Executive Board Meeting

October 22, 2003


Jack Folliard, Executive Director

Clark Sanders, Associate Executive Director

Marcus Eng, Soccer

JoAnn Hartley, Volleyball

Howard Mayo, Basketball

Rick Wallace, Wrestling

Steve Rei, Baseball

Bob Reichert, Softball

Dave Place, Central Region Representative

Keith Ericson, Portland Metro Region Representative

Rick Repine, Southern Region Representative

Sam Balsley, Salem/Mid-Valley Region Representative

Tim Weinke, Eastern Region Representative


Bob Flood, Football

Karen Meats, Emerald Region Representative

Tony Jones, Coastal Region Representative


Susan Weber, OSAA Administrative Assistant

Brad Garrett, OSAA Assistant Executive Director

Mike Wallmark, OSAA Assistant Executive Director

Tom Welter, OSAA Executive Director


Bob Wellnitz, Portland Football Commissioner

CALL TO ORDER / INTRODUCTIONS / WELCOME – Jack Folliard called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. and previewed the agenda. Introductions were made and all new board members were welcomed. Board notebooks were reviewed and the roster was verified.

HISTORY AND BACKGROUND OF OAOA – The following are OAOA’s major goals:

Improve Quality of Officiating

Recruitment and Retention

Representation before OSAA Boards and Committees

OSAA PERSPECTIVE – Tom Welter, OSAA Executive Director, spoke to the history, background, and perspective of the relationship between the OSAA and the OAOA. Tom presented each board member with an OSAA VIP pass. Mike Wallmark, OSAA Assistant Executive Director and Brad Garrett, OSAA Assistant Executive Director shared their background and experience with OSAA and their roles with officials.

FINANCIAL REPORT – Jack gave a financial update. Current reports are in the Board member’s notebooks. The multi-sport membership fee was discussed. Sam Balsley MOVED, second by Howard Mayo, that fee of $10 per official per sport be continued this year and reviewed next year. MOTION APPROVED.


Role and Responsibility of Board Members – It was agreed that board members will be active working members involved in their sports and regions.

Commissioners – will be responsible for their assigned sports throughout the state.

Regional Representatives – will develop relationships with the associations, commissioners, and officials in their regional areas. Be able to represent their regions regarding general and specific issues which arise from time to time.

Jack and Clark will develop a document containing “talking points” for board members to use when promoting OAOA to associations and officials.

Establish Terms and Replacement Procedures – The board preliminarily agreed on the following procedure for establish the terms of the initial board and replacements. More discussion and final determination will occur at or before the next board meeting. To insure initial continuity the regional representatives shall all serve a minimum of 2 years.

OAOA Board Terms and Replacement Procedures

(Proposed - expiration dates determined by luck of the draw – we wanted the Regional reps to serve at least 2 years. If any of you have other desires, please let Jack know)

Regional Representatives:

Term: 3 year staggered.

New representatives will be selected by the OAOA Board in August following an application/nomination period.


Karen Meats – Emerald August 05

Rick Repine – Southern August 05

Tony Jones – Coastal August 05

Sam Balsley – Salem/Mid-Valley August 06

Keith Ericson – Portland/Metro August 06

Dave Place – Central August 07

Tim Weinke – Eastern August 07


Term: 3 year staggered

New Commissioner board members will be selected by their respective commissioners at their annual OSAA State Interpreter’s meeting.


Bob Flood – football August 04

Marcus Eng – soccer August 04

JoAnn Hartley – volleyball August 05

Rick Wallace – wrestling October 05

Steve Rei – baseball January 05

Howard Mayo – basketball October 06

Bob Reichert – softball January 06

Clinics, Clinics, Clinics – Regional clinics will be emphasized. It was suggested that OAOA develop an approved list of clinicians for each sport.

Basketball – scheduled - Eugene (Nov. 16) and Pendleton (Nov 23)

Football – possible - University of Oregon (June 2004) Lane County Football Officials Association.

Baseball – Steve Rei and Salem baseball are working on possible clinics for this coming season.

Volleyball – volleyball representatives from Portland proposed a clinic for next year and will be making a presentation to the board in the future.

Wrestling - Rick Wallace reported that OAOA will be involved in the upcoming Coaches clinic at Centennial organized by Trent Kroll – possibly expanded to include an officials' clinic at the same site and date next year.

Official’s Award Programs – Clark Sanders will develop officials’ awards and recognition program and possibly an Oregon Officiating Hall of Fame.

Corporate Matters:

Independent Contractor Agreement – Marcus Eng MOVED, second by Sam Balsley that Howard Mayo is authorized to sign documents on behalf of OAOA. Motion APPROVED.

501(c) Authorization – Howard Mayo MOVED, second by Marcus Eng that OAOA seek 501(c) non-profit tax status. Motion APPROVED.

Website Development – www.oreofficials.org. E-mail Jack and Clark if there is something you want to see on the website.

Possible Joint Venture with Honig’s – Jack has talked with Dick Honig about establishing a joint venture relationship to benefit OAOA financially. Additionally, Honig’s has a program from state associations whereby 15% of the proceeds is rebated back to the association. The board authorized Jack to explore this further.

Committees – Committee assignments were made as follows. Jack and Clark will be members of all committees.

Allocation of State Playoff/Tournament officials:

Jones Eng Wallace

Balsley Mayo Reichert


Selection of State Interpreters:

Rei Repine

Hartley Flood

Game Fees Committee:

Rei Eng Balsley

Jones Ericson

Training and Development Committee:

Place Meats Mayo

Weinke Wallace

Finance Committee:

Mayo Repine

Background Check Committee

Reichert Hartley Meats

Recruitment Committee:

Mayo Wallace

Rei Place


OAOA Membership Cards – identification card. Rick Wallace and Marcus Eng will develop such a card. Maybe on the back of the OSAA certified official card.

FUTURE MEETING SCHEDULE – Meetings will be from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m.

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