Document Based Question Grading Rubric
Name______Period____ Miss Furry
10 / Outstanding /- Focus and Contextualization: This essay analyzes the primary source documents in a well-developed and complex manner as well as connects the topic to broader historical events.
- Content: This essay provides substantial, relevant, and accurate analysis and synthesis as well using all the documents and outside information.
- Style: This essay expresses a high degree of complexity and skill.
- Organization: This essay has a strong structure, logical flow, and obvious agreement between introduction and conclusion with meaningful transitions.
- Conventions: This essay follows rules of grammar, spelling, verb tense, punctuation, and capitalization, as well as historical writing conventions.
9 / Above Average /
- Focus and Contextualization: This essay greatly analyzes the primary source documents in a clear and direct manner as well as connects the topic to broader historical events.
- Content: This essay provides thorough, relevant, and accurate analysis and synthesis as well as outside using most of the documents and outside information.
- Style: This essay expresses skillful writing with few errors of fact.
- Organization: This essay has structure, logical flow, and obvious agreement between introduction and conclusion with effective transitions.
- Conventions: This essay follows most rules of grammar, spelling, verb tense, punctuation, and capitalization, as well as historical writing conventions.
8 / Average /
- Focusand Contextualization: This essay analyzes the chosen primary source documents as well as connects the topic to broader historical events.
- Content: This essay provides relevant and accurate analysis synthesis as well as and using most of the documents and outside information.
- Style: This essay expresses competent writing with minor errors of fact.
- Organization: This essay has some structure, logical flow, and loose agreement between introduction and conclusion with transitions.
- Conventions: This essay follows some rules of grammar, spelling, verb tense, punctuation, and capitalization, as well as historical writing conventions.
7 / Below Average /
- Focus and Contextualization: This essay lacks strong analysis of the chosen primary source documents and does not connect the topic to broader historical events.
- Content: This essay provides some accurate analysis and synthesis as well as using some of the documents and outside information.
- Style: This essay expresses numerous minor errors and/or simple listing of evidence.
- Organization: This essay has little structure, logical flow, and loose agreement between introduction and conclusion with few transitions.
- Conventions: This essay follows basic rules of grammar, spelling, verb tense, punctuation, and capitalization, as well as historical writing conventions.
/ Unacceptable /
- Focus and Contextualization: This essay lacks analysis of the chosen primary source documents and does not connect the topic to broader historical events.
- Content: This essay lacks substantial, relevant, and accurate analysis and synthesis as well as uses little evidence from the documents and outside information.
- Style: This essay expresses major errors that detract from the argument; illegible.
- Organization: This essay has no structure, logical flow, and obvious agreement between introduction and conclusion with no transitions.
- Conventions: This essay follows few rules of grammar, spelling, verb tense, punctuation, and capitalization, as well as historical writing conventions.