January2, 2018– 7:00 pm

An organizational and regular business meeting of the Conoy Township Board of Supervisors was held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 2, 2017, at 211 Falmouth Road. In attendance were Supervisors Stephen Mohr, Gina Mariani, John Shearer, Clyde Pickel, and Kevin McKain and Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Kathy Hipple. Also in attendance was Solicitor Matthew Creme of Nikolaus and Hohenadel.



1. Meeting called to order by Chairman Mohr followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence...

2. Nominations / Elections / Appointments:

a. Nomination by Mariani for Stephen L. Mohr as Chairman; Second by McKain; Motion carried.

b. Nomination by Shearer for Gina R. Mariani as Vice-Chair; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.

c. (i) Nomination by Mariani to appoint Kathy M. Hipple as Secretary-Treasurer Second by Pickel; Motion carried.

(ii) Nomination by Mariani to appoint Clyde H. Pickel as Assistant Secretary-Treasurer; Second by McKain; Motion


(iii) Motion by McKain to set bond amount of$3 million; Second by Shearer; Motion carried.

d. Appointment and reappointment of non-elected officials:

(i) Motion by Mariani to appoint John L. Shearer as Animal Control Officer and Stephen L. Mohr as Alternate; Second by Pickel; Motion carried. Road crew will be responsible for removing dead animals during regular business hours.

(ii) Motion by Mariani to appoint Hanover Engineering Associates, Township engineer on an as-needed basis; Second by Shearer; Motion carried. Motion by Mariani to approveTownship Engineer to prepare and submit 2017 Chapter 94 Report in2018; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.

(iii) Motion by Pickel to appoint Marvin Stoner as Sewage Enforcement Officer; Second by Shearer; Motion carried.

(iv) Motion by Mariani to appoint Nikolaus & Hohenadel as Township Solicitor; Second by McKain; Motion carried.

(v) Motion by Shearer to appoint Janet Hardman as Zoning Officer and Hanover Engineering Associates, Inc. as Alternate

Zoning Officer on an as-needed basis; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.

(vi) Motion by Mariani to appoint Kathy M. Hipple as Right-to-Know Officer; Second by McKain; Motion carried.

e. Appointment to Boards and Authorities:

(i) Motion by Pickel to appoint John Emswiler to an additional five year term on the Bainbridge Water Authority; Second by Shearer; Motion carried.

(ii)Motion by Shearer with Second by Pickel; Motion carried to appoint:

Mark Brosey to an additional 5 year term on the Parks and Recreation Committee;

(iii) Chris Geesey’s and Darryl Smith to an additional 4 year term on the Planning Commission;

(iv) Ken Alexander to an additional 5 year term on the Zoning Hearing Board. As per s.903 of the MPC, members shall not hold any other elected or appointed office;

(v)Gina R. Mariani as Member and Stephen L. Mohr as Alternate on the Susquehanna Regional Police Commission.

(vi) Elaine Jackson to anadditional 5 year term on the Historical Review Commission;

(vii) Patti Jo Bigler to an additional one year term as Vacancy Board Chair;

(viii) Gina R. Mariani, elected official served in 2017; KathyHipple, non-elected officialserved in 2017 to the NWLCRT Advisory Committee;

f. Motion by Shearer to appoint as Tax Collector for Earned Income Tax the Lancaster County Tax Collection Bureau; Second by McKain; Motion carried.

g.Salaries and Wages for 2018:

(i) Motion by Shearer to pay $15 appearance for Crossing Guards; Second by McKain; Motion carried. Township is to be reimbursed by the School Board for half of the fee for Crossing Guard wages.

(ii) Motion by Shearer to pay Zoning Hearing Board Members $25 per hearing; Second by McKain; Motion carried.

(iii) Elected Officials - Motion by Shearer to pay 3% increase across the board for BOS members as employees. Increase required to be approved by Board of Auditors.

(iv) Township Employees: Motion by McKain to pay 3% increase across the board; Second by Shearer; Motion carried.

h. Motion by Mariani to retain depositories for Township Funds as Mid Penn Bank, BB&T Bank, and PLGIT.

i. Assignment of Areas of Responsibility to Supervisors: Board Members toadvise staff of choices.

j. Motion by Mariani for Stephen L. Mohr to assignhouse numbers; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.

k, Motion by Mariani for Stephen L. Mohr to issue driveway permits; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.

l. Motion by McKain to keep for 2018 the 2017 rental rates for (i) Township Equipment with amount to include TownshipOperator as per insurance stipulation; and 2017 Snow Removal rates; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.

m. Motion by Shearer to authorize insurance coverage to Bainbridge Fire Company for fund-raising activities; Second by McKain; Motion carried.

n. Motion by Pickel ratifying completedadvertisement of regular monthly meeting location, time and dates for BOS, and other meetings, advertisedin accordance to the Sunshine Law. This was completed via 12/21/17legal advertisement; Second by Shearer; Motion carried.

o. Motion by McKain to approve same paid holidays as in 2017 for full-time Township employees; Second by Shearer; Motion carried.

p. Motion by Shearer to accept 2018 Clean-up Days as April 13, 14, and 15, 2018; October 12, 13, and 14, 2018. Availability of LCSWMA has been confirmed. Second by Mariani; Motion carried.

q. Motion by McKain to approve attendance at PA State Association of Township Supervisors April 22 – 25, 2018and /or other conferences, conventions with Supervisor Clyde H Pickel as PSATS conference voting delegate with authorization for reasonable expenses to be paid for by Township.

r. Motion by Mariani for Mohr and Shearer to serve on Township Capital Planning & Programming Committee for long-term infrastructure and policy projects (e.g. road – sidewalk – curbing, sewer plants, 537 Plan update, etc.) starting in February 2018, and present their draft to the full Board no later than the October 2018; Second by Shearer; Motion carried. s. Motion by McKain for Mariani and Shearer to serve on Township Advisory Committee for preparation of 2018 Budget: Two Supervisors to participate on the 2018 Budget Advisory Committee,alongwith staff, starting in September 2018, and present their draft to thefull Board no later than the October 2018meeting for initial review anddirection. Second by Shearer; Motion carried.

t. Motion by Shearer to accept 2018 mileage rate consistent with IRS guidance 54.5 cents per mile for business miles driven; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.



