Other collaboration tools within Google Hangout
1.Chat function – On the right hand side of the GH main window there is a column for ‘written chatting’. There is a small ‘text box’ at the bottom of the column in which individuals can type.
In Google+, you can chat with anyone in your circles who also has added you to their circles. Screen Share
a.Anyone participating in the GH can ‘share’ a file that is open on their own desktop with others in the GH.
b.The ‘sharer’ begins by clicking Screen Share (on the list on the left side of the GH main window).
c.A window appears which lists ALL of the files that are open on the desktop….the ‘sharer’ can also just go into their Desktop and open another file.
d.While the ‘sharer’ is working on their files, the other participants can watch their work and see the files….they can also hear the sharer. The ‘sharer’ can continue to work on/type on their file, while they are speaking to the group…the group will see this work ‘in progress’.
i.In order to enlarge or reduce the size of the document that is being shared:
1. While working within the document, go to ‘View’, and ‘Zoom’ (increase or reduce the zoom).
e.In order to allow the participants to see the sharer, the sharer must re-click Screen Share.
2.Sharing PPT’s
a.If one of the participants wishes to share or present a PPT presentation to the group:
i.Sharer/Presenter begins by opening their PPT on their desktop, then clicking on Screen Share.
ii.From the window that opens….Click on the file you would like to share and click Start Screen Share. It will appear on the lower window where the presenter’s face had recently appeared.
iii.Within the powerpoint screen, the presenter should close (‘x’) the left side panel with the images of all of the slides, in order to project one slide at a time.
iv.At any time, the presenter can return to the previous view (showing all of the slides in the left hand column) by opening ‘View’ and clicking on ‘Normal’.
v.If the presenter would like to switch to having their face/image appear on the screen….they can click on Screen Share and it will drop the PPT and bring up their face in the small lower window.
vi.Presenters can switch back & forth between their PPT and their face, using the Screen Share button.
3.Sharing ‘files’ and collaborating on the files (See HO on ‘Google Drive & Google Docs’)
4.Switching screens on the main GH window
a.If there are a number of small windows open below the main window, any participant can change which one becomes the ‘large, main window’ by clicking on one of the smaller windows below (to bring up another participant or a file that is being shared by Screen Share).