6/3/03 ppt retreat

opened with activity what should students know be able to do care about

do this pre post with teachers in workshop

is this a general science course? How will it be useful in schools?

We fit into physics first movement. Need simple algebra and reinforces what they’re doing in math… most kids take in 8th/9th grade.

Carmela says value of course is prepares them for two courses ahead of them: biology and physics not so much chemistry in the sense that it’s not specific to any chem. concepts, while it does have specific phys and physiol concepts.

Having them understand even simple concepts like pressure though is still helpful when you come into chemistry from this class- the concept of force and how it’s analogous.

How far you get in the year plays a role…

It’s a general physical science course. It’s a way of packaging it and slipping it in early in the school career for resistant schools.

Also the thinking skills that are taught and used in the course should prepare them for any science class, even if they don’t have the conceptual knowledge.

This can be used in several ways: general sci with a physical sci emphasis. Or as physics first course.It’s an adaptable curriculum. A continuation of FAST. This idea of integration is critical; a good way of getting kids to understand the world by putting the phys and physiol together. And certainly real science is integrated. Carmela: “we don’t just have good students at the end, we have good thinkers.” Also health… and if they take in their freshman year, they’re taking it along with health, and it supplements those concepts that they’re just getting talked to about in health.

Technology: many applications primarily cars. Standards help drive the curriculum, and by employing technology we meet the science and society one. Social/practical problems.

We definitely meet domain 1 inquiry standards, interface with math. Repetitive and consistent mathematical equations used. Graphing and application of equations to graph is powerful tool—population dynamics and other applications that come along later in biology. They actually understand that the line means something. When you do a class graph, the big patterns really come out and emphasizes replication of data and accounting for error- community and collaboration.

We are primarily a physics course with applications in physiology and technology.

We use real world applications that when appropriate come from physiol preferentially.

Math- how much math. How much do they really need. Should be able to rearrange three to four variable equations. Basic graphing- from handout that we have from beginning of year. Formula families. Squaring and cubing, primarily squaring. How can we realistically say to schools that they can teach this in 9th grade even with the math. We do so much repetition with the math that it really reinforces and gives them a chance to practice. Only a few basic patterns that we use over and over giving opportunity to practice and gain mastery. Most are pretty straightforward. The interchangeability of variables can be a challenge and confusing. Units and symbols must be consistent as the symbolism can be murky (Q for heat, for example). They must learn to deal with these abstractions.

Applying math to physics is really what we’re doing. Numbers can be confusing themselves when using fractions and decimals. We want to stay integral as much as possible. However in relationships cannot be avoided, especially if it’s something like a proportionality or inverse relationship.

Keeping the equations up as knowledge wall keeps emphasis on application rather than memorization. The trick is knowing which one to use and how. They have to decide which ones to use and how to use them. Although it can be used as a crutch, and prevent studying if they think they won’t need to use it. Can plug numbers into the equation, thus singling out the variable that we’re trying to solve for. We really want to emphasize the difference between memorizing and knowing by looking at the relationships.

Ideally, we should be complementing the math knowledge that they’re gaining during the year or gained the previous year depending on when they had math.

We’re presuming no pre-requisites, but algebra should at the minimum be concurrent. Vocabulary is going to be critical and should be introduced with the first lab/project and reinforced constantly with each subsequent lab/project.

Concepts & Scope:

By semester or by quarter. Prioritize concepts/units. What are the essentials?

What is the emphasis per quarter?

What can be excluded? Rotational motion (too complex), Strength of materials
(not enough application), spend less time on acceleration (because we come back to it so many times).

What do we want to add? Accident physiology, brain damage, spinal cord damage- entry point for collision section- what happens to colliding objects-impulse/momentum relationship.

See updated scope and sequence list


Possibility of assessing using state standardized tests

How much prepost testing?

Look for standard instruments, rather than making up ourselves.

Keep FCI prepost

Use science attitudes tests prepost

Further studies with comparison groups and random assignment.

No need for other tests that we created, but some pre test for math to determine levels of students prior to course.

Don’t do post testing at very end of year, but something like several weeks prior.

Comparison to MaryKnoll or Kailua if anyone is doing physics first, and also to traditional physics last programs.

