Orientalism in movies

Orient has been a great issue to West people since the west has taken over the world.The issue is, to make a difference between East and West, white man and brown man. Orientalism by Edward who is the publisher of "The Orientalism" is piece of work in which he gives us a full image how orient people are being seen by the west. "The Orientalism" is a western perspective of the East heritagethe". Susana Lacona, a researcher who has studied in FaithUniversity, says that Orientalism shows us that the stereo typicality of the orient is being repeatedly seen in the western media especially in Hollywood. ??????( in-text source is missing.)

This theory can be obvious in one of Hollywood movies "The Mummy" where we see the Arabian men are pictured as the ugly, dirty and absolutely greedy human beings .As a matter of fact anyone who watches this movie will think that Arabs are walking

Objects of immorality. This movie illustrates Said's idea on the negative image that is being widely stamped in the minds of the producers in the west. It is true it's just a movie, but it was seen by millions around the world. The story simply shows the Arabian character as the comic character who seeks after money in immoral silly ways but makes a fool of himself at the end and gets nothing from the treasure he was looking for. According to an article for Edward who has written many books about orientalism "It would be wrong to conclude that the Orient was basically an idea or a creation with no corresponding reality". It is true that ideas of such movie and how Orientalism effect on people ideas about others. Susanna Iacona says that movie has created the stereotype of the Orient as the "Other, the "Unknown" meaning that a person with no cultural background about Arabs will definitely have this movie his some source of knowing Arabs .Getting information from one sided and unreliable sources is how stereo typicality starts up .

In conclusion, although the movie "The Mummy" is fiction, the setting is real. The Mummy only a small example western orientalism of giving the stereotype of Arabs.

. This two hours movie can and will change the viewpoint of the viewers in a negative way of course .However , People in east or west should know one thing which is strange doesn't mean danger or stupid .

Orientalism in movies


Thesis statement: The issue is, to make a difference between East and West, white man and brown man.


A. Western people have an ugly view toward Arabs.

1. "The Mummy" where we see the Arabian men are pictured as the ugly, dirty and absolutely greedy human beings.

2. Producers of films of Arabs in west do not realize the results of filming wrong ideas about Arabs.


The Mummy is only a small examplewestern orientalism of giving the stereotype of Arabs.

Questions for Class Discussion

1.Do you see the title' Orientalism in Movies'reflects the topic discussed ? For example, the title suggests movies, more than one movie, but the student refers to one movie ' The Mummy'.

2. Does the thesis statement refer to what is really mentioned in the essay? Discuss in detail.

Thesis statement: The issue is, to make a difference between East and West, white man and brown man.

3.Do you see the position of the thesis statement as the second sentence in Paragraph One ' Introduction' is correct? Illustrate in detail.

4. What is the pattern of organization the essay has? The pattern of organization is to write a contrast essay in general( to mention differences between the two) between the white man and brown man.

In fact , what the reader gets from the essay is to deal with one movie' The Mummy' , not movies as the title suggests and to deal with Arab characters not 'brown man'.

5. What is the conclusion of this essay? The conclusion is ' The Mummy is only a one example of western orientalism of giving the stereotypical image of Arabs'.

5.a. Is this conclusion directly related to the thesis statement 'The issue is, to make a difference between East and West, white man and brown man'?

5.b . This conclusion is neither a paraphrase of the thesis statement nor a summary of the main ideas discussed in the essay.

6. Find where in--text sources are missing. The first is highlighted for you.

7. Write down your questions about this essay in regard to what you have studied in class.