Our Five Stones - Pastor Shawn Coley - 03/04/18
Proverbs 29:18
(This Is Us Series, Part Five)
We’re in a series designed intentionally to speak on the overall state of who we are as a church, who we are called to be, and what we’re called to accomplish. We’ve talked about excellence and the spirit of God in our lives. We’ve talked about understanding that the world needs to see the love of God in a broken and lost world. We’ve talked about the principle of honor. When we learn how to honor authority, God, and others, even when we don’t agree, we show the love of God to people.
Culture is extremely important in any organization. Certain manufacturers have a culture and you know what to expect from their product. Today, we will talk about the power of culture and what to expect from the church. To have a real clean/holy church, lock the door and don’t let anyone in. People in the church love God but are not perfect. They press towards the high calling realizing there are low ones. We are called to be the hope of the community, where lost and dying people experience the presence, forgiveness, and love of God.
“This Is Us” totally outlines who we are so you know who you are connected to. Today, we’re celebrating the church’s anniversary. There have been many seasons and shifts in the ministry. Next is calling. Where there’s no vision (revelations), the people perish (cast off restraint). When you’re connected to a place with vision, movement is produced. Vision produces boundaries. If you have a vision for your life, it should produce boundaries for you. If you don’t set up boundaries, your life will be a mess. Vision helps a church set boundaries. It sets who we are and who we are not. Not every place has the same vision or purpose. We’re not called to be the same.
Who are we? Why do we exist? Why is there a Destination Church? We exist to create a radical experience with Christ. We exist to show the world what the kingdom looks like. Destination Church does not tolerate or celebrate division. We are not caught up in tradition. Greatness comes through exposure. You have to reach and save the lost; but you have to love them as people not as numbers to put in your crown. Jesus came to set the captive free. Jesus challenged things in the culture. That’s what we’re called to do as well.
We exist to empower the saints. We believe God has called you to an effective life. John 10:10 - Jesus came to bring abundant life and wants to meet you right where you are. He wants to do great things in your life. Jesus paid too high of a price on Calvary for you to live defeated. God has no equal. He has no enemy. 1 Peter 5:8 talks about “your” adversary, not God’s. God’s so powerful that the devil even has to ask for permission to come at you. If satan seeks who he may devour, how are you tasting? God is full of grace and justice. Are you living to make yourself devourable?
1 Samuel 17:32-40 talks about David and Goliath. Goliath is threatening everyone and David didn’t like it. David went to King Saul and asked what happens to the guy who deals with the giant. David asked if he would get Saul’s daughter and be king if he killed the giant. Goliath doesn’t show up until he recognizes who you are. Goliath didn’t come to demote you but promote you. Saul said to put all of the armor on David.There are some people who will like you getting victory as long as they get the credit. David took the armor off and went with his 5 stones and sling to defeat the enemy.
What are the five stones of Destination Church? What do we use to defeat the enemy?
1. Worship - we use worship as a weapon to be who God has called us to be. We worship loudly to get the presence of God in the building. We praise intensely and worship deeply. Worship is more than what we do on Sunday. Living right, praying, serving, and giving are forms of worship. We believe in our worship pointing towards Jesus.
2. Connection - we shifted our culture to make it easier to have friends. We are built for connection. We are built to fight the enemy together. We’re not built to be an island to ourselves. If you isolate yourself intentionally, you are arrogant. You are to be connected with others. That’s why we have connect groups.
3. Build disciples - we’re not here to make fans of Jesus. We’re here to make followers. We’re not here to just serve fast food convenience. We’re not here to have church in 35 minutes because that’s what people want. We’re called to make disciples. Pastor Shawn will preach things that you don’t like. If nothing said makes you uncomfortable, you should go somewhere else. Your destiny is too important to be yoked to someone who does not want to grow you. Grace and mercy is not a formula to live like you want. You have to be challenged. If you’re not challenged, you’ll never change. You have to have people in your life that love you enough to challenge you. Wounds from a friend can be trusted but an enemy multiplies kisses (Proverbs 27:6).
4. Outreach - we are the church and not the building. We reach people where they are at. We try to reach broken people with the love of God through investing and inviting. We are called to reach the lost and meet needs.
5. The Miraculous - we will not hide our beliefs and the gifts of the spirit. There’s a five-fold ministry that’s called for the equipping of the saints and full-time ministry. The pastor’s job is to equip you to wreck this world for Jesus. Everyone has a calling on their lives that’s supernatural. God has called you for the work of the ministry to change the world. If you don’t believe people can be healed miraculously, Destination Church is not for you. You can’t counsel evil out. It has to be cast out in God’s name. There are some things that just can’t be dealt with through modern medicine. In this church, we believe dead things can be risen.
These are our core values. This is what we’re called to be. God is bringing a great sifting and shifting here at this church. After sifting (subtraction), harvest (multiplication) comes.