(Demand No. 74)

Organizational Structure and Objectives:

The Water Resources Department, formerly known as Irrigation Department was a part of the Public Works Department (PWD) even prior to liberation of the State of Goa from Portuguese rule. Eventually, vide Government Notification No.7/17/1/80 WET, dated 25/6/1981, certain Divisions/Circles were carved out from the earlier composite Public Works Department and the Department started functioning as an independent department after re-organization with effect from 1/7/1981. Subsequently, the Irrigation Department was renamed as Water Resources Department vide Government Notification No. 23/1/87/GA & D (i), dated 12.12.2000.

Administrative Structure:

The department is headed by the Chief Engineer, who is assisted in his office by three sections headed by the Engineering Officer, Dy. Director of Administration and the Assistant Accounts Officer. The Superintending Engineer, Central Planning Organisation, who is an independent Head of Office, acts as the head of the technical wing of the Chief Engineer’s office. Intermediate in grade between the Chief Engineer and Superintending Engineers are two posts of Additional Chief Engineers; namely Additional Chief Engineer (Mandovi Basin) and Additional Chief Engineer (Irrigation Projects). The former heads the Madei Cell, comprising Circle Office-III and Works Division IX, with its subordinate Sub Divisions. The latter, i.e. Additional Chief Engineer (IP) is in charge of the Tillari Irrigation Project (TIP). He is assisted in his office by the Superintending Surveyor of Works with his own subordinate staff. Additional Chief Engineer (IP) has a Circle Office, namely; Circle Office II and three Works Division i.e. Works Division VI,VII and VIII under his control.

Administrative unit of the department is the Circle Office, each headed by a Superintending Engineer. Each Circle has under its control a Works Division, which is the executive unit of the department, headed by an Executive Engineer. The field units directly in charge of the works at site under the Division are Sub Divisions lead by an Assistant Engineer. The department has 6 sanctioned posts of Superintending Engineers/ Superintending Surveyor of Works, 20 posts of Executive Engineers/ Engineering Officer/ Surveyor of Works and 73 Assistant Engineers/ Assistant Surveyors of Works.

The total strength of the Department is 981.

Functions and Responsibilities:

The Water Resources Department is in-charge of management and development of the water resources in the State of Goa in the sweet water zone. The main function of the Department is optimum, integrated development of the available water resources and its judicious utilization in a scientific and sustainable manner as well as to provide infrastructure facilities.

The activities of the Water Resources Department are broadly classified as under:

·  Major & Medium Irrigation including Water Development, maintenance etc.

·  Minor Irrigation including Water Resources Development and Water Conservation and maintenance thereof.

·  Command area Development (CAD).

·  Flood Control, Anti-sea Erosion and Drainage including anti-landslide and maintenance works.

·  Western Ghats Development Programme (WGDP) i.e. Hill Area Development in Sattari, Sanguem, Dharbondora and Canacona talukas.

·  Supplying raw water in industrial estates and water supply treatment plants.


Organizational Chart of Water Resources Department:

Personnel/ Staff in the office of Chief Engineer, WRD


Programmes and Activities:

The water resources of the State have been assessed at 8,570 mcm by the Central Water Commission (CWC). However, due to topographical, geological and other constraints the level of utilization of water resources is expected to be about 1,465 mcm (1,125 mcm surface + 340 mcm ground water). An estimated 89,660 Ha of agricultural area can be brought under irrigation as indicated in the Master Plans of the State Water Resources, out of which 82,260 Ha will be by surface water and 7,400 Ha by ground water.

It is estimated that the State’s total water requirement by 2051 A.D. could be about 8,030 M.Cum. As against this requirement, the total surface water resources that can be conserved is projected as 1,585 M.Cum. The Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), in their report on ‘Dynamic Ground Water Resources of Goa State-March 2011’ have estimated the available ground water sources in the State as 145.43 mcm and the gross annual draft is 41.14 mcm. The stage of ground water development is 28.29%. Hence Goa is safe from ground water development point of view.

Two Panels of Experts have prepared Master Plans for use of water resources of 4 river basins in the State viz. Mandovi, Zuari, Talpona and Galgibag covering about 77% of the geographical area of the State. Feasibility studies of the water development projects identified in the Master Plans have been initiated in a phased manner. These projects have been accorded priority in view of the flourishing tourism industry and the increasing domestic and industrial water supply needs of the State up-to 2051. However, some of the projects are facing delays in implementation for reasons such as the reservoir area, dams/canal area required for construction purpose falling in wild life sanctuaries, reserved forest areas, areas resembling forests in nature etc. Efforts are being made to obtain the required clearances from the competent authorities.

