Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education Regular

October 14, 2015

The regular meeting of the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education was held in the Board Room of the Administration Office, 317 North Market Street, Lisbon, Ohio 44432 at 5:02 p.m. on Wednesday, October 14, 2015.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. James Smith.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Smith.

The following members were present:

Mr. Eugene Gallo, Mrs. Martina Grimm, Mr. TK Hiscox, and Mr. James Smith.

Absent: Mr. Gary Peruchetti

The minutes of the Regular Meeting, Wednesday, September 9, 2015 were approved following a motion by Mrs. Grimm and a second by Mr. Gallo. On roll call the vote was: Ayes – Mrs. Grimm, Mr. Gallo, Mr. Hiscox, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.


ITEM X-A - Addition to classified substitutes.

ITEM X-C - Addition to the athletic supplemental contracts.

ITEM X-N – Renew a roof maintenance contract for the 2015-2016 School Year.


Mr. Adam Fill the Technology Director gave a presentation on the new website for district and explained that the One to One Initiative has supplied the sophomores with chromebooks for their use this year.


Cory Echard, Keith Edenfield, Dan Kemats, Julie Mercer, Rev. Gregory Pennington (Lisbon Assembly of God Church), Bruce Rogers (Western Reserve News), Jacob Walgate, Katie White (Morning Journal), & Terry Woyan.





Following a motion by Mr. Hiscox and a second by Mr. Gallo, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education approved the financial report of the treasurer. On roll call the vote was: Ayes – Mr. Hiscox, Mr. Gallo, Mrs. Grimm and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.


Following a motion by Mr. Hiscox and a second by Mrs. Grimm, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education approved payment of the listed bills. On roll call the vote was: Ayes –Mr. Hiscox, Mrs. Grimm, Mr. Gallo, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.


Following a motion by Mr. Gallo and a second by Mr. Hiscox, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education authorized the Treasurer to enter into two Parental Transportation Contracts for the 2015-2016 School Year to transport the following:

Brieana Rayle Heartland Christian School, Columbiana

Parent: Jessica Rayle

Karliy Winters Heartland Christian School, Columbiana

Parent: Nikki Winters

On roll call the vote was: Ayes – Mr. Mr. Gallo, Mr. Hiscox, Mrs. Grimm and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.

FIVE YEAR FORECAST 15-10-14-0172

Following a motion by Mrs. Grimm and a second by Mr. Hiscox, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education approved the enclosed Five Year Forecast for FY 2016-2020. On roll call the vote was: Ayes – Mrs. Grimm Mr. Hiscox, Mr. Gallo, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.


The date of the next regular meeting will be Wednesday, November 11, 2015, 5:00 p.m. in the Board Room located at 317 N. Market St., Lisbon, OH 44432.



Following a motion by Mr. Hiscox and a second by Mr. Gallo, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education approved the following as classified substitutes for the 2015-2016 School Year upon receipt of all required paperwork:

Ø  Dawn M. Dunn - Aide
Ø  Jessica Johnson – Secretary & Aide

On roll call the vote was: Ayes – Mr. Hiscox, Mr. Gallo, Mrs. Grimm, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.


Following a motion by Mr. Gallo and a second by Mr. Hiscox, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education, approved the first reading of the following NEOLA Policies:

1130 / Conflict of Interest - Administration
1630.01 / FMLA Leave – Administration
2260.02 / Single Gender Classes and Activities
2461 / District Meetings Involving Students and/or Parents
3113 / Conflict of Interest – Professional Staff
3430.01 / FLMA Leave – Professional Staff
4113 / Conflict of Interest – Classified Staff
4430.01 / FMLA – Classified Staff
5517.02 / Sexual Violence
7510 / Use of District Premises
8420 / Emergency Situations at Schools
8452 / Automated External Defibrillators (AED)
8500 / Food Services
9211 / District support Organizations

On roll call the vote was: Ayes – Mr. Gallo, Mr. Hiscox, Mrs. Grimm, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.


Following a motion by Mrs. Grimm and a second by Mr. Gallo, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education, approved the following athletic supplemental contracts for the 2015-16 Winter Sports Season:

Chris Huckshold – Head Boys Basketball
Ryan Snyder - Assistant Boys Basketball
Todd Johnson – Freshman Boys Basketball (If Needed)
Jamie Entrikin – 8th Grade Boys Basketball
Doug Andric – 7th Grade Boys Basketball
Jason Thompson – Head Girls Basketball
Maggie Sell – Assistant Girls Basketball
Henry Glenn – 8th Grade Girls Basketball
Lauren Glenn - 7th Grade Girls Basketball

On roll call the vote was: Ayes – Mrs. Grimm, Mr. Gallo, Mr. Hiscox, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.

2015-16 WINTER SPORTS VOLUNTEERS 15-10-14-0176

Following a motion by Mr. Gallo and a second by Mr. Hiscox, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education approve the following personnel as volunteers for the 2015-16 Winter Sports Programs:

Caroline McDermott – Head Swimming Coach

On roll call the vote was: Ayes – Mr. Gallo, Mr. Hiscox, Mrs. Grimm, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.


Following a motion by Mr. Hiscox and a second by Mr. Gallo, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education approved the following personnel and establish stipend amount for Resident Educator Mentors:

Lead mentor @ $500.00 / Melissa Kemats
Mentor @ $300.00 / Kellie Seidner

On roll call the vote was: Ayes – Mr. Hiscox, Mr. Gallo, Mrs. Grimm, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.

HOME INSTRUCTOR 15-10-14-0178

Following a motion by Mr. Gallo and a second by Mr. Hiscox, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education approved Tena Liberati to provide home instruction for eligible students at a rate of $18.00 per hour effective September 21, 2015. On roll call the vote was: Ayes – Mr. Gallo, Mr. Hiscox, Mrs. Grimm, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.


