25 November 2014
National Curriculum & Assessing without Levels
Dear Parents/Carers
There have been many changes in education this year.
Two of the main changes are:
- The introduction of a new National Curriculum
- New assessment procedures
The new National Curriculum was introduced this year. Mrs Cartwright, our curriculum leader has worked with our curriculum team to ensure the new curriculum is being covered. Examples of the work the children are covering can be found on the website on the year group pages. The new National curriculum can also be accessed by clicking on the link National curriculum - GOV.UK.During the year, you may notice changes for SPAG and spelling tests.
With the exception of the current Year 2 and Year 6 classes, children will no longer be assessed and awarded levels eg. 2B,3C, 4A etc. The Governors felt that many parents found these levels confusing. This is called ‘Assessing without levels’. However, there are no clear guidelines produced as to what schools should use to assess and level children, and then report to parents. Some parents may find this a step back in terms of the information they are receiving about their child. We are currently working on systems in school to try and make the process as easy as possible for parents to understand.
There are currently only three statements of assessment in each year group;
Emergingwhich is working towards the year group expectations
Expected which is achieving the year group expectations
Exceeded which is achieving beyond the year group expected objectives
Please click on the link for the end of year expectations
As these are statements about end of yearattainments, many children will spend the majority of the year at ‘not met the end of year age related objectives’ – simply because the work has not yet been covered in class. We are tracking each child, in each class, in each subject, so that we are clear about what your children know – what they need to be taught and, what progress is being made. However, progress is not as clear to report to parents as yet.
Many of the objectives have also moved year groups – so for example work previously covered in Year 4 may now be expected to be taught in Year 3 or even Year 2. We will still be reporting to parents at the end of each term, but please bear with us while we implement a system that is useful for children, parents and staff.
I understand that some of this information may be confusing, but please ask or e-mail any questions through and I will try my best to answer any questions I can.
Yours sincerely
Julie Finlay
Head teacher