GES 10/2013/01

Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
Common Implementation Strategy
10th meeting of the Working Group on Good Environmental Status (WG GES)
21October 2013, 9.30-18:00
22October 2013, 9:00-10.15
Conference Centre Albert Borschette, Rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels, room 2A
Agenda Item: / 1
Document: / GES10/2013/01
Title: / Draft agenda
Prepared by: / DG Environment and GES Drafting Group
Date prepared: / 30/09/2013


Monday 21 October 2013 – Meeting of WG GES
Agenda Item
09:30 /
  1. Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda

09:40 /
  1. Approval of minutes of 9thmeeting of WG GES (25th March 2013)

09:45 /
  1. Update on Common Implementation Strategy activities of relevance to WG GES - info

  1. Report on the Marine Directors meeting (30-31 May 2013)
  2. Report on the joint GES/ESA workshop (17-18 June 2013)
  3. Report on the PCG meeting (12/13 September 2013)
  4. Report on the WG DIKE meeting (7-8 October 2013)
  5. WG ESA (15-16 October 2013)

10.30 / Coffee break
10:50 /
  1. Art 12 assessment - infp

  1. State of play - progress and findings

11:15 /
  1. Work plan for WG GES

  1. Draft mandate for WG GES– discuss and agree
  2. RSC contributions - info

12:30 / Lunch
13:30 /
  1. Common understanding of GES

  1. Progress by Drafting Group - info
  2. Mandate for review of GES Decision and MSFD Annex III– discuss and agree
  3. Assessment scales and workshop on 23 October 2013 – info

16:00 / Coffee break
16:30 /
  1. Monitoring

  1. JRC guidance– discuss and agree
  2. RSC activities - info

17:30 /
  1. Information exchange

a. TSG Noise – progress
b. TSG Litter - progress
18:00 / Close of day 1
Tuesday 22 October 2013
09:00 / Finalisation of agenda items
10:10 /
  1. AOB and close of WG GES meeting

10:15 / Coffee
10:30 / Joint meeting of WG GES and ECOSTAT
1Introduction to joint session
2Purpose and expected outcome of the joint meeting
3MSFD monitoring and assessment – state of play (EU COM)
Outcome of Art. 12 assessment, GES definition and target setting, potential use of WFD methods
4WFD coastal monitoring and assessment methods (FSH (JRC))
Methods overview, pressures addressed, gaps, plans to fill the gaps; documentation: summary document on gaps and plans
Includes example: WFD/ECOSTAT work on nutrient standards (UK?) - Discussion on way forward; documentation: Report on nutrient standards, workshop outcome
12:30 / Lunch
5Streamlining efforts structured discussion
General discussion on principles, using eutrophication as example to discuss how to link WFD, RSC, MSFD assessments
-How to use work for intercalibration exercise and revision of Decision? How to streamline, make best use of works done and experience gained in both processes
-Do we need joint guidance?
-Joint coastal and marine group: facilitate the intercalibration process and link up with RSC process
-Joint WG GES and Ecostat meetings: not a routine but a possible means
6Discussion on common priorities
Create an agenda for the joint coastal and marine group
7Summing up and conclusions
End of common part of meeting