April 2015

Dear Parent/Guardian,

For nearly twenty years, King Edward VI School has run a dedicated Music Scheme for students entering the School in Year 7. The centrepiece of the Scheme is a term’s free specialist instrumental tuition on one of the Year 7 Scheme instruments detailed below.

Year 7 Scheme instruments

woodwind / brass / strings / others
bassoon / trumpet
tuba / violin
double bass / voice
orchestral percussion

Tuition on other instruments is also available, but is not subsidised.

We recognise that our students have different levels of musical experience when they arrive at K.E.S.. The table below indicates how to proceed depending on your son’s experience.

If your son does not currently have instrumental lessons

A)  Take up a Year 7 Scheme instrument (subsidised)

B)  Take up a Year 7 Scheme instrument (subsidised) and/or a non-Year 7 Scheme instrument (not subsidised)

C)  Take no individual instrumental lessons (please note that your son would still be expected to play a full part in the musical life of the School and this will include practical music each week)

If your son currently has lessons in one instrument

D)  Continue on that instrument in School (Year 7 Scheme instruments would be subsidised)

E)  Take up an additional Year 7 Scheme instrument (subsidised if first instrument is not part of the Year 7 Scheme)

If your son currently has lessons in two instruments

F)  Continue on both instruments in School (one would be subsidised if part of the Year 7 Scheme)

G)  Continue on one instrument in School (Year 7 Scheme instruments would be subsidised)

H)  Continue on both instruments outside School (not subsidised)

Every week, each student's schedule includes

·  a 25-minute instrumental lesson on one of the Year 7 Scheme instruments listed above, with a specialist instrumental teacher;

·  a 45-minute Year 7 Orchestra rehearsal, led by the Director of Music, and supported by a team of specialist staff and instrumental students;

·  45 minutes of classroom music with a specialist member of staff, as part of his form group.

On Saturday 9th May, 11am-12 noon, there will be an opportunity for your son to try out the full range of our Year 7 Scheme instruments; enter School via the Chapel Lane entrance (CV37 6BE), where there is pay-and-display parking available, and follow the signs.

You will find a form and a set of Frequently Asked Questions attached. These are also available from the front page of our website, www.kesmusic.net. The form should be returned (with a cheque where appropriate) by 4pm on Friday 15th May. If you are experiencing any financial hardship which impacts on your ability to pay, please write to the Headmaster in confidence via his PA, Mrs Susan Swann, on .

Yours faithfully,

Mr A J P Henderson

Director of Music

Year 7 Scheme Enrolment Form

Student’s name / Parent’s email address

1)  Please indicate the instrument(s) your son would like to study. Fill in one set of boxes only.

If your son does not currently have instrumental lessons

A)  Take up a Year 7 Scheme instrument (subsidised)

First choice
Second choice

B)  Take up a Year 7 Scheme instrument (subsidised) and/or a non-Year 7 Scheme instrument (not subsidised)

Year 7 Scheme instrument
Other instrument

C)  Take no individual instrumental lessons (please note that your son would still be expected to play a full part in the musical life of the School and this will include practical music each week)

Tick to confirm

If your son currently has lessons in one instrument

D)  Continue on that instrument in School (Year 7 Scheme instruments would be subsidised)

Year 7 Scheme instrument or
Other instrument

E)  Take up an additional Year 7 Scheme instrument (subsidised if first instrument is not part of the Year 7 Scheme)

Current instrument
New Year 7 Scheme instrument

If your son currently has lessons in two instruments

F)  Continue on both instruments in School (one would be subsidised if part of the Year 7 Scheme)

instrument 1
instrument 2

G)  Continue on one instrument in School (Year 7 Scheme instruments would be subsidised)

Instrument in School
Instrument outside of School

H)  Continue on both instruments outside School (not subsidised)

Current instrument 1 / Current instrument 2

2)  Please give us some idea of your son’s prior musical experience.

Instrument / Ensembles / Last exam taken / When taken / Mark
o I have completed Sections 1 & 2
If you are requesting tuition in a Year 7 Scheme instrument
o I understand that tuition for the first term is paid for by the School
o I have enclosed a cheque for £175 for the second term’s fees
If you are requesting tuition in a non-Year 7 Scheme instrument
o I have enclosed a cheque for £175 for the first term’s fees
Signed (Parent/Guardian) ………………………………………………………………………..

Please return this completed form FAO Mrs Sarah Jervis-Hill in the School Office by 4pm on Friday 15th May 2015.