Following a motion by Mr. Hiscox and a second by Mrs. Grimm, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education issued continuing certified contracts effective July 1, 2015 to the following personnel:

Jessica Garrod
Corey Rhodes

On roll call the vote was: Ayes – Mr. Hiscox, Mrs. Grimm, Mr. Gallo, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.


Following a motion by Mr. Gallo and a second by Mrs. Grimm, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education accepted a donation of $1,000.00 to the Lisbon Athletic Department on behalf of the Northeast District Athletic Board. On roll call the vote was: Ayes – Mr. Gallo, Mrs. Grimm, Mr. Hiscox, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.


Following a motion by Mr. Hiscox and a second by Mr. Gallo, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education amended the Temporary Substitute Stadium Caretaker Contract of Frank Morrell to a Co-Stadium Caretaker Contract at a rate of $12.00 an hour.not to exceed 400 hours per year. On roll call the vote was: Ayes – Mr. Hiscox, Mr. Gallo, Mrs. Grimm, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.


Following a motion by Mr. Gallo and a second by Mrs. Grimm, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education approved a contract with E-Rate Connection to manage the 2016-17 Federal E-Rate Program at a fee of $2,500.00. On roll call the vote was: Ayes – Mr. Gallo, Mrs. Grimm, Mr. Hiscox, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.


Following a motion by Mr. Hiscox and a second by Mr. Gallo, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education issued academic supplemental contracts for the position of Saturday School Monitor for the 2015-16 School Year at $50.00 a session to the following personnel:

Mrs. Colleen vanLeeuwen
Mr. Daniel Votaw
Mr. Ronald Witman
Mrs. Sarah Julian
Mrs. Deborah Glenn
Mrs. Amanda Cleghorn
Miss Meredith Deichler

On roll call the vote was: Ayes - Mr. Hiscox, Mr. Gallo, Mrs. Grimm, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.


Following a motion by Mr. Gallo and a second by Mr. Hiscox, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education approved extended time of 5 days for Colleen vanLeeuwen for Media Center Inventory for McKinley Elementary School and David Anderson Jr./Sr. High School. On roll call the vote was: Ayes - Mr. Gallo, Mr. Hiscox, Mrs. Grimm, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.


Following a motion by Mr. Gallo and a second by Mr. Hiscox, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education, establish an academic supplemental position of Public Relations / Media Consultant and approve Colleen vanLeeuwen for the position at a 4% of the base salary. On roll call the vote was: Ayes – Mr. Gallo, Mr. Hiscox, Mrs. Grimm, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.

ROOF MAINTENANCE FOR 2015-2016 15-10-14-0186

Following a motion by Mr. Gallo and a second by Mr. Hiscox, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education renewed the contract with Roth, Youngstown, Ohio for roof maintenance for the 2015-16 School Year at the following costs:

Ø  David Anderson - $3,931.51
Ø  McKinley - $1,379.17

On roll call the vote was: Ayes - Mr. Gallo, Mr. Hiscox, Mrs. Grimm, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the motion carried.


Mr. Kemats

·  Discussed the Grades 3 – 5 STEM Program.

·  The Parent Teacher Conferences was held October 1.

·  2nd and 3rd Grades have changed to the Standards Based Program this year along with the Kindergarten and the 1st Grade.

·  Preschool – 3rd Grades are going to the Lepper Library all getting library cards. Preschool also went to the Catalpa Farms October 6 & 7. 3rd Grade to the White House Fruit Farm October 19th.

·  Fire Safety was last week. The Fire Department did an assembly for each grade on Friday, October 9th.

·  The D.A.R.E. Officer comes to McKinley weekly.

·  The PTO Annual Fall Festival will be held October 30 with a Halloween Parade and room parties.

Mr. Edenfield

·  October 2nd the STEM II Class was invited to tour the Hum Town Products in Columbiana. Mr. Edenfield, Mr. Siefke, and Mr. Watt along with nine students attended the most informative tour.

·  October 8th Twenty students attended the Cutting Edge Manufacturing Event at the Columbiana County Career and Technical Center. Representatives from different fields of manufacturing demonstrated what their companies in the area produced.

·  The Homecoming Dance was held Saturday, October 10th.

·  October 14th was the most recent PSAT Testing.

·  The OGT’s will be administered the week of the 26th.

·  Report cards will go out October 30th.

Mr. Walgate

·  Middle School Volleyball ITCL Tournament hosted at DAHS – 2-7th Grade and 2-8th Grade matches last week and 2- 8th Grade matches October 15th.

·  The Varsity Volleyball Tournament will be in Salem October 19th with Springfield

·  Football Team is doing well. Senior night will be October 30th.

·  Kimmi Wiggers has been nominated for JJHuddle/Bucknuts Ohio High School Volleyball Athlete of the Week.

·  The Golf Team qualified in the Sectional Tournament to go to the District Tournament.

·  Random Drug Testing for the Fall Athletes was done October 14th.

Mr. Siefke

·  Maintenance Department – Ed Duko, the supervisor, is out for an operation. The principals are stepping up to see that everything is going smoothly.

·  The Transportation Department is in need of a full time Bus Driver and substitutes.


Following a motion by Mr. Gallo and a second by Mr. Hiscox, the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education moved to adjourn. On roll call the vote was: Ayes – Mr. Gallo Mr. Hiscox, Mrs. Grimm, and Mr. Smith. Nays – none. The president declared the meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m.

This is to verify that the foregoing is a true and accurate account of the minutes and proceedings of the Regular Meeting of the Lisbon Exempted Village Board of Education held on Wednesday, October 14, 2015.



James Smith Vickie Browning-Prowitt