A Cat, A Rat, and a Bird
Fill in the blanks with the articles ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’.
______cat was sleeping next to ______fence. While ______cat was sleeping, ______bird and ______rat were sitting on ______fence talking. ______rat complained to ______bird that he was bored. ______bird agreed with ______rat so ______bird turned to ______rat and said, “I wish ______cat wasn’t sleeping because then we could have some fun teasing him and running away.”______rat thought that would be fun. He told ______bird what he would say to ______cat if ______cat were awake. Both ______rat and ______bird thought that was really funny. They were laughing so hard that they didn’t see that ______cat had awoken. ______cat didn’t know why ______rat and ______bird were laughing, but he knew ______opportunity when he saw one. He jumped onto ______fence and ate both ______rat and ______bird. Be careful what you wish for!
Some Cats Singing on a Fence
Fill in the blanks with the articles ‘a’, ‘an’ ‘some’ or ‘the’.
On ______warm summer night, ______cats were singing in ______alley. ______cats were very noisy. ______man who lived next to ______alley woke up and swore at ______cats. ______cats ignored him and kept on singing.______cats were driving ______man crazy so ______man looked for ______things to throw at ______cats. First, he found ______old shoe. He threw ______shoe at ______cats but ______cats kept on singing. Then he found ______empty bottles. ______man threw ______bottles at ______cats but ______cats continued to ignore him. Finally, he found ______fish in his freezer. ______fish was frozen solid. ______man thought that ______fish would make a good missile so ______man threw ______fish at ______cats. This time, ______cats shut up.
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