Kim Johnson
2014-15Watercolor Class Supply List
Following is a complete list of supplies needed for your upcoming class. I encourage you to bring the supplies and colors you are familiar with using.
IMPORTANT: Because our time is limited, please arrive with your contour drawing completed.
Watercolor Paper
140 lbs (I use 300 lbs) Arches or Fabriano, are all good ones. You may want to try both the hot press and the cold press to see which you prefer. I do suggest that you stay away from anything less than 140 lbs and papers that come out of a tablet.
Brushes are an investment! Sable is considered the best quality for watercolor brushes; however, there are good synthetic and synthetic blends. I use a number 6, 8 10 12, and 16 round. Other brushes that are good are Kolinsky #6, #10, and #12—Robert Simmons white sable brushes #6, #10.
I suggest you use professional grade paint. The student grade is less expensive, but the colors can vary too much from professional grade.
Colors I Use
French Ultramarine
Cobalt Blue
Cerulean Blue
Cadmium Red Light
Quinacridone Violet (optional color)
Brilliant Orange
Cadmium Yellow (I’ve been experimenting with other yellows)
Raw Sienna and/or Yellow Ochre
Raw Umber
Burnt Sienna
Burnt Umber
Hooker’s Green and or Sap Green
Mineral Violet
It is best to paint from your own photos. Please do not work with photos from any publications!!These photos are copyrighted and I would hate for your painting to turn out wonderful butthen you unable to show anyone.
I like to use a photo of my own that I have converted to a black and white and I like to make it as large as the painting will be. This is somewhat a substitute for a value study. When your reference is as large as your painting it enables you to see the shapes much better.
Since our time is limited, please have your drawing on your paper ready to be painted!
Miscellaneous Supplies
Watercolor palette—John Pike, or a small travel palette is good
Large water container
Board (one that push pins will stick into)
Push pins
A rag or paper towels
Small portable easel