Nervous System 11-15

Organization of the Nervous System

  1. Choose the key responses that best correspond to the descriptions provided in the following statements. Insert the appropriate letter in the answer blanks.

a. somatic nervous system (SNS)c. central nervous system (CNS)

b. Autonomic nervous system (ANS)d. peripheral nervous system (PNS)

_____ 1. Nervous system subdivision that is composed of the brain and spinal cord

_____ 2. Subdivision of the PNS that controls voluntary activities such as the activation of skeletal muscles

_____ 3. Nervous system subdivision that is composed of the cranial and spinal nerves and ganglia

_____ 4. Subdivision of the PNS that regulates the activity of the heart and smooth muscle and of glands; it is also called the involuntary nervous system

_____ 5. A major subdivision of the nervous system that interprets incoming information and issues orders

_____ 6. A major subdivision of the nervous system that serves as communication lines, linking all parts of the body to the CNS


2. Using key choices, select the terms identified in the following descriptions by inserting the appropriate letter in the spaces provided.

  1. synapsed. neurotransmitters
  2. Schwann cellse. nodes of Ranvier
  3. ganglionf. cutaneous sense organs

_____ 1. Sensory receptors found in the skin, which are specialized to detect temperature, pressure changes, and pain

_____ 2. Specialized cells that myelinate the fibers of neurons found in the PNS

_____ 3. Gaps in a myelin sheath

_____ 4. Junction or point of close contact between neurons

_____ 5. Collection of nerve cell bodies found outside the CNS

_____ 6. Chemicals released by neurons that stimulate other neurons, muscles, or glands

3. Figure 11-1 is a diagram of a neuron. First, label the parts indicated on the illustration by leader lines. Then choose different colors for each of the structures listed below and use them to color in the coding circles and corresponding structures in the illustration. Next, circle the term in the list of three terms to the left of the diagram that best describes this neuron’s structural class. Finally draw arrows on the figure to indicate the direction of impulse transmission along the neuron’s membrane.



cell body

myelin sheath




Figure 11-1

4. Relative to neuron anatomy, match the anatomical terms given in Column B with the appropriate descriptions of function provided in Column A. Place the correct letter response in the answer blanks.

Column AColumn B

_____ 1. Releases neurotransmittersa. myelin sheath

  1. dendrite

_____ 2. Conducts electrical currents towardc. cell body

the cell bodyd. axon terminal

e. axon

_____ 3. Increases the speed of impulse transmission

_____ 4. Location of the nucleus

_____ 5. Generally conducts impulses away from the

cell body

Membrane Potentials

5. Using the key choices, identify the terms defined in the following statements. Place the correct letter response in the answer blanks.

  1. sodium-potassium pumpd. polarizedg. refractory period
  2. sodium ionse. depolarizationh. potassium ions c. repolarization f. action potential

_____ 1. Period of repolarization of the neuron during which it cannot respond to a second stimulus

_____ 2. State in which the resting potential is reversed as sodium ions rush into the neuron

_____ 3. Electrical condition of the plasma membrane of a resting neuron

_____ 4. Period during which potassium ions diffuse out of the neuron

_____ 5. Transmission of the depolarization wave along the neuron’s membrane

_____ 6. The chief positive intracellular ion in a resting neuron

_____ 7. Process by which ATP is used to move sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions back into the cell; completely restores the resting conditions of the neuron

Cerebral Hemispheres

6. Complete the following statements by inserting your answers in the answer blanks.

______1. The largest part of the human brain is the (paired) _1_. The other major subdivisions of the brain are the _2_ and the _3_. The cavities found in

______2. the brain are called _4_. They contain _5_.




7. Figure 12-1 is a diagram of the right lateral view of the human brain. First, match the letters on the diagram with the following list of terms and insert the appropriate letters in the answer blanks. Then, select different colors for each of the areas of the brain provided with a color-coding circle and use them to color in the coding circles and corresponding structures in the diagram.

_____ 1.frontal lobe_____ 5. medulla

_____ 2. parietal lobe_____ 6. occipital lobe

_____ 3. temporal lobe_____ 7.pons

_____ 4. cerebellum

Figure 12-1

Homeostatic Imbalances of the Brain

8. Match the brain disorders listed in Column B with the conditions described in Column A. Place the correct answers in the answer blanks.

Column A Column B

_____ 1. Slight and transient brain injury a. contusion

b. concussion

_____ 2. Traumatic injury that destroys brain tissuec. coma

d. cerebrovascular

_____ 3. Total nonresponsiveness to stimulation accident (CVA)

e. cerebral edema

_____ 4. After head injury, retention of water by brain f. Alzheimer’s disease

Structure of the Eyeball

9. Using the key choices, identify the parts of the eye described in the following statements. Insert the correct letter response in the answer blanks.

  1. vitreous humorg. iris
  2. suspensory ligamenth. fovea
  3. sclerai. ciliary body
  4. corneaj. optic disk
  5. retinak. lens
  6. choroid coatl. aqueous humor

_____ 1. Attaches the lens to the ciliary body

_____ 2. Fluid that fills the anterior chamber of the eye; provides nutrients to the lens and cornea

_____ 3. The “white” of the eye

_____ 4. Area of the retina that lacks photoreceptors; the blind spot

_____ 5. Contains muscle that controls the shape of the lens

_____ 6. Nutritive (vascular) tunic of the eye

_____ 7. Tunic, containing the rods and cones

_____ 8. Gel-like substance filling the posterior cavity of the eyeball; helps to reinforce the eyeball

_____ 9. Heavily pigmented tunic that prevents light scattering within the eye

_____ 10. Colored part of the eye

_____ 11. Area of acute or discriminatory vision

_____ 12. A transparent, flexible structure that can change shape to allow precise focusing

_____ 13. Anteriormost part of the sclera, your “window on the world”

_____ 14. Tunic composed of tough, white fibrous connective tissue

The Ear: Hearing and Balance

10. Using the key choices, select the terms that apply to the following descriptions. Place the correct letter in the answer blanks.

  1. tympanic membraneg. round window
  2. auditory tubeh. stirrup (stapes)
  3. semicircular canalsi. oval window
  4. hammer (malleus)j. external auditory canal
  5. pinnal. cochlea
  6. anvil (incus)

_____ 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. Structures composing the outer ear

_____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6. Collectively called the ossicles

_____ 7. Ear structure not involved with hearing

_____ 8. Allows pressure in the middle ear to be equalized with the atmospheric pressure

_____ 9. Vibrates as sound waves hit it; transmits the vibrations to the ossicles

_____ 10. Contains the organ of Corti

_____ 11. Connects with the nasopharynx and the middle ear

_____ 12. Contain receptors for the sense of equilibrium

_____ 13. Transmits the vibrations from the stirrup to the fluid in the inner ear