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WIPO Green – The Sustainable Technology Marketplace



The objective of the WIPO Green is to contribute to the accelerated adaptation, adoption, and deployment of environmental technologies, particularly in developing countries and emerging economies.

It is WIPO’s mandate to develop practically useful tools in order to contribute to the shared search for solutions to the challenge of climate change. This initiative will also reinforce the WIPO Development Agenda’s goals, in particular recommendation 25: To explore IP-related policies and initiatives necessary to promote the transfer and dissemination of technology.


This will be achieved by the creation of a platform where public and private sector entities from around the world can meet, collaborate and learn about existing technology and networking opportunities, available funding for implementation, and project support services/technical assistance.The platform will thus lower barriers to technology adaptation, adoption and deployment, strengthen networks, increase information sharing, and contribute to efficiency in licensing.

The Platform

The Platform is a voluntary endeavour, open to all bona fide private and public entitiesthat are willing to provide, use, or support the transfer and use of green technologies, provided that they have a genuine interest in carrying out, financing or otherwise supporting the Mission. Membership is open to private and for-profit corporations; nonprofit and civil society organizations, including industry associations; private foundations; academic institutions and other publicly and privately funded research and product development groups;United Nations agencies, bilateral and multilateral agencies with specialized interests and programs that further the objectives of the platform; and consultants.

WIPO will act as a Secretariat for the platform and:

  • promote the sharing of information on available green technologies for transfer through the creation, development and operations of a database
  • facilitate the negotiations of agreements, including through the offering of semi-standardized agreement terms
  • encourage policy dialogue among members and interested parties
  • support capacity building activities, in particular by building on and expanding WIPO’s numerous existingactivities in these areas
  • organize an Annual or Biennial Meeting for members to network informally and share information/experiences.

All decisions on individual collaborative and supporting activities are made solely by the entities involved in the transactional activity and any resulting agreements are the sole responsibility of the partners of the agreement.