Bloodborne Pathogens
Name Job Classification
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School OR Department
I am a substitute staff member
I acknowledge by signing this document that I have reviewedthe PowerPointpresentation on bloodborne pathogens and universal precautions located on the district website.
I understand that I may contact a district school nurse regarding questions about this information and my eligibility for the Hepatitis B vaccine as defined by the Oshkosh Area School District’s Exposure Control Plan.
I understand that I may contact one of the registered nurses listed below if I have any questions regarding this information.
Signature Date
Registered Nurses to Contact:
Amy Bendickson424-0431
Stefanie Rebholz424-4092, Ext. 3034
Lora Yaggie424-0320
Shelley Krueger424-4020, Ext. 2584
If you are a substitute staff member, please return to the Human Resources Department
If you are current OASD staff member, please return to your site administrator
BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS QUIZ(circle correct letter)
1. / The district’s bloodborne pathogens policy and rule are found in policy numbera. / 326
b. / 426
c. / 526
d. / None of the above
2. / What percentage of people infected with HBV show no symptoms
a. / 10%
b. / 25%
c. / 40%
d. / 50%
3. / Staff members who work in positions determined to have occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens are entitled to a district-provided
a. / Training course
b. / Hepatitis B vaccination
c. / Counseling
d. / None of the above
4. / Staff members who suffer a bloodborne exposure and have not had the Hepatitis B vaccination should
a. / Follow the staff post-exposure policy located in the bloodborne pathogen’s information on the district’s website
b. / Wait to see if symptoms develop
c. / Ignore the situation
d. / Wait a week and then report the incident
5. / Bloodborne pathogens are transmitted through
a. / Blood
b. / Semen
c. / Vaginal secretions
d. / All of the above
6. / At work transmission occurs by blood entering the body through
a. / Cuts
b. / Punctures
c. / Splashing that enters the mucous membranes
d. / All of the above
7. / If exposed to blood
a. / Immediately wash exposed skin area with soap and water
b. / If materials enter eyes, flush eyes with large amounts of water
c. / Report exposure immediately to supervisor
d. / All of the above
8. / If personal protective equipment is damaged or does not fit, the staff member
a. / Should be very careful when using the item
b. / Do not use the item
c. / Use the item but report the problem
d. / None of the above
9. / Which of the following must be worn whenever contact with a potentially infectious material is possible?
a. / Coat
b. / Apron
c. / Mask
d. / Gloves
10. / What is the number one protection against infection?
a. / Personal protective equipment
b. / Annual bloodborne pathogens review
c. / Handwashing
d. / Gloves
11. / For handwashing to be effective, it is recommended that hands be washed with soap and running water for
a. / 2 seconds
b. / 5 seconds
c. / 10-15 seconds
d. / 1 minute
12. / Sharps or other potentially infectious waste should be placed in closable containers labeled
a. / Danger
b. / Bio-Hazard
c. / Waste
d. / None of the above