1. Meeting Called to Order at 7:19 p.m. by Chairman Mohr.

2. Motion by Mariani to approve Minutes of December 14, 2017 BOS Meeting; Second by Shearer; Motion carried.

3. Chair – Announcements and additional agenda items: None

4. Secretary-Treasurer: Correspondence: (i) Thank you notes received from: Representative Hickernell (passing of his father); Holy Spirit Church (passing of former Zoning Officer Chuck Emerick’s wife).

5. Report of Committees / Officers:

a. Emergency Management–No report.

b. Bainbridge Fire Company–No report.

c. NW Emergency Medical Services– No report.

d. Police –(i) Mariani has report; (ii) List of 2018 meeting dates is available in BOS meeting packet.

e. TMI – No report.

f. Waste to Energy Plant (Incinerator)– (i) Host fee forNovember 2017$59,008.85; 31,725.19 Tons; (ii) 2016 – 2017 Comparison is available.

g. Roads–(i) oral report by Chairman Mohr. Had several cindering, salting projects; some plowing; stop signs were reinstalled after being knocked down; vandalism has occurred in some of our parks; Mohr requested that anyone witnessing such events report that to the Township. (ii) Potential2017road projects.

h. Sewage Enforcement Officer – (i) Report is available; no permits issued in December 2017.

i. Sanitary Sewer System – Mohr reported system gives us problems when there are the worst weather conditions and

last week all alarms went off and Mohr found a squirrel underneath the transformer and he knocked out the electric for the lower half of Bainbridge.

j. Solicitor – (i) Report on December Zoning Hearing Board actions. Bainbridge Inn and Bainbridge Car Wash; both have been continued to the January Hearing for many of the same reasons that the PC expressed in their recommendations to the BOS that there was information missing from the applications. That same information was missing from testimony presented in December having to do with impervious coverage of both those properties and in the case of the Bainbridge Inn information on additional parking. (ii) At the request of the Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority which is under agreement to purchase a number of parcels of property from Talen, some of which if the intentions are carried out will be further transferred to the Lancaster County Conservancy, they are requesting a waiver of subdivision similar to when the Conservancy purchased the former Augustine lands. Solicitor and Hanover Engineering recommendations are this is a cautionary action which will allow LCSWMA to place in the public record when they purchase the property that subdivision is waived. Solicitor expressed no doubt that these are separate parcels, many of which are separated from each other by public rights of way and are described separately in all of the deeds and further described of always having the intention of keeping them separate. However, as with the Augustine property they have been listed on a single tax property number and the County in the past has taken the positon that if they are on single tax parcel number it could be considered that they have been merged into a single lot. In order to eliminate that question and allowing anybody who examines the title going forward to know that we considered this and acted upon it the recommendation was that the Township waives any processing of a subdivision plan so that these parcels we believe are separate will always remain separate for purposes of future use. Motion by Mariani to waive the subdivision for the Talen lands to be purchased by LCSWMA between River Road and the Susquehanna River north of Bainbridge; Second by Shearer; Motion carried. Solicitor requested the Minutes reflect that those parcels are identified in a letter dated December 29, 2017 from Alex Henderson, III, General Counsel for LCSWMA.

k. Zoning Officer–(i) Report is available.

l. Buildings – No report.

m. Personnel – (i) Motion by Shearer to approve employee Jesse Fitzkee carry over of 5 2016 and 5 2017 vacation days;

and Sean Laverty carries over of 8 days and 2 3/4 hours of vacation; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.

n. Parks and Recreation– No report.

o. Planning, Subdivision and Development–(i) Solicitor presented a Resolution with the recommendation of PSATS and the Solicitor regarding Wireless Infrastructure Deployment Bill, which if adopted would preempt any jurisdiction of the Township to regulate through zoning and planning for the locating of wireless installations within the Township. This is a bill that takes away the fundamental responsibility of the Township and PSATS agrees. The Boroughs Association has always taken a position on this bill that zoning has always been permitted under federal and state law where wireless installations may be located within municipalities. The recommendation is the BOS adopt the Resolution opposing HB 1620. Motion by Mariani that Conoy Township adopts Resolution 1-1-2-2018 in opposition to HB 1620 Wireless Infrastructure Deployment Bill; Second by McKain; Motion carried. Staff to distribute Resolution to Governor, State Representative and Senator and Members of the House Consumer Affairs Committee.

6. Financial Reports – FYI – See General Fund Deposit Detail, General Check Detail and Payroll Summary reports and

Sewer Fund Deposit Detail and General Check Detail for December 2017.

7. Motion by Shearer to pay bills (see General Fund 12/15/17; 12/29/17; and 1/2/18;SewerFund 12/15/17;

12/18/17; and 12/29/17; Capital Reserve 12/20/17 and 12/29/17; and NWLCRT 12/29/17Unpaid BillsDetailReports);

Second by McKain; Motion carried.

8. Old Business: (i) Mohr reported we are moving northward on the trail and are up to the first power line behind the

school; north of the school between the school and Fertrell and is a slow process due to tree removal and a narrow


9. New Business: No new business.

10. Other Items and Public Participation: None.

11. Motion by Shearer at 7:32 to adjourn; Second by Mariani; Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy M. Hipple


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