Formative assessments:

Indicator kids at high and low ends of spectrum. How to identify students to serve this role? Must be general. Overall academic achievement, attitude, motivation. May take a month or more to identify.

HW- responsibility is kids’. Grading should be 0-1-2, did they try, did they do it? They should be doing the work. Summation should be them doing the work on the board. Carmela’s procedure to have them in groups of 3 doing their homework and checking it, then whiteboarding to share with group. If they agree on the answer they whiteboard it; if they disagree, they must argue it out and then whiteboard what they came up with. They only have to go over the ones that they don’t agree on or didn’t understand. Laptops and computer tablets are another option.

Homeworkgroup resolutionwhiteboardclass comparisoncheck and explain if any are incorrect

5 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes

They are all involved in this process and we don’t waste time or give them a chance to zone out going over problems that everyone understands, plus we can really see who got what and who didn’t.

Homework formula:

Begin with simple/definitional problems, then to single ideas, single step problems, then combined, multi-step problems. Go from qualitative to quantitative. Application—Generalize/written summary/explain what’s going on here.

Lab notebooks- students are keeping their own records of labwork and homework and classnotes.

Carmela would like culminating project at the end of the semester- making the manmade thing would be the technology aspect.

Tests- multiple choice is easy to grade and not subjective, but it isn’t as good at really testing what they know. How can we put together a good test that can be compared between classes/schools. Multiple choice with explanation of why you chose that answer.

Test in sections with multiple choice simply right or wrong and can be compared however then set of free-response questions that teacher can use for their own assessment and to determine if students truly understand the concept.

Pre stamped/labeled envelopes to make it easier for teachers to send the scantron test forms in.

What about retakes? Do we collect data on those? No. Especially since it’s up to teacher discretion. Assume FCI accounts for knowledge gained later.

Lab reports- Carmela makes them turn in lab reports for every unit and it is fully graded. We put together a rubric to aid in grading.Introductory lab, main lab, prediction/post lab, lab report is on main lab for unit.

Quizzes- good for formative feedback, one per week. Carmela gives every Friday. Grade for accountability. They can correct it themselves.

POEs can be good formative assessments too.

Oral presentations and whiteboards can be used to see where they’re at.

Grading – it may be necessary to leave it up to the school or department. Can we establish suggestions/guidelines? Grade scale? Extra credit is also up to discretion of school/teacher.

Final exams may be good for makeup/retake/extra credit and also giving the kids an opportunity to learn something at a later date, in case they didn’t get it the first time it’s an opportunity to learn it later.

Presentations- how to grade? Do group members get the same grade? Peer evaluation? Depends on the structure and format of the presentation. Can randomize which order groups go in and who from each group is the presenter. Presentations do take a long time and can really eat up classtime.

Do concept lists on scantron and send home as hw so that it doesn’t eat up classtime. Do several times per year- beginning of year and then quarterly. 5 times. This means that a complete concept review list is needed at the beginning of the year.


Pattern of lessons- General to specific. When it works. Start w/ physiology (i.e. optics) as a guide.

Try to keep a consistent pattern. Start w/ the HUH? That’s weird? Etc…


Carmela thinks the number of labs we have now is OK.

Don’t want to do too many so that we don’t have summary and analysis.

But more labs would be good

Need labs for future materials

“Inventor’s box” labs- parameters, take more time, but emphasize scientific process/thinking. Have a mix of these type w/ more explicit directions. There are certain labs that lend themselves to this type.

For “main experiment”: Individual Observations- group observations- observations on board- which ones are quantifiable?- which ones will we analyze? (or have them choose two variables) This can lead to what materials will be needed, procedures, etc… What you think the relationship will be.

Problem- hypothesis- materials- procedure- blank data table

Introductory or open ended

Data tables to graph to class/collaborative graph. Have a class discussion to come up with the pattern

Predictions at end are good (this is what happens in science!)

Conclusions have 3 parts- compare data to hypothesis, obstacles and how they overcame them, next experiment (or corrections of design)

How to get class discussions going???? Guiding questions, wait time, etc. Plant an argument. Interject other ideas (from other class)

Discussions at hypothesis generating level- justifications are critical

Exposes misconceptions

Student productions- formulas, tables, graphs, diagrams fall out of the lab (as discussed above). Fit in as much as possible.

