Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal
We will once again be taking part in the Christmas shoebox appeal.Operation Christmas Childhave produced their own flat pack shoe box which is easy to assemble and requires no covering!
I will be selling these for50peach after theHarvest Service on 9th Oct.Please bring filled boxesto our Remembrance Service which is onSunday November 13th.
Sound Desk Team
We still need more people to join the Sound Desk Team with a view to being onthe Sunday rota on an occasional basis.If you think you
could do this please speak to Pauline or Graham. Thank you.
Wednesday Lunch club
We require an able bodied volunteer to act as Passenger assistant on the community bus each week.
The work entails helping the more infirm members of the club onto and off the bus, and also checking that they are safely in their seats. This is a major commitment and we require someone with dedication.
Brian Grayson
Oct 9th Harvest Sunday and Bring & Share lunch
Oct 9th Baptism of Oliver Makin
Oct 12th Central Prayer
Oct 14-16th Weekend Away
Oct 23rd Under 5s Service
Oct 30th British Summer Time ends!
Oct 31st Light Party
St. Timothy’s Church.
Services this week
Sunday 2nd9.30 amHoly Communion
11.00 amFamily Communion
6.30 pmThe Harbour
Wed 5th11.15amCoffee
12.00 Holy Communion
Sunday9thHarvest Festival
11.00 amFamily Service Church Parade
6.30 pmThe Harbour
Are you new to St Tims?
We welcome you to St. Timothy’s. We hope you have enjoyed your time here with us. We would like to keep in touch with you.Please leave your details (name, address, phone no. etc) with one of the sidespeople or in the church office just off the welcome area. .
If you feel you need prayer for any situation please approach somebody in the leadership team who will be able to direct you to someone who will pray with you. You can also write your request down and post it into the request box on the prayer board in the welcome area.
Prayer for ministries.
In the Welcome area, where as well as the list for prayer for individuals, there is now a list for praying for the various ministries the church runs. Please add specific requests to it, and apologies, People who lead the prayers in church may also wish to include some of these requests
Central Prayer
A time where the whole church comes together to pray through issues prevalent in today’s society, the world, local community, St Timothy’s and the wider church.
Advertising here
If you have anything you want advertising in this newssheet please contact Ellen Makin on 0114 2630991 or
Why not find out more on our website
Our Harvest Festival is onOctober 9th. As usual we would like people to
bring produce to support the Cathedral Archer Project andour own Tuesday Socialclub. (details are on the flyer you have received)
We are also having a church family bring and share harvest lunch after the service. Thereis lots to do to make this happen so listen to the notices for the detail and sign up at theback of church.
Would anyone be able to come to churchon theTuesday morningfollowing the service andtransport the goodsto theCathedral?
Please seePauline if you are able to help with this.
Christian Aid
Please take a Christian Aid envelope for your Harvest offering. You can
leave it today or bring it back on Oct 9th when it is our Harvest Service.
Car for sale
Skoda Fabia, 2009, 5 door hatchback, black. 43,000 miles and has always been very reliable with full service history. £3,000.
If interested contact Ann Page: 01142492818 / 07948745728
See Lizzie, Amy, Steph or Emily for further details.
The Harbour
At 6.30 pm this evening. Please come along and find out what we are doing.
Tonight we look at with Psalm 15. Please come and join us.
October 16th
For those not attending the Weekend Away there will be one morning service here at St Tim'sat 10.30am. It will be led by Rev John Hutchison.
Calling all students
Students with a valid ID cardnow get 15% off their purchases!With so many new titles and offers alwaysavailable, here'sanother reason to visitCLC Bookshops, 103 West Street, SHEFFIELD S1 4EQ
Connect with CLC Bookshops Sheffield on Facebook & Twitter.
Friday Fellowship
Fridays starting 7th October at St Timothy’s Church1.45 -3.15pm
There will be Bible study, discussion, prayer & fellowship followed by refreshments at the Friday Community Cafe.
We hope to meet weekly except in school holidays.
All welcome, especially those of "mature years".
Contact Jackie Staniforth
phone St Tim's office (0114 266 1745) - or just turn up on the day!
Used study books urgently needed
Declutter your shelves and go through those boxes. Put good books to betteruse. They are longing to be read again andCLC Bookshops can find them a home withBible College students.What sort of books?? Bible background, theology, dictionaries, commentaries, ethics, church history, Greek, Hebrew, pastoral work, church life, youth work, kids work, .... and so on. Just bring us the books asap and we'll sort them. Preferably books published since 2000. And thanks for telling others.
CLC Bookshops 103 West Street SHEFFIELD S1 4EQ
0114 2724663
St Timothy’s Church
2nd October 2016
Books: WB & A&M
Hymn:A&M 4 New every morning is the love
Collect for purity
Prayers of penitence
Sunday Collect
ReadingMalachi 3 v.6-12
GospelMatthew 6 v.25-34
Hymn: A&M 372Immortal,invisible
Sharing of the Peace
Hymn: A&M 400 Lord enthroned in heavenly splendour
Eucharistic Prayer
Post Communion Prayers
St Timothy’s Church
2nd October,2016
Books: WB & MP
Music PreludeMusic Team
Hymn:ScreenAs we come into your presence
WB 23Delight yourself in the Lord
ScreenOur God is a great big God
Prayers of penitence
Reading:Matthew 6 v.25-34
Notices and prayer for Junior Church & Pathfinders
Reading: Malachi 3 v.6-12
Hymn:MP 62Great is thy faithfulness
Sharing the Peace
Hymn:WB 97My Lord what love is this?
The Eucharistic Prayer
Hymns:WB 106Only by grace
WB 134To be in your presence
WB 152Your love shining like the sun
Final Prayers
Hymn:MP 61Go forth and tell!