ab; Lk 21:34-36
Sunday: Is 2:1-5; Ps 122:1-9; Rom 13:11-14;Mt 24:37-44


First Saturday of the Month

The Pro-Life Rosary is held outdoors, rain or shine, on the first Saturday of each month at 901 N. Main St. & Sunset Dr., High Point, at 11:00 AM .

Sunday Morning

You are invited each Sunday morning to pray the rosary before the 10:00am Mass at 9:30am in the cryroom. Also after the 10 am Mass for Vocation.


The Spanish Charismatic Group meets in the Church each Friday evening from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm. All are invited!


Exposition of the Holy Sacrament begins at 10:00 am each First Friday until 7pm followed by Mass for Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


In October, Pat and Joan White collected and donated 316 pounds of food and $277 in the name of our parish to FairgroveFamilyResourceCenter.

Pat and Joan will be at all massesthis weekend accepting donations to help families on Thanksgiving. Thank you for all your generous donations!


Next week we support our parishioners and their families who serve or have served this nation with distinction as members of the US military. This collection for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA will provide the gospel, the sacraments and other forms of spiritual support to the men and women of the US Armed Forces and veterans who are in VA medical centers. Please prayerfully consider a generous contribution to this special triennial collection approved by the USCCB.


This week’s Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the US by funding organizations that help people help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing, and economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and help those living on the margins of our society.


As we approach the season of Thanksgiving, please consider your blessings, and make a gift of gratitude to the DSA. If you have not yet contributed, you can donate online at or by returning the pledge form that you received in the mail. Remember, any amount over our goal will be returned to the parish for our own use. If you have an outstanding pledge, please complete your pledge payments by December 31st.


Kingship is off-putting in our democratic culture. And, authority has so often become such a soiled garment in our times that the idea of ultimate authority can seem strange. We need to interpret what this feast of Christ the king means.

King and kingdom imply power, authority over other people. There are two ways of moving people to do what we would like them to do: one is to force them to do it whether they want to or not: coercive power; the other is to attract them to do it because of the inherent goodness in doing it: persuasive power. Persuasive power is more difficult and usually takes more time.
Jesus was goaded to use coercive power three times in today’s Gospel: by the rulers, by the soldiers, by one of the thieves. He refused. Coercive power never accomplishes conversion of mind and heart. It accomplishes only “behavior modification” as in prison or the 50-pupil catholic classroom of yesteryear. “My way or the highway, do it or else…”
If you and I possess any genuine goodness, it was not pounded into us. When we came under the influence of truly good people, a thought took shape in our minds: “Wow – this makes sense.” We may not even remember the incidents. But, if we look at the finest qualities people say they see in you and me, we can trace how these qualities became part of your and my character. H
Jesus knew preeminently that we never accomplish real conversion except by persuasion. Persuasive power was at the heart of his teaching about his father’s kingdom. Jesus was invitational: “Come to me all you who are weary and heavily burdened, I will refresh you. Come, follow me. Zacchaeus, come down.
Jesus’ single, royal command is: ‘Love one another as I have loved you.”
In John’s 1st Letter, we read: “God is love.” “He who abides in love abides in God and God in him.” His kingdom is the inbreaking of God’s presence in us.
Our Gospel tells the story of the two thieves on the crosses beside Jesus. Both were faced with the same choice about Jesus. One is consumed with himself and his situation. The other recognizes the goodness in Jesus and the lack of good in his own life – he is drawn to Jesus and acts upon it. The good thief snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. Fulton sheen said it well: “He remained a thief to the end. He stole heaven as his final caper.”
At the conclusion of our Eucharistic Prayer, we pray the Lord’s Prayer. We pray: Thy kingdom come. We ask our father to fill our lives with himself, love. Each of us needs to determine where we say “thy kingdom come” and actually live “my kingdom come. “
The kingdom of God cannot be equated with the Catholic church although before Vatican II, we heard church leadership call the catholic church “the kingdom of god on earth” implying that if one were not a catholic one would have great trouble getting to heaven.
The kingdom of God is bigger than the Roman Catholic Church. Jesus said: “My kingdom is not of this world.” Jesus turns “ power” and “authority” inside out. The kingdom of God exists in the collective heart of the faithful who are open to divine and neighbor love.
The kingdom of God is a presence to the world of unbelief. We attempt to be a vibrant model that is persuasively visible and attractive to everyone. We stand behind Jesus as he says: “Here I stand, knocking at the door . . .”
The closing feast of the liturgical year addresses our spirituality. So, on this feast of Christ the King, we celebrate his persuasive love. May we look at Jesus and may we ask ourselves: what part of me still remains “my kingdom” and private. May we seek the goodness of God and allow the reign of God to thoroughly permeate us.
Next Sunday we begin the liturgical New Year. See you on the other side.


“But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil ne.” The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are November 4-6 in Atlantic Beach and February 3-5 in Myrtle Beach. For more information visit our website at or call704-315-2144.


We are currently recruiting Table Captains for the Partners in Hope dinner on March 9, 2017. If you are interested in helping us put a table together then please join us for Catholic Charities 2017 Partners in Hope Kickoff Event on Thursday, November 3, 2016. For additional details, RSVP or further information regarding the Kickoff, please contact Kathy Murray at or 336-416-9200.


The Faith Formation program is raffling a beautiful Hispanic American Girl Doll for $5/ticket or 5 for $20. The doll, with clothes, books, and accessories is valued at $350. The drawing will be Thanksgiving weekend. See Kathy Laskis for tickets.


This year’s ParishChristmas Bazaar will be held onFriday, December 2 from 8am–5pm,Saturday, December 3 from8am – 7:30 pmand fter10:00ammass onSunday, December 4th. There will also be a chili supperon Saturdayfrom 4:00 PM till 7:30 PM.

A beautiful 100 X 100 queen/king handmade quilt, which can be seen on Our Lady of the Highways Facebook page, will be raffled off also. Tickets are available at $1 each, 6 for $5 or 25 for $20 after each mass.

We need volunteers for donations ofHomemade/Handmadeitems, baked goods, ornaments, Christmas stockings, or anything else you have a talent to make. For help or more information call Vicki Moss 336-434-5905, MaryBeth Corron 336-414-3364or Connie Nareau336-688-0824

Donations can be dropped off startingTuesday November 29th. We ask that baked goods are not dropped off until Thursday December 1st. We will also need more baked goods forSaturdaymorning which can be dropped off on Friday, December 2nd.

THANKSGIVING SCHEDULE Wednesday Parish Office Closed

Mass 6:00 pm Thursday Thanksgiving Day

Mass 10:00 am bilingual

Friday Parish Office Closed