Headline report for Learn and Achieve SCoG – October 2010 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
TF/Linked Grp
/ Headlines / Progress/Problems/Issues / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4LA01 / Anti-Bullying Strategy Implementation
Joy Michell /
- The English version has been designed and reprographics will send for printing once the Welsh version is available. Expected Autumn.
- The next stage of the Restorative Practice training began in Autumn. 17 people enrolled on the Lead Practitioner training and a waiting list is being kept for future training if funding will allow. Over 80 people have received the introductory training and whole school training is on offer.
- A Year 3 Action Plan has been produced with priorities for the year leading up to April 2011 allowing for the fact that the Anti-Bullying Coordinating role has reduced to 0.1.
- The Young People’s Anti-Bullying Committee will continue to meet as will the Steering Group. The Young People’s Committee is expecting new members on October 4th. An article for the CHIPS magazine has been sent for publication this Autumn. Anti-Bullying Week will be discussed as a key event for Autumn.
- Awaiting Welsh translation of the Strategic Guidance.
- Very positive response from Wrexham schools and JM will be available to support this. Future developments and training will depend on availability of funding.
- Recording of bullying incidents is an issue for discussion at the SCoG and Steering Group. There is no mechanism for regularly collecting reported incidents, yet discussions have taken place with Community Cohesion re. the possible extension of the 3rd party reporting system which is usedto report Hate Crime. Schools are also not consistently reporting racial incidents.
- Both groups continue to function well although there is some variability in the level of support offered by schools to transport their young people to Committee meetings at Erlas.
KT and Indicator /
- 59: Implement our integrated multi-agencyAnti-bullying Strategy (D2)
- Do we yet have a mechanism for collecting the number of reported incidents?
LA02 / Pupil attitude to Self and School (PASS)
Mel Morris /
- Collated report for 2009/10 received from W3.
- Primary school requested to transfer Y6 PASS data to feeder high school using Winzip – encrypted file.
- Cross phase PASS training very well attended. Evaluations reflect high satisfaction.
- Officer with responsibility for PASS from September is Gwyn Jones.
- Collated report now needs to be analysed and compared to 2008/09 report in order to measure progress made.
- More training is required for schools using Winzip file as many called MIS for support.
KT and Indicator /
- 28: Use improved understanding of learners’ attitudes/needs/ potential to ensure that they achieve optimum progress and outcomes (nb. CATs, Suffolk Reading Test and PASS (B2)
LA03 / WrexhamSchool Effectiveness Strategy (Steering group and linked TF groups for data and self-evaluation) and WAGSchool Effectiveness Framework (SEF)
Andy Hawkins /
- Guidance on use of data for self-evaluation and accelerating progress of individuals produced and phase 1 training complete
- Self-evaluation framework agreed (July 10)
- TSI policy revision on track (Sept 2010)
- Behaviour Support Plan written and consulted on (July 2010)
- AH working with Regional SEF Consortium on regional SEF strategy and plan, with current focus on developing system leadership and professional learning communities across LAs (Autumn 2010)
- Headteachers and officers attended regional SEF conference (July 2010)
- Reps of Wrexham’s Effectiveness groups attended a regional familiarisation and update event with Professor David Hopkins on system leadership (September 2010)
- Professional Learning Community training to be widely available in Nov/Dec 2010.
- Training the trainers programme prepared (Oct 2010) for Phase 2, data training for headteachers in clusters (Oct/Nov 2010)
- Cynnal’s electronic self-evaluation process to be evaluated with possible adoption (Oct 2010)
- Above linked with joint working on Regional SEF priorities
- Graham Edwards putting Behaviour Support Plan in place and preparing action plan to raise performance of specific groups of learners (CYPSC rpt).
- Focus needed on learners for whom disadvantage/poverty are barriers to realising potential
- HoSs now updating operational plans accordingly.
KT and Indicator / WrexhamSchool Effectiveness priorities:
- 1. Improve effectiveness through leadership, management, self-evaluation, use of data and targeted support and intervention (KTs 28, 29, 36, 04, 34,35, 37,38,44)
- 2. Raise standards of all learners through:
(ii) meeting the needs and raising standards of specific groups of learners
(iii) improving behaviour and participation in learning (addition March 2010)
(KTs 29, 36, 04, 34,35, 37,38,44) / Overview : Wrexham Performance Outcomes2010 in Key Performance Indicators (Note: KS4 and KS5 provisional/only partly complete )
(See also Standards Report on L and A SCoG agenda Oct 2010)
- KS1 CSI - Plateau (previous best 2007)
- KS2 CSI – dipped (previous best 2007)
- KS3 CSI - improved
- KS4 - very significant improvement in almost all key indicators
- Attendance still high though dipped from previous best
- Low permanent exclusions
- Fixed term exclusions reduced but still too high
- Destinations data not yet available
- More attention needed to raising standards of vulnerable groups, including those with SEN and young people disadvantaged by poverty. (Work begun re this)
LA05 / Maximising use of School Buildings
Dafydd Ifans /
- TF Grp has completed actions within the P-MAP which focused on producing a Protocol on the use of school buildings.
- Will meet on ad hoc basis as needs arise from now on.
KT and Indicator /
- 42: Ensure that the learning environment - including outdoor education - for all learners is of the highest quality and that resources are used to best effect (Primary Review/ school remodelling prog/review of the School Transport Policy/devel. of Community Focused Schools(A2)
03 / Reducing NEETS (incl. Keeping in Touch KiT) (was LA04 Lnkd Grp) /
- Enhanced Skill Build pilot commenced on 6th Sept with 15 learners starting the course. Learners will come into the Council Housing department on work placements in Jan 2011.
