Mrs. DeVos – Room 107
What is this course all about?
Math 7 is designed to bring together everything that you have learned from previous mathematical courses and introduces you to the basics for the mathematical courses to follow. Math 7 is the first year of Pre-Algebra, covering Chapters 1-7. Success in Pre-Algebra the first year is necessary since students will cover Chapters 8-13 in 8th grade.
How will you be expected to behave in this class?
You and your classmates have the right to go about the business of learning Math 7 free from the fear of being embarrassed. Mrs. DeVos has the right to go about the business of helping you and your classmates learn Math 7 without disruption or interference. With this in mind, everyday you are expected to:
- Respect ALL members of the class, including yourself.
- Come to class prepared, including a writing utensil, Pre-Algebra book and work.
- Follow Mrs. DeVos’s directions for lessons and classroom procedures.
- Adhere to the expectations and policies of Baldwin Junior High School.
What materials will you need daily for this class?
- Pre-Algebra Book
- Planner
- Writing utensil, preferably a pencil
- A folder to keep all homework assignments and notes in
How will your grade for this course be determined?
Your grades will be determined by tests, quizzes, projects, daily work, in-class activities and participation. Your grade will be calculated by dividing the number of points you have earned by the total number of points possible.
Grading Scale:A90% - 100%
B80% - 89%
C70% - 79%
D60 % - 69%
Daily Workwill be collected and graded. Late assignments will be accepted; however, late assignments will not have priority in correcting and may take until the end of the marking period to appear on a grade report. Once a chapter test has taken place, no late assignments will be accepted for that chapter. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get missed assignments and notes. You have one day for each day absent to get your work in to me.
TESTS and QUIZZES will be given periodically. All chapter quizzes and tests will be announced in advance. Homework quizzes may be given without advanced notice. Students failing a chapter test will be given the option of coming in after school for additional help and then retesting, with the score from the retest replacing the first score.
PROJECTS, up to 100 points, will be periodically assigned. Some projects will be completed within the math classroom, while others will need to be done outside of class time.
GETTING HELP I want you to succeed in Math 7, therefore I will make myself available to any student needing assistance by arranging time before hand. Frequently I stay after school to assist students in the Academic Center from 3 to 5 p.m. Students may also seek assistance from other math teachers and in the additional after school tutoring centers.
PARENT/GUARDIANYour son/daughter is about to embark on a year of mathematics. The next year will provide your child with the necessary math skills to function in society and prepare them adequately for the sequential course. Homework will be regularly assigned and should be expected daily. Calculators are helpful in this course, but are not a requirement.
If you should have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. I can be contacted before and after school until 3 p.m. by calling 745-4683. You may also e-mail me at . I look forward to this year of math with your child. Please sign and return the bottom portion as soon as possible.
Mrs. DeVos
AGREEMENT OF GUIDELINES I have read and fully understand the guidelines that were presented by the instructor and established for the 2009-2010 school year.
Student’s signatureDate
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate