Orchestra 1 – 4 Syllabus:

Chamberlain High School

Amanda Manring, Director

Welcome to the Orchestra at Chamberlain High School! It’s going to be a great year!


At least one year of school orchestra during the previous school year (2015-2016). Any student with no prior musical experience who is interested in joining orchestra can receive a waiver from Ms. Manring.

Orchestra Leadership Members:

Orchestra President: Michael Schonauer

Orchestra Vice President:Laura Vazquez-Garcia

Orchestra Secretaries: Jessica McCarthy

Historian:Gabriella Windsor

Uniform Committee:Zymiah Sellers, Chloe Edwards

Librarian:Sabrina Rayburn

Classroom Objectives:

The Orchestra program forms an integral part of campus life and is recognized as an all-school activity. It is one of the largest and most active student organizations, and its members form an active cosmopolitan group. The primary objectives of the CHS Orchestra are:

  1. Cultural: To foster the continued development of music appreciation and understanding through the study and performance of quality music literature.
  2. Educational: To develop engaged and more discriminatory listeners, provide a well-rounded musical education, help foster emotional response to music, give the student a new language in which to communicate, and prepare students for musical activities in and beyond high school.
  3. Service: To bring music and create atmosphere to certain school and community affairs while promoting and enhancing the dignity and reputation of Chamberlain High School at all appearances.
  4. Citizenship: To develop the ability to function as a responsible member of the group, to enhance the student’s ability to interact with others in a positive manner, and to develop the ability to function as a responsible member of the community.
  5. Recreational: To provide all students with an opportunity for worthy use of leisure time, an emotional outlet, and quality social experiences.

Grading Expectations:

Rehearsals and performances help to improve and perfect the musical product outside of the classroom. In Hillsborough County, fine arts courses are considered co-curricular, and all students should expect minimal rehearsals outside of school hours:

Performance attendance: 30%

Dress Rehearsals/Sectionals: 30%

Classroom worksheets and performance assessments (Graded on accuracy): 20%

Classroom effort and participation: 20%

Financial Obligation:

Financial obligations in orchestra are minimal. If a student is borrowing a school owned instrument, there is a $42.50 fee that goes towards the maintenance, repair, and purchasing of instrument accessories for said instrument for the entire year. Uniform rental fee (concert uniforms) is $37.45 for the year.

Attendance Policy:


Rehearsals are necessary for the improvement of the ensemble and to meet performance demands.

Excuses are not taken lightly. The following policies are in effect regarding rehearsals:

1.Full attendance is expected at every rehearsal. An unexcused absence will result in a grade deduction.

2.The director reserves the right to pull any student from a performance or orchestra trip based on lack of attendance and preparation. He or she will be given an alternate assignment.

3.Proper procedures must be followed by the student if an excused absence is to be requested. An excused absence form should be turned in no later than 3 days prior to missing a rehearsal. Turning in an EA form does not guarantee that the absence will be excused. The director must approve all excused absences.


There are no excuses for missing a performance. Every student is a vital member of the team effort and all absences affect other orchestra members, causing a drop in performance standards. The following policies are in effect regarding performances:

1.Performances are a part of each students grade and will be graded as such.

2.Excused absences will require a comparable make-up assignment.

Unexcused Absences

The following are examples of situations that are unacceptable for missing an activity.

1.Non-emergency appointments, general meetings will not be excused. Students should consult the Band of the Mighty Chiefs performance and rehearsal calendar to schedule personal medical appointments.

2.Work is never an excuse for missing any Chamberlain required activity. The law states that no job may take preference over any school function that may in any way inhibit the learning process or help in the result of a lowered grade. Ms. Manring will provide any appropriate information needed to communicate your music schedule to your boss.

3. Birthdays, parties, non-Academic-related dinners and banquets.

Filing for an Excused Absence:

Students should fill out the Request for Excused Absence Form, with at least three business days notice, and submit this with proper documentation attached.

The request must be approved by the Director.

Excused absence = make-up assignment

Unexcused Rehearsal absence = grade deduction

Unexcused Performance absence = grade deduction (approx. 2 letters, see grading policy)

Follow-up is the sole responsibility of the student.


Students are expected to be on time to all activities. “On time” means ready to begin with all necessary items.

“To be early is to be on time; to be on time is to be late; to be late is to be left!”

Orchestra Parent Association:

In order to create and build a viable music program, parent participation is extremely important! Please contact Ms. Manring if you are interested in volunteering with the orchestra, chaperoning or assisting with fundraising opportunities to build the orchestra account.

Performance Calendar (additional performances added will be optional for extra credit):

Fall 2016 – Leadership retreat (Band and Orchestra leadership)

October 20-22nd – Orchestra Solo & Ensemble (Barrington Middle School)

November 16th – All County Auditions (King High School)

December 6th – Band and Orchestra Dress Rehearsal, 4pm – 6pm in Auditorium

December 7th – Band and Orchestra Concert, CHS 7:00pm

February 23-25 – Orchestra MPA (LOCATION TBA)

May 2nd – Dress Rehearsal, 4-6pm Band and Orchestra

May 3rd – Spring Concert, Band and Orchestra 7pm

June ? – Graduation Performance (tentative)

Fundraisers will be ongoing throughout the year! We will keep you posted regarding car washes, and other ways to help the Orchestra!

Contact Information:

Amanda Manring

813-975-7677 ext. 368