- Further focus now being placed on reducing Year 12/13 NEETs, and increasing the number of Year 11 staying in FTE.
- Computerised risk model was presented to TF group. There is potential for this to compliment the criteria already used to identify those at risk of becoming NEET this academic year.
- We need to continue to bear in mind the current climate and the potential impact on the destinations figures for 2010.
KT and Indicator /
- 31: Improve strategies to prevent young people moving into the NEET category (C1)
- 29: Target support and intervention progs systematically where achievement of learners is below expectations; target particular remedial attention on groups of learners not realising potential, or at risk of not doing so; monitor/improve outcomes to ensure they achieve well (B2)
- 16-18 Year Olds not in Education, Employment or Training
LA06 / 14-19 (Linked Grp)
Vicky Barlow / Joyce M’Caw /
- Ongoing work with Network Self Assessment Report.
- Learning coaching is an entitlement for all learners currently in Y10 and 11, with Y12 from September 2011 and Y13 from Sep 2012. Currently 17 on training as part of Cohort 5 for Wrexham.
- Learning and Skills (Wales) Measure 2009: Local Curriculum for Students aged 16 to 18 Guidance was issued at the end of last term.
- Estyn remit report issued on progress in implementing a wider option choice and the learning core for 14-19 Learners.
- DVD developed “Enrichment: Which Way now?”
- Sub groups focusing their work on maintaining and achieving further successes in Key Performance Indicators and raising aspirations of learners.
- New arrangements for Learning Coach training will take effect from March 2011.
- No capital funding available for 2011 -2012.
- Probable cuts to ANDP funding - confirmation of % not expected until December.
KT and Indicator /
- 38: Extend range of learning provision through learning pathways for 14-19s to meet learners’ needs/aspirations/ entitlements; improve partic. in learning after age 16 (B2)
- 37: Raise standards for learners of all ages, giving priority to raising achievement at Key Stage 4 (B2)
- 44: Give priority to development/accreditation of key skills and identify further ways to appropriately accredit/value the ach of CYP in formal/informal settings and wider comm (B3)
- 29: Target support and intervention progs systematically where achievement of learners is below expectations; target particular remedial attention on groups of learners not realising potential, or at risk of not doing so; monitor/improve outcomes to ensure they achieve well (B2)
(Linked Grp)
Hilary Harriman / Flying Start Childcare
- 2 new childcare settings are available to meet the no of eligible children in CaiaPark.
- Flying Start teachers are developing the play environment and training needs of staff .
- Training ‘Observation and Assessment’11/10.
- CSA 2011 is being drafted. Demand data is being analysed and a gap analysis will be undertaken to identify recommendations.
- National Baseline Assessment – WAG is now in possession of the new documentation.
- National Foundation Phase training modules have been repeated for staff in schools.
- EYDCP TF Group to be established to develop a Parenting & Play course.
- A flagship play space being considered with a strong focus on accessibility for disabled children.
- EYDCP TF Group to be established in October to take forward Recommendation 6.
- A Wrexham response to the Childminding and Daycare Regulations Consultation was submitted September 2010.
- Playgroup Support Officer is now in place and providing vital support for playgroups across Wrexham using a TSI approach.
- The surveys took a significant amount of time to distribute, input and analyse.
- Funding for the Playgroup Support Officer after March 2011 has not been identified.
KT and Indicator /
- 35: Agree a clear vision and strategy for effective learning/assess that focuses on helping learners do well in all settings (A2)
- 32: Continue to develop/strengthen basic skills initiatives in targeted areas including LAP/NAP etc. Improve levels of BS through co-ordinated strategy that targets learners whose low basic skills are a barrier to ach/well-being (A1)
- 42: Ensure that the learning environment - including outdoor education - for all learners is of the highest quality and that resources are used to best effect (Primary Review/ school remodelling prog/review of the School Transport Policy/devel. of Community Focused Schools(A2)
- 04: Maintain/develop Core Progs focused on improving health, well-being and learning outcomes for pre-birth to 07 years (C1)
- 05: Continue to develop specialist advisory/ support services to identify/address difficulties as early as possible – eg. spch-lang (D3)
- 06: Continue to develop knowledge/skills base of staff working directly with children aged 0-5 to improve early identification; increase number of childcare workers supported to access NVQ, CRoom Asst/link courses to meet reqs of NMS (D3)
- 89: Respond to the outworkings of the Childcare Act 2006 and the recommendations of our Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (B2)
LA08 / LAC Education
Jackie Huntley/ Graham Edwards /
- GCSE results for Summer 2010 collated and analysed.
- Education Matters – joint protocol to be updated.
- Wrap around care project developed for pupils placed out of county and being repatriated.
- Targeted support through RAISE grant for LAC ongoing.
KT and Indicator /
- 29: Target support and intervention progs systematically where achievement of learners is below expectations; target particular remedial attention on groups of learners not realising potential, or at risk of not doing so;
- monitor/improve outcomes to ensure they achieve well (B2) 35: Agree clear vision/strategy for effective learning and assess that focuses on helping learners do well in all settings (A2)
- 36: Remove variations in performance and inconsistencies in standards within and across learning settings (B2)
LA 09 / Community Focused Schools
Christine Willis / Dafydd Ifans /
- CFS Grant for 2010-2011 now confirmed.
- CFS Panel have allocated funding for 2010-2011 (contingency balance of £4K remaining).
- Action Plans from all participating schools and organisations have now been received.
- Visits under way for WAG report due end of September.
KT and Indicator /
- 42: Ensure that the learning environment - including outdoor education - for all learners is of the highest quality and that resources are used to best effect (Primary Review/ school remodelling prog/review of the School Transport Policy/devel. of Community Focused Schools(A2)