The break-up of the total budget for water resources during the years 2014-15 and 2015-16 is as under:

Details of Plan / Non-Plan Outlays and Expenditure (Rs. in lakh)

Water Resources Department / Non-Plan / Plan / Total
Budget Estimate 2014-15 / 7,501.30 / 21,550.53 / 29,051.83
Revised Estimate 2014-15 / 7,501.30 / 21,550.53 / 29,051.83
Expenditure 2014-15 / 7,364.28 / 17,148.11 / 24,512.39
Budget Estimate 2015-16 / 9,299.82 / 25,716.06 / 35,015.88

I Major and Medium Irrigation

Under Major and Medium Irrigation, the Salaulim, Tillari and Anjunem Irrigation Projects, Water Development works and Hydrology Project Phase- II, a World Bank funded project of the Government of India are provided for. All the works of this sector are being executed under the budget heads 2701- Revenue & 4701 – Capital Outlays.

Details of Plan / Non-Plan Outlays and Expenditure (Rs. in lakh)

Water Resources Department / Non-Plan / Plan / Total
Budget Estimate 2014-15 / 3,244.60 / 2,842.40 / 6,087.00
Revised Estimate 2014-15 / 3,244.60 / 2,842.40 / 6,087.00
Expenditure 2014-15 / 2,956.25 / 2,444.86 / 5,401.11
Budget Estimate 2015-16 / 4,081.12 / 7,134.51 / 11,215.63

The total irrigation potential created under major and medium irrigation is 34,990.20 Ha (ultimate) including 1,226.70 Ha created during 2014-15. A target of 331.00 Ha of potential creation is fixed for the year 2015-16.

1. Salaulim Irrigation Project

The Salaulim Irrigation Project is located on river Guleli, a tributary of river Zuari in Sanguem Taluka, South Goa District. The project was completed in May 2007 and a total irrigation potential of 9,537 Ha (CCA) i.e. 14,106 Ha (Ultimate) has been created. The project caters to the irrigation needs of Sanguem, Quepem and Salcete Talukas. In addition, the scheme also provides water for domestic and industrial use to Mormugao, Sanguem, Quepem and Salcete Talukas to the extent of 160 MLD. Permission has also been granted to the PWD for use of 220 MLD of water over and above the present utilization of 160 MLD for expansion of the Salaulim water supply scheme. Beginning about February, when the overflow over the Opa weir of the Opa Water Works on the Khandepar river ceases, 50 MLD water is transferred by pumping from the Salaulim main canal to Kalay river, a tributary of the Khandepar to make up the shortage of water at Opa. The pumping continues till the arrival of the monsoons. The Salaulim project is being operated successfully with 28 Water Users’ Associations having been formed in the command to take over the charge of water distribution networks. Funds are proposed towards modernization and strengthening of the entire canal system (in phases) to restore efficiency and ensure better irrigation coverage.

The work of pumping water main canal of SIP from Pajimol to Vaddem for augmentation of Lift Irrigation Scheme at Naikaband and Vaddem and water supplu in Sanguem Taluka is proposed for Rs.58.57 crore.

Details of Plan / Non-Plan Outlays and Expenditure (Rs. in lakh)

Non-Plan / Plan / Total
Budget Estimate 2014-15 / 1,393.60 / 1,133.25 / 2,526.85
Revised Estimate 2014-15 / 1,393.60 / 1,133.25 / 2,526.85
Expenditure 2014-15 / 1,359.84 / 1,045.33 / 2,405.17
Budget Estimate 2015-16 / 1,630.92 / 1,104.05 / 2,734.97

The SIP rehabilitation programme for the Project Affected People (PAP) is almost complete with provision of all basic amenities. Based on initial surveys the number of project affected families had been determined as 643 nos. Out of these identified PAP families, 552 nos. of families opted for the rehabilitation facilities offered by the Government. They were rehabilitated at two rehabilitation sites at Vaddem and Valkinim in Sanguem taluka - 412 nos. of families at Vaddem and 140 nos. at Valkinim. Out of the remaining 91 nos. of families that did not opt for rehabilitation, 19 nos. were weeded out as being families whose names had got repeated or who had already availed rehabilitation facilities. The claims for rehabilitation facilities of the remaining 72 nos. of PAP families are being considered by a Sub-Committee set up by the Government on the recommendation of the Rehabilitation Committee.

When the reservoir was filled to capacity, agricultural plots allotted to PAPs at Vaddem were found to fall under partial or full submergence. Several measures have been instituted to compensate these PAPs for their loss. One of these is the payment of a one-time cash compensation of Rs.4.00 lakh in lieu of the one Ha agricultural plot as a full and final settlement. Orders have been issued for payment of the compensation to 90 PAPs, among whom 81 have already been paid the compensation. Claims of the remaining 9 PAPs had been pending for want of proper documents.