Have students make up questions. Formula worksheet after lab and presentations

Need to remind kids that they know there is an answer. Finding a pattern is hard. Scientists …..

Chart paper-

Nice for drawing graphs, pics, especially the quadrilled paper. (Do we want to have students keep quadrilled paper in lab notebooks- kids can just use rulers or templates in composition books, but quadrilled lab notebooks are like $6 per book).

Drawbacks to chart paper? Bulky, expensive,

It’s really good for showing calculations and for things like projectile prediction lab, it’s really nice because they can show all their steps in a big complete format. Much easier for teacher to review on the large paper, but there’s a problem when we have to transfer from chart paper to lab notebooks- may be times when we use chart paper or lab notebooks. The chart format is easier for sharing, and they tend to use ink, which makes it so that they have to show where their mistakes are- mistakes being part of science.

Planning out a lab is a nice time to have the big sheet because the whole group can be working on it together with all that space on the paper, and when its time to share or present the lab results then its really nice too. During data collection, those things, data tables or raw data should be stored in the lab notebook. There’s room for flexibility. When things are recorded in lab books, students can also practice citing data in others’ books. If one student recorded the data in their book, the others in the group can refer to it rather than everyone copying it down.

Butcher paper is another option, cheaper, can roll it up. Can put graph paper over it or use carpenter square.

Overhead projector sheets can be handed around as they put together data, they have to be aligned, but they can then be overlaid on one another on the overhead. Can stack 3 or 4 on top of one another and still visualize what’s going on pretty well.

Whiteboards- if there are three group members, one can do whiteboard, and one can do a permanent record at the same time. For a permanent record, they can also be photographed. Could even make whiteboards with grids on them.

Can have all three forms available in class or workshops and see what works best.

To combat student over-meticulousness in preparing graphs and tables, set up a timer and give only a certain amount of time to do tasks. Can make it consistent so that after a while, they have procedural framework that they’re used to.

Readings- as supplementary, not introductory but as follow-up; science history (testing on this?). Look at Harvard Physics Project, Rutherford. PSSC. Encyclopedias

For final project- have students do biographical report on specific scientists and their experiments. Poster presentations- ownership

Warm-ups- used as introductions to topics, get students in gear, get them thinking

Post problem sets for the week- deeper problems

Less calculations?- Calculations are good. Articulate equations. Do calculations w/out numbers. Solve just w/ formulas. Show derivations. Get used to using symbols.

Integer numbers. Outlaw calculators?? Graphing calculators outlawed!!!!

Speed and pacing of delivery- comes out of what we do/ labs. Benchmark labs. (other activities are introductory or post)

Sequential links- Energy????? As thread?????

Use a post to turn into a pre

Glossary- do we create? Do students generate?? Drive ideas in class discussions. Students fill in glossary sheet throughout year. Collaboratively as a class come up with definition. Definitions must include fundamental units or derived units !!!!!!!!!

Symbols- formula sheets, knowledge wall, we have developed our symbols and we will feed them incrementally to the students

Need to come up w/ more POEs

Sig figs.- comes up as students get used to measuring instruments; rounding issue, how “close” numbers are


Make sure pages in teacher binders are numbered within each section. (1.1, 1.2; 2.1, 2.2, etc.).

Divide up student and teacher use T1.1, S1.1.

Answer keys to problem sets should be put together.

For main lab, nothing is handed out, because for them to put it all together themselves is conducive to ownership. Also, they don’t do a good job of reading prep materials anyway. Could have them read a procedure, then rewrite it in their own words before they can do the lab, or make a flow diagram. This way they have to read and process it. Should eliminate the whole “what do I do next?”

Should homework be with unit or at end? More user-friendly to be with unit. Exercises.

Reading, exercises, vocabulary are follow-ups to lab.

Suggestion from Carmela for workshop: Choose one unit that we know really well, or feel is well-developed and go through thoroughly so teachers see how we use all tools and techniques, they see how it all fits, and they’ll know well how to do following units. Best use of one week is to go through one unit and see how it all works when taught to them by model instructor. Make them be students so they can see what experience of their students will be, and then practice being the teacher. Maybe do some group presentations on Friday afternoon following the teaching pattern we’ve put together.

How will we supply materials to teachers during the year?

Summer division of labor.