ETVFD Incentive Program Rules– 2015

  1. Incentive checks will ONLY be issued to members IF the member achieves one of the following:
  2. Achieve 25% of STRUCTURE / RESCUE responsesand 3 ETVFD training exercises in a quarter. (Junior Members Must Only Achieve 10% of Structure / Rescue Responses)
  2. Do NOT achieve 25% of Structure / Rescue responses and 3 training exercises in a quarter

**NOTE: If you attend a training class lasting 16+ hours in any given quarter, that class will fulfill the required 3 training exercises. Example: A member taking EMT during a quarter will not have to attend any additional training in order to be eligible for the incentive program.

  1. Checks will be issued to eligible members based on the above on a quarterly basis:
  2. Balance of Fourth Quarter and First Quarter = December of Previous Year AND January through March (Receive Check in April)
  3. Second Quarter = April through June (Receive Check in July)
  4. Third Quarter = July through September (Receive Check in October)
  5. Partial Fourth Quarter (October / November) and End of Year (Receive Check in December)
  6. All quarterly reports and incentive distributions will be reviewed by the fire chiefs and the ETVFD personnel committee prior to the approval of the check disbursements.
  1. End of the Year - Years of Service Incentive
  2. ONLY Members that live within 1 mile of the Exeter and St. Lawrence Borough borders and are certified to the Firefighter 1 level or higher will be eligible for this incentive.
  1. All members certified to the Firefighter 1 level or higher will be eligible for this incentive based on the percentage of responses to Structure Fires / Rescues.
  1. The incentive program will be limited to $11,500 per year, per member. No member will be eligible to receive more than this amount in a calendar year.
  1. Run Reports, Training Logs, and Community Event Logs:
  2. A run report must be completed for every emergency incident.
  1. All members must be logged on the run report within 15 minutes of the termination of the event. After 15 minutes the run report will be locked in a predetermined location.
  2. If you are logged on a run sheet, you must remain at station until the units go available or the units return to station. (Special Exceptions May Apply)
  1. All decisions and changes to the incentive program will be approved by the fire chiefand the Exeter Township Fire Advisory Board Personnel Committee.
  1. The fire chief has the ability to make discretionary decisions for credits being awarded to members. The decisions will be documented and reported in the quarterly report.
  1. The Exeter Township Volunteer Fire Department Paid Staff are not eligible to receive the incentive for responses while on duty as a houseman.
  1. If a member chooses to leave the ETVFD or is expelled from the ETVFD in the middle of any given quarter or prior to the distribution of a quarterly incentive check, the member will forfeit his or her incentive check for the quarter and any future consideration for future inventive checks (i.e. end of year incentive check).
  1. ETVFD Staffing Program
  1. Driver Staffing Shifts (2 Members Per Shift) – MUST BE IN STATION!
  2. Monday Through Friday (12 Hours) - 18:00 Hours to 06:00 Hours
  3. Saturday and Sunday (24 Hours) – 06:00 Hours to 06:00 Hours
  4. Crewman Staffing Shifts (2 Members Per Shift) – MUST BE IN STATION!
  5. Monday Through Friday (12 Hours – 06:00 Hours to 18:00 Hours
  6. Crewman Staffing Shifts (3 Members Per Shift) – MUST BE IN STATION!
  7. Monday Through Friday (12 Hours) - 18:00 Hours to 06:00 Hours
  8. Saturday and Sunday (24 Hours) – 06:00 Hours to 06:00 Hours
  9. Officer in Charge Shifts (1 Member Per Shift) – RESPOND FROM STREET!
  10. Monday Through Friday (12 Hours) - 18:00 Hours to 06:00 Hours
  11. Saturday and Sunday (24 Hours) – 06:00 Hours to 06:00 Hours
  12. QRS – 2 On-Duty Members will be designated as QRS Responders Per Shift
  13. All participating members must be approved by the fire chiefs.
  14. All participating drivers must be approved by the driver training officer(s) and have EVOC to drive the apparatus.
  15. If you cannot cover the total time of your shift, you must notify the officer in charge and make sure you have someone covering that portion of your shift that is of equal or greater training level than you.
  16. Shifts may be split by members, but it must be agreed upon by both members and the officer in charge must be notified. Example: Member “A” will be on duty from 18:00 to 23:59 hours and member “B” will be on duty from 00:00 to 05:59 hours. Member “A” will receive ½ incentive and member “B” will receive ½ incentive.
  17. If you cannot cover your scheduled shift, you have the ability to “trade” shifts with a member of equal or greater training level. The officer in charge and fire chief must be notified of this change. The person covering the shift will receive the incentive for that shift.
  18. The EMT / Paramedic on each shift is responsible for completing the necessary state QRS response forms.
  19. All members wishing to participate in the program must provide certification and maintain their certifications.
  20. If you are on duty and do not respond to an emergency incident during your shift and do not have coverage for your shift and you have not notified the proper officers that you will not be in for your shift, you will receive a written warning and you will not receive your incentive for that shift. (Will reset after year this occurs)
  21. If you are on duty and do not respond to an emergency incident during your shift and do not have coverage for your shift and you have not notified the proper officers that you will not be in for your shift for the 2nd time, you will be suspended from the program for 30 days and you will not receive your incentive for that shift. (Will reset after year this occurs)
  22. If you are on duty and do not respond to an emergency incident during your shift and do not have coverage for your shift and you have not notified the proper officers that you will not be in for your shift for the 3rd time, you will be expelled from the program and you will not receive your incentive for that shift. (Will reset after year this occurs)
  23. Driver staff members must stay at the fire station for the length of their shift. Members are entitled to leave the station under certain circumstances, but must stay within township limits. Example: The driver on duty may leave the station to get food, attend community event, etc.
  1. Disciplinary Action
  1. If you are caught tampering or falsifying run reports, etc., you will be suspended from the program for 30 days and you will not receive your incentive for the current quarter.
  2. If you are caught tampering or falsifying run reports, etc. for the 2nd time, you will be expelled from the program and you will not receive your incentive for the current quarter or the current year.
  3. If you are on suspension during any given quarter and you are entitled to receive an incentive check, your check shall be held for 30 days after the end of your suspension.

**This document was created by Deputy Chief Chris Jordan of the Exeter Township Fire Department (ETFD). Duplication of this document is strictly prohibited without the permission of the ETFD.