Hume Lake Christian Camp Registration Policy
For Magnolia Baptist Church
Each summer, during the last week of June, Magnolia Baptist Church provides a weeklong camp experience for multiple age groups of students. The camp we attend is Hume Lake Christian Camp in the Sequoia National Park, California, and has been a long-standing tradition at Magnolia. Because it is an action packed week full of fun and spiritual teaching, it is one of the most popular events among our youth.
Each year Hume gets more requests for camper spots and it is difficult for churches to get more reservations than they had the previous year. Once we have our allocated spots for a given year, it is nearly impossible to get more.
A great amount of time and energy is spent each year by our Youth Ministry staff planning and raising funds for summer camp. The camp has hard and fast deadlines that we must abide by in order to follow State regulations and hold onto our spots.
Since the Hume Lake camping experience is popular, we usually fill our allotted spots each year by the end of May. In order to allow each of our Magnolia Youth an opportunity to attend camp, each year we maintain the following guidelines for Hume Lake registration:
- In order to be registered a student and their parent(s) must fill out and properly sign a Hume Lake Application Form, Registration Form, ad pay a $100 non-refundable deposit.
REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED BASED ON THE DATES IN #2 & #3 BELOW. For families with multiple children attending camp, all registrations after the first are $50.
- Registration will be open on the second Sunday of February for any “regular attending Magnolia Youth” (a regularly attending Magnolia youth” is defined as any student who would call Magnolia their church and who regularly attends Magnolia for youth group or Sunday morning services.) *See note regarding Summer 2014 changes on the back of this page.
- Registration will be open for “non-regular attending youth” on the first Sunday of April. These students are typically relatives and/or friends of Magnolia attenders or live out of the area of Magnolia Baptist.
- A student is officially placed on the Hume Lake roster in the order we receive his or her completed application form and $100.00 non-refundable deposit.
- If for some reason you must pull out before May 20th, you will get your deposit back only if we can sell your spot. After May 20th, you are responsible for the entire amount of the spot.
- When the allotted spots are filled, those registering will be put on a waiting list. If there are cancellations, or if additional spots are received from Hume Lake, those on the waiting list will be placed on the camp roster in the order we received their applications.
- Every effort will be made to obtain the number of spots needed for each student desiring to go to camp. If this is not possible, those on the waiting list will be notified by the second Sunday of June that there are no spots available and their deposit will be refunded.
- All applications and deposits must be received in person (from the person registering or a designee – a friend, relative, etc.) upon the opening of the appropriate registration period. After the registration period is open, deposits and ORIGINAL applications & registration forms will be accepted by mail through the church office. No faxed or emailed applications will be accepted. The date and time received will be written on each application.
- The paid church staff may not hold any applications and/or deposits prior to the registration period opening.
- The deadline for final payment and medical liability release forms is June 10th.
Parents only, please sign and initial as designated. Return this form with your student’s application and deposit.
I have read and agree to the Hume Lake registration Policy.
#5 If for some reason you must pull out before May 20th, you will get your deposit back only if we can sell your spot. After May 20th, you are responsible for the entire amount of the spot.
#10 The deadline for final payment and medical liability release forms is June 10th.
Guardian Signature Date
Student’s name (please print)
The Youth staff will make a copy of this form after it is turned in and return the copy to you for your reference needs.
*For the summer of 2014, we will be taking contingent registrations beginning January 19th due to our waiting list status. Magnolia families can reserve camper spots by returning this completed form to Heather and paying a $25 deposit. When and if Hume releases the spots to Magnolia, families will need to pay the remaining $75 of the deposit within two weeks of being notified of the available spot.