Evidence of link to Regulations (ECSNR):
Part 4.7, R160
Evidence of link to NQS:QA 6.1.1, 6.3.2
Orientation/Transition Policy
Version / Date / Author / Change DescriptionPolicy Objective
Each child and family must be provided with a positive experience as they transition to centre-based care. A positive transition experience will minimise distress to the child and parent and form the foundation of a warm and trusting relationship.
The transition into centre-based care is a significant life event for both the child and the family. Parents/guardians must be reassured that the trust they are placing in centre Educators to care for their child is honoured and respected.
A well-planned orientation/transition process aims to ensure that parent/guardian feels comfortable and confident in their choice of care. It also aims to ensure that the individual needs of the child are met as they make the adjustment into centre-based care.
Children are likely to experience separation anxiety which can cause the child extreme stress. To minimise separation anxiety transition into care should (where possible) be gradual, allowing the child time to become familiar with Educators and the care setting.
A gradual transition into care also allows the parent/guardian time to become familiar with Educators and the care setting and to share information about their child with Educators.
Relevant Legislation:
- Education and Care Services National Regulations, 2011
Strategies and practices
Each family is provided with an orientation program which consists of a number of visits to the centre during the day or in the evening. The number of visits will depend on each child and family individual circumstances.
Orientation visits are designed to familiarise theparent/guardian and child with Educators, the physical setting, administrative requirements, policies and procedures, daily routines and education and care practices.
Orientation visits are also designed to allow the Educators to become acquainted with the parent/guardian and the child. Educators will seek information about the child’s development to date, language and cultural background, interests, special needs, health issues, the child’s daily routines,likes and dislikes.
Where the child being enrolled is an infant or toddler, additional information is shared about the care routines, especially sleep, feeding and nappy change.
All enrolling families will be provided with a Handbook outlining centre procedures, practices, philosophy and polices.
Guideline to the National Quality Standard
- Centre Handbook
- Policies and Procedures
Policy Written by: / Position: / Date:
Approved by: / Approved Date: / Next review date:
Staff Sign:
Transition/Orientation Policy1