Minutes of the Patient Participation GroupAGM
Tuesday 17thJanuary 2017 at 6.30pm
PRESENT: Jeremy Collingridge (JC), Louie Davies (LD), Roger Key (RK),
Linda Killick (LK), Richard Lynch (RL – Chair), Alan Tanner (AT),
Susan Turner (ST), Marina Taylor (MT), Dr. V. Patel, David
Concar (DC), Marie Angrave (MA – Minutes)
APOLOGIES: Chris Veltman, Julie Halliwell
1. Resignations
It was noted that Kathryn Williams has now resigned from the PPG.
DC - Card and flowers to be sent. Practice will fund this.
2. Election of Officers
RL informed the meeting that he will be resigning as the Chair of the group after 4 years, with immediate effect. The group were asked if anyone would be interested in becoming the new Chair for the group. Many of the group stated that they would be unable to do this due to other commitments. LK kindly offered to be a temporary Chair for six months only, to give the group time to decide how it will move forward. The group agreed with this.
JC is to continue as Vice Chair, LK to continue as Treasurer, RL to continue working on the website.
3. Minutes of last meeting/matters arising from action points
Following a talk given by the Advice Service for Social Care in November, DC confirmed this information has been added to the website and will be added to the next Newsletter.
RL stated that he had had some responses re the PPG checklist and priorities going forward as discussed at the last meeting in November. It was agreed that two working groups would be established, one to work on updating the Constitution and the other to establish the needs of the practice.
Members of the groups at present are as follows:-
Group 1 – Constitution – DD, RL, MT
Group 2 – Practice Working Party – DC, JC, ST, AB
The date for the next meeting was discussed as LK unlikely to be able to attend. It was suggested that it could be moved to the following week i.e. Tuesday 21st March if this is more convenient.
LK & MA – To discuss dates for 2017 and inform group of any changes.
MA – Uptodate PPG contact list including email addresses and telephone numbers to be distributed to the group.
4. Newsletter
Information re Advice Service for Social Care to be included in the next newsletter.
It was also agreed that information re the Extended Scope Physiotherapists, Richard Wood and John Haynes, would also be included the newsletter.
The group acknowledged and thanked DD and Julie Halliwell for their excellent work and efforts in producing the newsletter (DD) and themes for the Noticeboard (JH).
RL to discuss with JH a possible future theme for the Noticeboard focussing on carers.
DD & DC- Family carers within the practice to be identified and information forwarded to JH.
5. CCG/Locality Meetings feedback
LK and ATattended the Locality Meeting held on 13.12.16. There were two speakers. The possibility of practices forming Hubs was discussed at the meeting for Blaby and Lutterworth. Also prescription wastage and the possibility of having a pharmacist insitu at GP surgeries.
JH – Item for the Noticeboard and Newsletter next time regarding prescription wastage.
The virtual PPG form/group was discussed. It was confirmed the form is available. This virtual group could be helpful at times such as when a mailshot needs sending.
6. A.O.B
DC informed the group that Candice Hutton and Marie Angrave had recently joined the practice. Candice will be working in reception and Marie has replaced Linda Cobley.
Procedure for making appointments with GP when appointments are all gone was discussed.
DC – Information/different options available for making appointments to be put onto the Noticeboard.
Next Meeting
Tuesday 14th March 2017 – TO BE CONFIRMED