Anderson County Conservation District

Scholarship Application

Scholarship Amount: $1,000.00 Annual Scholarship.

The Anderson County Conservation District (ACCD) will present up to two (2) $1,000 scholarships to qualified graduates of any AndersonCountyHigh School. This scholarship shall be divided into two (2) payments of $500 each semester.

The selection committee shall consist of the seven Supervisors of the ACCD.

The recipient of the ACCD scholarship will be chosen based upon the criteria established by the Supervisors. Preference will be given to students that plan to take at least one class in an agricultural field.

Completed applications must be received by the ACCD at its office located at 145 West Woodford Street, Lawrenceburg, KY40342 postmarked no later thanMarch 15th of current year..


  1. Be a graduating student at any AndersonCountyHigh School and provide an official copy of current year school transcript and a copy of ACT or SAT test scores.
  1. Provide two letters of recommendation. At least one letter must be from a teacher at the High School.
  1. Compose a personal statement outlining your focus on career goals and why you need the scholarship.
  1. Preference will be given to students enrolling in an agricultural field.
  1. All applications must be postmarked no later than March 15 of current year..

If you have any questions, please contact the Anderson County Conservation District at (502) 839-5667.



Name: ______

Date of Birth: ______

Address: ______

Telephone Number: ______

Parents Names and Occupations:



Amount of Family Income: ______

Name of College/University you plan to attend in the fall:



List all scholarships that you have received: ______


Have you applied for any need based assistance (in so, please list)?: ______


Have you been convicted of any crime other than a traffic violation?: ______

If so, please explain: ______

Attach two (2) letters of recommendations and a list of extra-curricular activities including all leadership positions.


I, ______, hereby declare and certify that I am the person named throughout this application and that I am interested in applying for the scholarship sponsored by the Anderson County Conservation District. I further certify and affirm that if I am the recipient of this scholarship, I will remain a student in good standing in high school until graduation and at the institution in which I enroll.

If I change my major to one not approved in this application, I agree to immediately inform the Anderson County Conservation Board.

I declare that all information provided in this application is true and accurate to my best of my belief and knowledge. I understand that the chairman of the scholarship committee may review any information that it deems necessary. I understand that if any information listed on this application is discovered to be false, I will forfeit the scholarship award.


Date: Signature: