2018 Reunion Information/Registration
Mobile Marriott
The 2018 USS Sellers DDG-11 reunion will be held at the Mobile Marroitt,Mobile,AL,, October 11-14, 2018. The Mobile Marriott is located at 3101 Airport Boulevard Mobile,AL 36606.
Questions: The information contained in this packet should answer most of your questions; however if something is unclear, please call
Steve Incremona
228 East Wallace Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46803
Tel: 260-410-0075
or call Mobile Marriott at (251) 476-6400 for assistance.
Your Choice: Please select one of the options shown below, or create your own limited agenda. You may mail in your registration and payment in the form of a personal check or money order. Remember, we are a small organization and not set up for credit cards or other forms of payment. Make checks/money orders payable to USS Sellers Association.
1. Cancellations: For cancellations received on or before September 11, 2018there is a $50.00 cancellation fee PLUSthe cost of any activities that have already been paid for, or for which guaranteed numbers have been provided to the vendor. There will be NO REFUNDS – for any reason - for cancellation requests received after September 11, 2018.To ensure that you do not lose your investment in case of an emergency Trip Cancellation Insurance is highly recommended. See your local insurance agent.
Option A______(# persons)
This Option contains the following activities and services for each person who selects this option.
Thursday welcome reception; Friday night Mardi Gras themeddinner buffet; Saturday night Banquet Dinner, Sunday morning Memorial Breakfast, Thursday through Saturday use of hospitality room (stocked with soft drinks, coffee, and snacks); all applicable taxes, gratuities (except tour guide & driver); bartender, set-up fees; registration fee; Includes Tour Mobile and Eastern Mobile Bay w/ Lunch(Friday), tour USS Alabama Memorial Park with lunch in the Ward Room of the ship (Saturday),
Single (one person): $252.50 per person______,
Double (2 people): $505.00 per couple______.
Option B______(# persons)
This Option contains the following activities and services for each person who selects this option.
Saturday Night BanquetDinner; Sunday morning Memorial Breakfast, use of hospitality room (stocked with soft drinks, coffee, and snacks); all applicable taxes, gratuities (except tour guide & driver); bartender, set-up fees; registration fee. Includes Tour USS Alabama Memorial Park with lunch in the Ward Room of the ship (Saturday),
Single (one person): $137.5 per person______
Double (2 people): $275.00 per couple______.
NOTE: Hotel rooms are paid separately individually and not included in this price. Rooms are $103.00 per night minimum plus 14% tax + fees or $117.42 (approx.) per night double occupancy. This price includes breakfast for two (2) each morning for each room night booked except Sunday. Our room rate is good for two nights before and two nights after the reunion scheduled dates.
By phone (available 24 hours a day) to 1-800-380-7971 and be sure to ask for “USS Sellers” or Group Code DDG
By Internet—click on this link: Booking Link:
Reservation Cut-off Date – as a reminder, reservations must be made before midnight on 9/11/2018.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
12:00 Noon: Registration Begins and the Hospitality Room opens stocked with coffee, soft drinks, snacks and adult beverages. The hospitality room will close during the welcome reception.
5:00—6:00 PM: Welcome reception begins. This is the first “planned” function. Enjoy your favorite beverage while a few welcome and admin announcements are made. There will be a wive’s activity also during this time. Dinner is on your own tonight. Cost of the reception is provided by the Association.
Friday, October 12, 2018
Breakfast buffet for 2 is included with your room rate and will be served in the hotel restaurant. Eat at your leisure anytime during the normal restaurant breakfast hours, keeping in mind when the tour departs.
8:00 AM: Hospitality Room opens if anyone does not go on the tour. It will be stocked with fresh coffee and cold drinks. Snacks will be served in the afternoon. Registration will resume for Friday arrivals. If you are NOT going on the Mobile Tour, please enjoy the Hospitality Room.
9:00 AM: Tour Mobile and Eastern Mobile Bay w/ Lunch:
5:00 PM: Social hour begins. Enjoy your favorite beverage from the cash bar while you anticipate a good meal and a fun evening.
6:00- 11:00 PM: Mardi Gras Themed Dinner Buffet.
Chicken & Andouille Sausage Gumbo
Tossed Garden Salad/Choice of two dressings (Ranch or Balsamic Vinaigrette)
Blackened Catfish with crawfish sauce piquante
Cajun Fried Chicken
Dirty Rice
Fresh Green Beans
Bread Pudding
($55.00 per person)
Cost of dinner is included in Options A. If you cannot participate in the dinner, you may opt-out.
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Breakfast buffet for 2 is included with your room rate and will be served in the hotel restaurant. Eat at your leisure anytime during the normal restaurant breakfast hours, keeping in mind when the tour departs.
8:00 AM Hospitality Room Opens
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Tour USS Alabama with lunch in the Ward Room
4:00 PM: Business Meeting.
5:30 PM: Pre-dinner Cocktails and photo sessionbegins. Individual and/or couples photos will be taken for inclusion on the Sellers website and possible CD.
6:00 – 10:00 PM: Saturday Night Banquet Dinner.
Pan seared Airline Breast of Chicken
Classic Steak au Paivre
Thyme Potatoes Au Gratin
Fresh Rolls and butter
Fresh Seasonal Vegetables
White Chocolate Raspberry Bread Pudding
Enjoy your last night of the reunion in a more formal setting. Coat and tie recommended for the gentlemen and corresponding dress for the ladies. If you can still wear a complete and correct uniform, please do so. There will be open seating, sit where you like, with whom you like. But don’t let a coat and tie stop you from coming.
($47.50 per person)
Cost of dinner is included in Options A, and B. If you cannot participate in the dinner, you may opt-out.
Sunday October 14, 2018
8:00-10:30AM: Breakfast will bea private buffet. The memorial service will be held immediately after breakfast.
Chilled Orange, Cranbury, and Apple Juices
Fluffy Scrambled Eggs
Breakfast Potatoes
Smoky Bacon and Sausage Links
Assorted Breakfast Pastries, Fruit Jams, and Butter
After the memorial service “Liberty Call” will be announced.
($30.00 per person)
Cost of dinners & tours is included in Options A, and B. If you cannot participate in the breakfast, you may opt-out.
Please complete this form and return with your money on or before September 11, 2018Make payable to USS Sellers Association
Mail to: Steve Incremona
228 East Wallace Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46803
Tel: 260-410-0075
Attendee Info (Please print)
Last Name: ______
First Name: ______MI: ______
Spouse and/or Guest Name: ______
Address: ______
City, State, Zip: ______
Phone: ______Email: ______
Emergency Contact Info
If there should be an emergency during the reunion and we need to contact a member of your family, who should that be?
Name: ______
Phone Number: ______
Cell Phone or Travel Number in case there are any last minute changes: ______
Send this form if needed.
Special Needs
If you have any special dietary, handicapped, or other special requirements, please provide the details below. Be VERY specific. Special dietary meals are available. List any special requests below.
Handicapped Requirements: ______
Special Dietary Needs: ______
Cancellation Policy
By submitting this registration form, I understand and agree that for cancellations received on or before September 11, 2018there will be a $50.00 cancellation fee plus the cost of any activities that have already been paid for, or for which guaranteed numbers have been provided to a vendor. There will be NO REFUNDS – for any reason - for cancellation requests received after September 11, 2018.To
ensure that you do not lose your investment in case of an emergency Trip Cancellation Insurance is highly recommended. See your local insurance agent.
Signature Required: ______
Make Checks Payable to: USS Sellers Association
Personal Check # ______, Money Order # ______
Activity Selection
Option A: ______Options B: ______
You may wish to choose any one of the following items/services if the pre-planned options do not fit your needs.
Individually Priced Items/Services (per PERSON):
Mobile Tour w/ Lunch$60.00____
USS Alabama Memorial Park w/ Lunch$60.00____
Friday Night Mardi Gras Dinner Buffet$55.00____
Saturday Night Banquet Dinner$47.50____
Sunday Memorial Breakfast$30.00____