Details of Plan / Non-Plan Outlays and Expenditure (Rs. in lakh)

Non-Plan / Plan / Total
Budget Estimate 2014-15 / - / 30.00 / 30.00
Revised Estimate 2014-15 / - / 30.00 / 30.00
Expenditure 2014-15 / - / 24.98 / 24.98
Budget Estimate 2015-16 / - / 40.00 / 40.00

2. Tillari Irrigation Project

The Tillari Irrigation Project, an inter-State joint venture of the Governments of Maharashtra and Goa across river Tillari near village Tillari Wadi, in Sawantwadi Taluka of Sindhudurg District in the State of Maharashtra is aimed at creating an ultimate irrigation potential of 21,056 Ha for Goa State and is planned for completion by 2016. This project will also provide 111.46 mcm of water to meet the domestic, industrial and other non agricultural requirements of 73 villages in Pernem, Bardez, Bicholim and Tiswadi talukas.

The latest estimated cost of the project based on 2008-09 rates is 1,612.15 crore and the liability of Goa Government works out to Rs.1,051.69 crore. The cost of canal network in Goa is Rs.524.24 crore. The total expenditure incurred by the Government of Goa up-to March, 2015 is Rs.1937.00 crore which includes an amount of Rs. 466.00 crore advanced to the Government of Maharastra towards the share cost for common works. The total irrigation potential created is 16,264.20 Ha Ult. Potential utilized is 4,135.39 Ha. 42 nos. of Water Users’ Associations have been formed under this project to utilize the benefits under Command Area Development.

Funds are proposed towards completion of balance canal network in Goa, land acquisition for construction of distributaries and payment of Goa’s share cost to the Government of Maharashtra towards common works as well as to clear the backlog of payment etc. Creation of 331 Ha of irrigation potential is contemplated during the year 2015-16.

The work of supplying raw water to propose 30 MLD Water Treatment Plant at Tuem to irrigate 165 Ha of command in Pednem, Tuem, Korgao and Paliyem villages and to supply 1.73 MLD of water to the leading hotels at Terekol by pumping water from Ch.22 kms of RBMC of TIP at Dhargal at Pernem Taluka is proposed for Rs.58.57 crore.

The present work status of the project is as follows:

Sl. No. / Component of the Project / % of Completion
I - in Maharashtra
I / Head Works / 100 %
1 / Main Dam (Earthen) / 100 %
2 / Masonry Dam / 100%
3 / Tail Channel / 100%
4 / Irrigation cum Power Outlet / 100%
5 / Terwanmedhe Pick up Weir / 100%
6 / Left Bank Main Canal / 100%
7 / Right Bank Main Canal / 100%
8 / Banda Branch Canal / 50%
II – In Goa
Sl. No. / Name of Canal / Progress
Earthwork / Lining
1 / Right Bank Main Canal / 100 % / 100 %
2 / Left Bank Main Canal / 100 % / 100 %
3 / Sanquelim Branch Canal / 100% / 100%
4 / Distributaries on LBMC / 63.38% / 65%
5 / Distributaries on RBMC / 94.83% / 95%

Details of Plan / Non-Plan Outlays and Expenditure (Rs. in lakh)

Non-Plan / Plan / Total
Budget Estimate 2014-15 / 631.00 / 1,141.00 / 1,772.00
Revised Estimate 2014-15 / 631.00 / 1,141.00 / 1,772.00
Expenditure 2014-15 / 284.83 / 1,054.21 / 1,339.04
Budget Estimate 2015-16 / 900.00 / 1,570.00 / 2,470.00

The rehabilitation programme of TIP is dealt by Maharashtra project authorities as per the Maharashtra Rehabilitation and Re-settlement Act 1986. An area of 20.58 Ha. in Sal village, Bicholim Taluka of Goa has been acquired and handed over to the Collector, Sindhudurg District, Government of Maharashtra to set up a rehabilitation colony for 78 families. The Government has accorded approval for providing individual water connections to 77 nos. of houses at Government cost and accordingly drinking water has been released to them by the PWD. The proposal for developmental works such as community hall, anganwadi, tarring of internal road, children’s park etc. is under consideration. An amount of Rs.1.00 lakh is earmarked for the year 2015-16.

An amount of Rs.3,470.76 lakh has been allotted towards Compensation to the Affected Persons of Tillari Irrigation Project for the year 2015-16.

a) Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP)

The Tillari Irrigation Project is included for central assistance under the programme of Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) of Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, in the form of grants to the tune of 25% of the annual allocation made in the State Budget for the project. The State has received Central assistance to the tune of Rs.255.42 crore so far (i.e. loan assistance of Rs.113.30 crore and grants of Rs.142.12 crore).