If you have any queries, please email the Director of Music, Andrew Henderson, on .

Frequently Asked Questions

What will my son gain from participating in this programme?

There is a clear correlation between musical proficiency and academic success; students who study music are more likely to do well at school. Music is animportant part of life at King Edward VI School, and we want to involve as many students as possible in it, irrespective of the opportunities they have had before arrivinghere. Most of all, we think it will be an immensely enjoyable and rewarding experience for the students! This is to say nothing of the camaraderie that develops amongst the new Year 7 cohort when every student in the year group joins forces to make music one afternoon a week.

Why have you chosen to offer tuition in these particular instruments?

Learning these particular instruments will put boys in a very good position to make the most of extra-curricular music at King Edward VI School once they leave Year 7.Whilst we fully understand and encourage the study of guitar, drums and piano, ensemble opportunities for these instruments are inherently more difficult to provide and take part in. We do, however, have a well-equipped silent band room and coaching opportunities for boys who wish to form a band.

What will the programme cost me as a parent?

​The School or the County Music Service will provide all of the equipment they need for the first lesson, and the instrument is loaned free of charge for the whole year. There may be small costs over the course of the year (for example, a replacement clarinet reed, or some valve oil for a trumpet) which should cost no more than a few pounds. In emergencies – such as immediately before a concert or exam – spares are usually available from a teacher.

After the first term’s tuition, the termly cost is £175 for eleven lessons of twenty-five minutes. We ask parents to pay for the second term’s fees in the summer before their son starts at the School to secure the free tuition.

We advise that parents investigate adding the instrument as a named item on their home and contents insurance.

Do you offer tuition on any other instruments?

In addition to the instruments which are available under the Year 7 Scheme, the following instruments are available as paid options. Please note that if a student elects to take tuition in these instruments, this would be in addition to the free instrument. The termly cost is £175 for eleven lessons of twenty-five minutes.

woodwind / brass / strings / others
jazz saxophone / cornet
tenor horn
euphonium / classical guitar
electric guitar
bass guitar
viol (for experienced strings players) / piano
jazz piano (for experienced pianists)
organ (for experienced pianists)

My son already learns an instrument. Can he continue studying this instrument as part of the programme?

Any student who will be continuing with two instruments in Year 7, either in School or outside, will not have to take up a third instrument in Year 7. They will be offered a free term’s lessons on one of these instruments, and be expected to bring it to whole-year Music afternoons in the same way as other students.

Students who arrive in Year 7 already experienced instrumentalists and vocalists are strongly encouraged to continue their studies on that instrument withone of our Visiting Music Teachers, alongside the lessons they will receive for free, which will teach them a new instrument from scratch. Contactthe Director of Musicvia email () for further details.

Experienced musicians in Year 7 are also warmly invited to get involved in as much of ourextra-curricular music programme as they can. Ensembles particularly suitable for our most able Year 7 students include Junior Pops, Strings, Chapel Choir and JazzSquad. We find thatexperienced Year 7 musicians are usually happiest playing music that is the right difficulty for them. For many of our very best Year 7 players, this meansthe Orchestra or a chamber ensemble, some of the biggest challenges that the School has to offer!

How will you decide which boys learn which instrument?

Boys will be invited to try a selection of the instruments on the programme in mid-May, before they arrive at the School, under the supervision of specialist instrumentalstaff. Staff will allocate instruments taking into account boys' prior musical experience, natural aptitude for theinstrument, and their personal preferences.It is vital that boys are enthusiastic about the instrument that they learn, and enjoy playingit!

Will my son gain any qualification as a result of this programme?

All boys will have the opportunity to sit an Associated Board or Trinity music exam at the end of the year during school time. Parents will be asked topay for exam fees (which depend on the standard that each student reaches).

Who will be teaching the programme?

Lisa Crompton*woodwind
Sue Douglass voice
Tony Godfrey*flute, saxophone, clarinet
Andrew Henderson(Director of Music)

Debbie Maddenviolin and viola (Assistant Director of Music)

Mary Mohan* cello and double bass
Marion Morganviolin, viola
Sarah Riad*clarinet and saxophone (Senior Visiting Music Teacher)

Jay Riley saxophone
Paul Russell* brass
Sheila Russell* percussion

Teachers marked with an asterisk * are employed by the County Music Service.

There are also other Visiting Music Teachers: full details are available on www.kesmusic.net.